Friday, September 23, 2005

I Love Piano

But no, I don’t play piano… tried to learn a few times, in High School and in church, but it seems that guitar & drums are all I could play. Never could get my fingers to cooperate he3x (^__^) Not good on both either, but it helps a lot in practicing with the musicians in church or anywhere I sing, at least I know very well what kind of beats I want to go with a song so I could give an example to the drummer and my ears are sensitive enough to know when a note goes wrong. And some musicians hate me for it *grin*. Not that I’m a good singer also, but I just love singing and I always try to sing from the heart. I guess that makes it better. It’s a blessing, I know, and I’m grateful to God for this. Oh, actually there is one thing that people envy from me. I don’t get nervous on stage ha3x Even if it’s an impromptu performance. Once I grab the microphone and take the first note… it flows… I could forget about the audience and just sing with my all. Thanks Lord…

Still, I couldn’t help myself to envy those who could play piano. Thus, I always have a soft spot for a piano player… I mean, he could have the face of SHREK, but if he plays piano well he will turn into Keanu Reeves to me!! Hahahahaha Strangely, I’ve never fallen in love for a piano player. Dunno why. I guess I wasn’t meant to date any piano player. *ngakak* A friend once asked me, which I prefer to have as husband, a piano player or an architect (since I like designing and wish to have a house of my dream one day). My answer was: “A piano player who can afford a good architect.” Bwahahaha what kind of answer was that? But really, is it possible? He3x So I dream when I have kids, they'll surely have to take piano lesson. Doesn't matter if one day they wanna learn other instrument, but it has to start with piano. Do I sound like a mom that my chlidren would hate? ha3x

Anyway… since I don’t play any instruments well enough, my friends in church helped me each time we want to create some new songs (I think I’ve mentioned this before). It can be very irritating sometimes, they don’t always understand what I want, and I don’t always have the right way to explain what I want. It’s so frustrating. So I changed the method. I buy a tape recorder. When a song just pop up in my head, I try to sing it then record my own voice. Then play it to the guys. It usually works better for me and for them. But don’t have much time to do that lately… Abraham (the bassist in my church) already asked me a few times to spare some time with the others and work on some songs that he had in mind (inspired by my lyrics, he said ha3x). But when I have time, he has to play outside the town. When he’s available, the others have another thing to do. Aaaarrrggh!! Just hope we can work something out before the end of this year. It would be nice to play something new and different in the first youth service of 2006.

Aaaaaah… gotta go now... Hope you all have a nice weekend. GOD BLESS!!!

Monday, September 12, 2005

Suddenly Married...

Huah, wiken kemaren bener2 padat... capek tapi seru dan asik sekaleeee... jadi pingin lebih banyak hari libur yang kayak begini nih (^__^) Tre bagi jadi 2 part aja deh.. biar jelas he3x

Part I: Jemput, dinner di HRC 'n semalem di hotel

Jadi sesuai skenario, pas tre kebaktian pemuda, maka Gale menjemput Kota ke airport. Setelah itu mereka jemput tre ke gereja deh... mereka sampe sekitar jam 9. Wuih, Kota keliatan lebih ganteng loh! He3x Rambutnya masih rada2 brunette gitu sih, tapi modelnya lebih mirip Aiba-nya Arashi daripada Hyde, jadi kita panggil dia Aiba no aniki hi3x Jadi dari gereja tre kita meluncur ke EX deh karena kita mau ajak dia makan di HRC.

Sampe EX... waks, parkir penuh!! Jadi sementara Gale cari parkir, tre turun duluan dan keliling2 ma Kota, termasuk ke toko CD karena dia nyari CD Peter Pan or Padi yang baru yang tentu aja belon ada lah, dan yang udah ada dia udah punya semua :D Ternyata Gale cepet dapet parkir dan terjadilah sesuatu yang di luar skenario... yaitu anak2 pemuda pada ke EX juga dan kenapa oh kenapa kita musti ketemuan pulaaaaaa??!????!!! Pertamanya sih ketemu Roger 'n Baby aja... itu masih ok lah, karena Baby ada kuliah jurnalistik yang musti nonton The Plaza di PI. Tapi pas lagi mau antre masuk HRC, heks, ada yang nyolek.. ternyata JC & Gino! Kupikir berakhir sampai disana... ternyata Sarah menelpon bahwa dirinya ada disana pula... bersama Carol, Baby yellow & Carlo!! T_____T kenapa ini adik g pun bisa ada disituuuuu... huhuhhuhu jadilah saya akhirnya menyuruh mereka semua pulang jangan malam2 dan bahwa kakaknya ini malam ini tidak pulang ke rumah tapi pulang ke hotel. Maap ye adik2 tercinta, gak bisa traktir, makannya gak di Vesti seeeeehhhh.... (^o^)

