Friday, March 19, 2004

After 2 weeks of no blogging.. here we go.. it’s gonna be along entry ^___^

PART I: Getting familiar with GACKT.
So here’s the story, being under the “threat” of this friend of mine that I should write something about Gackt, I will try to ^^; After weeks and weeks of trying so hard to listen to Gackt’s music, I finally found some songs that I really like. And I think he created good music, I especially like the single DECEMBER LOVE SONG. This is the 1st of his many songs that really caught my attention from the first time I heard it. This friend also some of her fave lyrics which I thought are also great. He really had this I incredible talent of composing songs. It amazed me how he could blend the sound of those musical instruments into a very… I really don’t know how to say it… delicate (??) compositions? Well, I guess you all get my point. So that’s that about Gackt. I might write something more about him in the future.

PART II: SPECTREMAN. My Childhood Hero.
Sooo, I was so surprised to found Spectreman’s name being mentioned in a forum. This was my first childhood hero I guess ^__^ Too bad not many people know about it. I guess what I remember most was it’s golden form & the way it could shrink or enlarge itself at will, THAT really amazed me when I was a child. So I ended up buying the complete – non sub series from someone… Next week, I’m going to spend my nights watching it and remember again how’s it feels to be a child again *___^

PART III: Mada Mada Dane!!
Finally got the 10.5 Fanbook. Finally more episodes are coming up. Lately I’ve been watching it again and found myself laughing out loud like the first time I saw it. And it’s contagious… now Ade is starting to change her wallpaper & winamp skin into TeniPuri’s pics.. oh, don’t forget the fanfic!! Hahaha it’s good entertainment! And somehow we just realized that Tezuka’s voice is like Gackt’s! ^o^ And the 3 of us, HENSHIN GIRLS, are now starting to collect anime too.. Good.

Other than those stuff, everything is fine, still busy (as always), got more friends, hang out more often, watch more movies… And it’s Friday again!!! Gotta go now.. till later everyone!! Have a long weekend!!

-- Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. --


Friday, March 05, 2004


Yippy!! Another Friday!!
Yikes... 2 minggu ini bener2 berasa kerja keras deh... meeting after meeting after meeting & reconciliation after reconcilition.. seems like every company is busy preparing their annual tax report and collecting the proper back up docs.. But Thursday last week we broke the records for having the longest meeting. The meeting was started at 2.30 and ended at 7.30 @_@ Talking about boring & stress... Mana Tre kebagian part diomel-omelin for something that's supposed to be explained by the advisor who just stood there looking blankly at me as if he knew nothing about what the boss was going ballistic for!!! Pada akhirnya emang sadar seh kalo the fault was not completely mine, tapi udah terlanjur BT aja.. so, 2 minggu ini bener2 gak gaul deh ya, nonton di rumah aja males.. tapi terpaksa nonton juga cari film untuk acara diskusi film di kebaktian pemuda minggu depan. Sampe rumah cuma mandi, minum, baca sambil dengerin musik.. ato kalo udah suntuk banget ya nyalain laptop & main puzzle deh ^_^

Minggu2 kemarin sempet nonton Twins/100% Senorita, tapi yah seperti serial2 Taiwan yang bukan adaptasi manga Jepang, ceritanya lama2 maksa & dipanjang2in, jadi males nerusin. Lagi pingin nonton Anime lagi.. tapi Tre agak2 horror beli DVDnya karena biasanya import yang sekeping 25 ribu kan!! Hehehe Sekali doang lah berkorban beli Tennis no Oujisama sampe 9 DVD/set.. ^_^ Tapi anime itu emang keren, huhuhu Tre akhirnya tergoda untuk mesen Art book 10.5 nya, Tre gak mau pesen yang 20.5 karena isinya mostly tentang tim2 lawan nya, padahal Tre pingin liat Ryoma Echizen & Tezuka Kunimitsu kaaaaannn... Lagi usaha minta tolong Ko Nga apakah bisa mendapatkannya or at least order di Kino SG... *wishing*

Phew!! There are weddings coming up.. tomorrow there'll be another one and I'm singing with the choir in kebaya!! Lengkap dengan kain batiknya!! Wakwaw!! Hiks, jadi musti pergi dari rumah pagi2 dan malemnya pergi lagi ke resepsi temenin mami karena papi gak mau ikut T___T Yikes.. minggu ini bener2 minggu suntuk and we haven't used our 10 free games at Pasaraya Bowling! huehehehehe musti buruan neh sebelum expire itu voucher2.

Okeh.. mari kita manfaatkan Jumat malam ini untuk cari tempat berolahraga!! HAVE A NICE WEEKEND EVERYONE!!! ^_^

-- Every day I get up and look through the Forbes list of the richest people in America. If I'm not there, I go to work.--