Tuesday, October 18, 2005


What a price to pay for me about those words above! I just returned to the office yesterday after a week of staying (mostly) horizontal in a hospital room and my own bedroom, I must say it's tiring to stay vertical more than 4 hours!! He3x And all I can say is that I can be where I am now just because of the Lord’s grace!

On Friday, October 7, I was working in the office as usual. Nothing special except for the pain in my stomach. It was my 3rd day of period and despite being concern why did it still painful in the 3rd day, I just brushed it off as another “not feeling so well” moment which I usually have everytime I have period. A couple of friends suddenly called me and asked about my health problem that they knew, and I told them I was okay, it was nothing that I can’t handle.

By 12 o’clock I couldn’t even sit in my chair because the pain was unbelievable so I tried to walk a little to my boss office, knocked his door and asked for his permission to go to Medistra Hospital. He was so panicked cause there was no one else in the office and I already kneeled by the door, he was going to run to the basement to get his driver to get me to Medistra but I told him I could go by the taxi. So he & the building’s security guard called a passing cab and I have to tell you how hard it was to get inside. Once I got in, I just lied down and told the can driver to drop my off at Medistra’s emergency door.

As soon as I got there a doctor came and asked for my medical history. I told him everything about the cyst I was diagnosed with a couple of years ago, my gastritis, and he immediately sent me to the obgyn after a nurse shot me with painkiller (I cried asking for it, I couldn’t stand the pain anymore) & took my urine & blood sample. After USG the obgyn thought I had a burst cyst and called a surgeon right away to take a look at me. The surgeon couldn’t exactly point my problem because I already took painkiller, so he asked me start fasting that day and prepared for a radiology early the next morning and a surgery if required.

I didn’t call my mom cause I knew she would get panicked and called everybody else and that it would drive me crazy! Proven right. Actually my boss called her in her cell and told her to come to the hospital. So when she called me I told her NOT to come until the doctors know exactly what to do with me. So I registered my self to 1st class room, consult with the doctors, finished up with the administration and calmly called her up to get my clothes & underwear when I was settled in a room. Told her not to panic. I was just staying for like 2 hours when my uncles & aunts started showing up along with my parents. I didn’t know that they were in a middle of a relative’s wedding celebration so when they heard about me they all went together. My body temperature rose and the nurse had to give me Panadol.

Gale & Ade came too that night. I told my mom not to stay and I’d called her up in the morning to let her know what the doctors say. My boss’s wife & sister also came that night, I was so surprised. I slept pretty well, my stomach didn’t hurt as long as it wasn’t pressed.

Saturday morning the obgyn & the surgeon came around 7am, at 8 I was down at the radiology and the appendix was more visible. So they decided for me to have a surgery at 11am and asked if a member of the family could come and speak with the doctor first. The surgeon told me that basically it’d be an appendectomy but he’ll ask the obgyn to be in the surgery room anyway, just in case when they open my tummy there’s also a cyst to be taken. At 9 I called my parents and they came right away. At 10.30 I was rolled down to the surgery room. After taken a shot, I didn’t remember anything at all. When I woke up I thought it wasn’t over but a nurse called my name and asked me to open my eyes, told me that it’s over and they’re just waiting for me to recover from the anesthesia. The rest of the day I couldn’t remember very well. I was basically in and out of consciousness, but I did remember Ade & Gale’s voice right next to my bed when I was woken up for a few minutes. Some cousins & aunts too. Oh, and guess what? Almost all of the fruitsellers in front of my house came and wait outside the surgery room with my parents & relatives!! He3x They returned at 2pm (understandable) but I did remember Ratno's face outside the elevator when I wasrolled out to my room. So nice of them.

The next morning I was still a bit confused when the doc came to take a look at me at 7am. I didn’t really recover until like 10am, and after that I began to understand what was really happening to me. So eventually the surgeon didn’t see any cyst but 11 cm long appendix!! What made the surgery complicated was that it went up, hid and glued behind the liver. My surgeon tried to take it out without having to widened my cut, but it was so difficult that he had to call another surgeon to help him!! I didn’t realize until he told me that it took him almost 4 hours to finish the supposed to be not complicated surgery (^_^) I was under anesthesia for 12 hour to keep me from moving too much, that was why I was completely out until the next day. My parents told me that the were really afraid something went wrong cause usually an appendectomy only took 2 hours the longest, and the doctor never called the patient’s family after the surgery to explain what was going on with my surgery!! It started at 11 sharp and completely ended about 15 to 3pm. Almost 4 hours.

Phew, my tummy starts aching again already just imagining it… He3x More stories about my staying in the hospital tomorrow… or, when I have time (^_^) need a pic of my surgery scar too?? Ha3x

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Puasa Lagi...

Rasanya cepet banget udah bulan puasa lagi... jalananan macet lagi kalo pulang jam 5 teng, kantin kantor tutup lagi, makan siang jadi keluar melulu lagi, tapi yang paling asik adalah: akan mulai libur lagi! Horee!!! (^__^)

5 hari pasca kenaikan BBM... kok jalanan masih rame juga? Gak ngaruh kayaknya, perkecualian untuk orang2 yang demo gak karuan dan cuma bikin macet jalanan. Ongkos mulai berasa berat... Angkot biasa paling mahal 1500 jadi 2000-2200, Ojek biasa 6000/7000 jadi minimal 10ribu (itu juga karena langganan). So far taxi belum naik, tapi mustahil gak naik. Yang jadi pertanyaan & bikin deg2an, taxi akan naik jadi berapa??? Sekarang aja Tre udah mulai mikir2 kalo naik taxi rada jauhan, gimana nanti kalo misalnya dia naik 2x lipat? Kan gak mungkin juga Tre jadi gak kemana2? Yah... back to basic, alias naik bus lagiiiiiii.... he3x

Dan setelah kejadian peledakan bom di Bali lagi, jadi mikir2 mau spend New Year disana seperti rencana semula. Mustinya gak pa2 sih, tapi pasti orang rumah yang parno aja deh. Ngotot juga gak pa2 kali, tapi ternyata Kevin mau dateng juga dari Menado, kasian juga kalo gak ada yang ngajak jalan2. Mungkin taun ini di Jakarta aja seperti biasa... rada prihatin juga dengan kenaikan segala2nya yang serba cepat dan jauh lebih tinggi. Belum lagi mau jaga di RaDal, mau liat marketnya gimana kalo pas hari libur he3x Ternyata banyak juga yang bisa dikerjain walopun gak keluar Jakarta.

Well, untuk yang berpuasa SELAMAT MENUNAIKAN IBADAH PUASA.