Sempet liat live band-nya sebentar yang menurut g kurang keren, trus kira2 jam 11.30 gitu Kota ngajak pulang karena kalo di Nagoya sudah dini hari lah, mulai ngantuk dia. Eeeeh, pas keluar masih sempet2nya ye, kita ketemu sama Cicha hihihi sama sapa itu Cha?? *grin* Dan dalam perjalanan menuju hotel itu lah tiba2 status saya berubah menjadi MARRIED. Karena pake corporate rate kantornya Gale, kita reserve 2 kamar a/n Gale 'n Tre, gak bisa pake nama Kota -- karena rate untuk expatriate jauh lebih mahal. Berhubung siangnya Gale udah check-in, malemnya tre dong. Dan untuk menjaga keamanan supaya gak ketauan 'menyelundupkan' seorang Nihonjin, maka Kota diajarin utuk mengaku2 sebagai 'suami' tre hueheheheuheuheu tapiiii, ternyata dia lebih pinter boong loh, dia bilang: "Jadi saya bilang saya suami baru datang dari bekerja di Jepang, satu tahun tidak ketemu istri, jadi rindu..." Ohoks! Tre 'n Gale yang lagi serius melatih dia langsung keselek gitu! *ngakak* ya amplop, ini orang ternyata pandai juga...

Masuk kamar dengan aman tanpa perlu mengendap2 (^__^) Tre 'n Gale yang sudah berganti baju bobo ngrumpi2 dulu dengan semangat, trus masih sempet ngebahas buku2 yang lagi kita baca. Tre lagi baca The Five People You Meet In Heaven, Gale lagi baca Blink. 2 buku ini bagus banget kita rekomen deh untuk dibaca. Ngelanjutin baca kira2 15 menit trus tidur around 1am gitu deh... Bangun pagi jam 7, sambil bermalas2an di bed dihibur dengan pertunjukan Swan Lake di tipi! ha3x bayangin dong, belon mandi udah nonton Swan Lake! Sekitar jam 8 'suami' menelpon ke hp tre karena dia lupa nomor kamar, mau turun breakfast jam berapa katanya. Kita decide untuk breakfast jam 9. Ternyata sebelum itu dia udah sempet jalan2 ke Senayan liat orang2 latian softball dan poto2 hohoho rajin juga... Selesai breakfast kita mau langsung check-out aja, supaya gak kesiangan dan kita langsung menuju... BOGOR!

Part II : Kebun Raya Bogor, makan siang & Plaza Senayan

Kita langsung meluncur ke Kebun Raya Bogor. Dan setelah sempet muter2 dikit karena ibu supir lupa dimana masuk yang pake parkir mobil, mulailah perjalanan kita di KRB, dimana kita muter2 tolol karena gak tau arah dan petunjuk didalam yang kurang informatif (^__^) Salah 1 yang kita mau tunjukin ke Kota adalah Bunga Bangkai. Setelah mencari2 akhirnya ketemu juga sign Bunga Bangkai yang ada dipagerin dan rame ada orang celingak-celinguk kedalam pagar... setelah sampai depan pagar... Loh? Mana bunganya??? Kok cuma ada papan nya doang?? Ternyata oh ternyata... bunga itu mekar cuma 4 taun sekali, dan baru mekar taun kemarin, berarti masih 3 taun lagi dia nongol lageeeeee... *ngakak* terpaksa ngasih liat hanya lewat foto yang dijual didepan pager :D

Setelah muter2 gak karuan, mulai capek juga nih... trus kita liat ada mobil2 kecil berseliweran tapi Gale kurang tertarik untuk naik itu, katanya mau jalan aja. Trus Kota akhirnya minta istirahat sekalian dia smoking dulu. Sambil nunggu, mulai mikir2 untuk naik mobil kecil itu aja supaya sempet liat semua dan bisa kembali ke tempat parkir dengan selamat karena kita udah gak inget musti lewat mana untuk kembali ke tempat parkir he3x Akhirnya semua sepakat untuk naik mobil yang ternyata musti daftar dulu 'n antriannya lumayan juga. Sambil Gale daftar, tre mulai agak2 ngantuk lagi, duduk di bangku yang ada sama Kota, tiba2 die nanya: "Apakah tore-chan boleh menikah dengan orang dengan agama lain?" Huh? Tiba2 tre jadi bingung gitu kenapa dia nanya yang begini ya? Ya, tre jawab aja sesuai dengan kepercayaan tre... trus akhirnya jadi ngebahas kebiasaan orang Jepang setelah divorce yang kita baca dibuku2. Dia juga cerita sekarang banyak pasangan2 yang sudah tua pun divorce karena sang suami masih getol kerja diusia diatas 50, jadi istri & keluarga merasa ditinggalkan. Kita tanya Kota mau kerja sampe umur berapa? Katanya : "Saya mau umur 40 sudah bolak-balik Jepang - Indonesia!" ha3x maka berceritalah dia akan kesuntukannya bekerja, betapa dia pingin buka usaha di Bali seperti oba-san nya... seru juga.

Keluar dari KRB kita makan siang di tempat fave nya Gale... mulailah Gale dengan kebiasaannya memesan bermacam2 makanan untuk dicobain semua orang... Kota hanya bilang lumayan pas makan Soto Penganten, yang lain rasanya kurang cocok. Dia baru gahar pas makan sate babi! huahahahaha banyak juga dia makan.. trus kita bawa dia ke toko roti khas Bogor untuk beli oleh2 buat keluarganya Argi.. karena setelah dari Bogor ini dia akan diungsikan ke rumah Argi.

Dari Bogor langsung meluncur balik ke Jakarta... sempet mampir ke Radio Dalam, supaya dia sempet ketemu Ade sebentar, sambil ngopi CD fave nya Kota yang enak banget gitu.. lupa namanya apa, dicatetin sama dia sih, pokoknya musiknya tipe2 Orange Range gitu deh. Di RaDal ini dia minta minum kopi karena mulai ngantuk ;D Dan disini juga setelah diinterogasi oleh Ade ketauan deh kenapa dia punya pacar baru di Nagoya he3x katanya ce nya di Tokyo ampe nangis dia putusin, waktu kita bilang dia jahat dia bilang dengan polosnya: "apa boleh buat, saya lebih suka pacar yang sekarang." Oro!! Coba yaaaaa... nakal juga anak ini hi3x Waktu diledek Ade soal status boongannya di hotel dia bilang: "iya, jadi suami istri 5 hari saja, sekarang pisah.. tapi tahun depan kembali jadi suami istri lagi 5 hari karena rindu!" Apa seeehhhh... plis deh ah!

Di RaDal sekitar 30 menit kita langsung jalan ke PS.. ternyata Argi gak bawa mobil, jadi dia nunggu di loby depan supaya abis kita nurunin Kota mereka bisa langsung naik taxi. Jadi berpisahlah kita di loby PS... Dimana Argi & Kota naik taxi, tre 'n Gale malah cari parkiran karena kita mau ke Kino dulu! he3x Mampir ke Kino sebentar meratapi Gravitation 12 & Hands Off!! 4 yang tak kunjung datang... Gale (akhirnya) membeli The Five People You Meet In Heaven dan Tuesdays With Morrie. Trus ke swalayan bentar dan langsung pergi lagi. Gale dengan berbaik hati mengantar tre pulang kerumah, sekalian beli buah buat Oma sih katanya... Setelah chit chat ama mami yang home alone karena papi lagi ngawas ujian di Kopasus, dan setelah acara pembagian ikan asin yang tiba2 dateng sekardus pas lagi ngobrol2, akhirnya anak itu memulangkan diri. Tre terus mandi, baca2, dan... muntah2!! Ternyata perutku ini tidak tahan menampung makanan2 aneh dari Bogor & kacang yang diembat sambil ngobrol tadi.. huhuhu T______T Tapi jam 9 tre sudah mulai terkapar, dan akhirnya tertidur dengan sukses sampe pagi karena hujan yang bikin udara jadi dingin skaleeeeeee....

Begitulah acara wiken tre yang dibilang padat tadi... kayaknya lagi banyak cerita juga neh.. besok2 mungkin ng'post entry lage... hihihihihii 'Till later everyone!!!!

Friday, September 09, 2005

An old friend... a childhood memory...

So I was walking past Daily Bread to get a cab to go to church last Tuesday when I heard an unfamiliar voice called my name. At first I didn't recognized the face until he came up with that mischievous smile of his and I went: "Omigod!! How could you still remember me after all those years??" (^__^) Turned out that he one of the few close friends back in LIA many many years ago. He used to drive me home because he lived in Pondok Gede. Or we took the same bus until I got to

When I was studying there I was also the youngest in class. He and another close friend was finishing his degree, so that made me the little sis' in the class ;) The three of us used to hang out together after exams or before class. Well actually there was another one. There is something I still remember, we were skipping class and went to McDonalds in Thamrin; after that they all drove me home and talked to my mom since I got home late :p So my mom remembered them very well.

I lost contact to this guy I just met right after he went to continue his study at Germany. The other one was MIA too until he sent me a few postcards from Japan several years ago, already married and was trying to have a child. I really want to try to find him so the three of us could meet and get together again. Do you think it's possible? I certainly hope so....

And yesterday I was looking for some movies kakak asked me to buy while suddenly this new place that sells only anime & tokusatsu vcd & dvd... and they have VOLTUS V with English sub!!! *kyaaaaaa* This movie's my all time fave. I believe I watched it when I was in Elementary School. I love this series sooooo much but I couldn't find any with English sub until ysterday... This brought back so many childhood memories. Of staying up late with my brother watching the series, going to the rental to get the next chapter, dreaming of Ippei the blue Voltus... (^o^) I spared some time to watch the first episode last night, mom laughed at it and at the rememberance of how crazy I was with it when I was little... *sigh* I wish I'll have a chance to watch it again tonight. Buhbye everyone... tomorrow's gonna be a very busy weekeend for me... Have a blessed weekend!!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Coba ya.... ini quiz tre dapet dari blognya arb3i... hohoho benarkah?

Your Dominant Intelligence is Musical Intelligence

Every part of your life has a beat, and you're often tapping your fingers or toes.
You enjoy sounds of all types, but you also find sound can distract you at the wrong time.
You are probably a gifted musician of some sort - even if you haven't realized it.
Also a music lover, you tend to appreciate artists of all kinds.

You would make a great musician, disc jockey, singer, or composer.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Phew… It’s been a tiring week since last Monday… what with the falling of the stock market and Rupiah … I had to be on the phone all the time, checking out rates, stock price, selling & buying to average our stock value so at least we could sell the first purchase with a break even. Not to mention impatient boss who spent most of his time in the office now (^___^) But no matter what, I am thankful to God for giving me His wisdom to do it all. But now rups’ starting to stabilize, hope it stays longer J

But many interesting things happened too. In church, the English class learned a Hillsong song called FREE. We have translated the song last week, learned to recite them correctly, and next Saturday we’re going to sing it together and perform in the youth service. I’m really glad to see my pupils’ enthusiasm, it made me felt enthusiastic too to find new ways of teaching and keep the lessons interesting for them all.

We also had a new drummer, Gino. He played very well and since last Saturday was my schedule as Worship Leader in the youth service – which fortunately his team’s too – I thought I could try to arrange the songs with some different beats. And it was great, he could interpreted the arrangements very well, and the other musicians also enjoyed playing with him. I’m so glad that all of us had learnt to play by hearts so that Jesus is really lifted up high in our service.

Oh, there’s also another exciting thing. I’ve been looking for a Teddy Thompson CD for about month. I saw it in Aksara for Rp 183.000. I thought I’d just try to find it somewhere else with a cheaper price. So I called ever stores of Sangaji Music & Duta Suara… and looked up at every music store I passed & could find to no avail. I completely forgot about Aquarius until I had to buy the Hillsong tape for the English Class. Guess what? They only had 2 left and it only costs Rp 95.000!! Yippeeeeee!!! Of course I bought it right away (^___^) Now I don’t have to search for downloads anymore… yatta!

Last Friday was a national holiday, I was busy training the kids at QC. My parents left to Manado on the 1st, they’re supposed to return this evening. Mom called a few times, I think she really enjoyed the trip, especially to be able to meet her relatives… oh, and also her stepmom for the first time! (^__^) It’s nice to heard that my grandma got along well with her.

Yikes, still have heaps to do, the boss is going to have a meeting at 4, so I think I better go now. Byeeeeee………