Monday, June 30, 2003

So, after my Mandarin Course on Friday night I went home & continue a bit of my Wei Ye project... as I have promised to myself.... tapi gak konsen juga karena g sambil bikin rekaman-rekaman kaset untuk menghibur diriku di mobil. Teng, jam 1 lewat baru bisa tidur deh. Pagi-pagi secara otomatis terbangun jam 7 pagi & tidak bisa tidur kembali... akhirnya gue membereskan tempat tidur sambil diiringi SHINHWA... Jam 9 nyokap udah mulai rese mau ke Jatibening, sementara si Tari Ndut belon dateng. So mom & dad left me waiting for Tari. She came at about 9.30, we had a little make-up and left the house a few minutes before 10. Sampe sana... ternyata belon ada yang dateng sodara!! Mana tempatnya panas & ACnya gak ngaruh karena semua pintu dibuka dan orang-orang mulai berdatangan.. Akhirnya kita mulai kebaktian jam 11 tepat, di Tari aja yang gue suruh pimpin, gue masih ngantuk dikit soalnya! (^_^) Setelah kebaktian, berbasa-basi & makan siang, jam 1.30pm gue izin ama nyokap untuk cabut duluan ama si Ndut, soalnya kita musti pulang dulu.

Pulang, mandi, trus cabut lagi menuju ADORAMA Kemang untuk mencetak foto2 Energy yang dari Universal. Begitu melihat ke layar... KYYYAAAA!!!! it foto keren2 banget!!! Si Ndut akhirnya ikut mencetak fotonya Toro 2 biji!!! Berhubung nggak bisa ditungguin dan kita laper karena makannya nggak puas di JB, akhirnya kita beli roti di Kem Chicks skalian beli coklat untuk Dede Yudah. Dari sana baru deh ke gereja. Lagi asik-asik bedakan di mobil tiba-tiba HP berdering, begitu gue lirik, loh, My Idol. Ternyata MI mangabarkan bahwa Man & Boynya Wei Ye udah ada sama Lee Hom!!! Aiyoh, bener-bener deh.... Antara senang dan takut deh... senang karena akhirnya tercapai cita-cita, takut karena berarti gue langsung jatuh miskin lagi! Begitu bubar kebaktian, langsung buru-buru cabut lagi, skalian sama Claudia, solanya mau ambil foto takut Adoramanya keburu tutup. Begitu liat do mobil tambah jejeritan lage karena hasilnya jauuuuhhhh lebih bagus dari yang kita harapkan. Pokoknya T.O.B. banget dah!!! So, akhirnya si Ndut ini cela-celaan lah lewat sms sama Mrs. Tao yang agak2 bernada sirik karena belon liat fotonya... (padahal itu CD dia yang minjemin!!!) Langsung lapeerrr begitu ngeliat foto dan kita bertiga memutuskan untuk makan dulu di Wendy's Kemang. Abis makan pulang sambil terbayang-bayang wajah Ah Di yang super duper sexy itu. Eh, sampe rumah nggak sempet ngerjain Wei Ye project lagi, cuma baca-baca dikit trus tidur. BTW, itu si Mrs. Tao niat banget makan siang ama gue waktu Friday demi meminjam HP 5, padahal katanya capek!!

Ikut gereja pagi bareng nyokap-bokap dan setelah kebaktian langsung nganter bokap ke Airport, karena doi ada tugas ke Pontianak. Waktu di jalan, bokap nanya abis itu gue langsung pulang kan, gue bilang nggak mau ke Gajah Mada dulu ambil buku pesenan yang baru dateng. .Trus bokap kirain ke GM tuh mau ambil HP 5 gue bilang bukan.... tapi gue bingung bilangnya buku apa, gak mungkin duong g bilang bokap mau ambil buku foto Li Wei & Lee Hom!! Akhirnya gue bilang aja gue mau ambil buku pesenan dari Taiwan yang cuma ada di GM!! He he he... paling doi ngirain buku pelajaran bahasa Mandarin!!! Dari airport langsung ke MI dan gue jadi pusing, karena terpampang di rak bukunya dengan jelas dan besar, pictorial book SH!N & MOONCHILD!!!!!!! Waaaaaaaa!!! Gue langsung panik tapi akhirnya menyerah dengan dompet gue.... akhirnya nggak beli tambahan apa2 lagi (selain TENSION pesenan Mrs. Tao). Dari GM mampirin ke Mrs. Tao & pulang. Sampe rumah karena gak ada sapa2 gue 'melantai' dulu alias nyapu-ngepel.....

Oh iya, gue goreng2 french fries dulu dan makan sambil nonton Lee Hom Accidental Biography VCD. Mulai ngantuk tapi akhirnya gak bisa tidur karena telp bolak-balik berdering nyari nyokap! Akhirnya menghibur diri dengan melototin Li Wei... coba lihat, bibirnya itu loh yang bikin nggak konsen!!!! Sementara ini Lee Hom gue nggak bahas dulu, karena saya sudah terlanjur 'minder' membaca prestasi2nya sejak kecil sampe sekarang itu... Fotonya juga belakangan aja, soalnya masih bingung milih dan memtuskan mana yang cukup keliatan normal... Gue jadi niat banget nih kalo si Wei Ye dateng gambar ini gue gedein aja kali untuk minta ttdnya!! Dan sebelum tidur sempet-sempetin ngelanjutin Wei Ye projectnya dikit... lumayan dapet beberapa baris... Lalu tidur dengan diiringi Daniel Chan... Begitulah kira-kira weekend gue yang melelahkan.... (^_^) dan tadi malem pun gue tidur cukup nyenyak tanpa terbangun sekalipun!!!

Thursday, June 26, 2003

Hiks, inilah kriteria cewek idaman Ah Di yang ada di majalah Asian Beat! (T_T) Sedihhhhh..... Cuma 2 dari 5 yang memenuhi syaratkah? Coba kita bahas:
1. My hair is short, so I'm not cool, I guess.
2. Cool. I love book... buying and reading (^_^)
3. This is very me. Actually I sings everywhere bathroom is just one place.
4. *sigh* I don't wear make-up much...
5. Well, most people say I'm a tomboy though I don't feel like one!

Yah segitu aja ternyata... gak kaget sih baca kriterianya, thinking that he grew up with 5 older sisters and a mom who gave birth to him in the age of 40!! Pasti rumahnya penuh dengan perempuan2 keibuan yang mengurus keperluannya... gue juga bisa kok Ah Di!!!!!

Sedikit hiburan buat gue.... lihat gambar diatas itu, itu isi tasnya Ah Di waktu digeledah sama Asian Beat... notice something familiar, Mrs. Tao?? Yak, bener sekaleee!!! Itu adalah CD album barunya SH!N di CD casenya honey bunny sugar baby!!!! (keliatan gak sih??? Gambarnya kurang gede yah?) Horeeee... ternyata kita berdua penggemar SH!N.... ini juga mustinya nggak heran seh karena dia emang mantan vokalis grup rock bukan??

Dan kenapa pula sekarang gue jadi seneng nulis? Dan nulisnya yang gak keru-keruan pula??? Entah.... Cliche banget kalo dibilang suntuk, walopun kenyataannya begitu.... Padahal tugas menumpuk, harus membalas email bos yang berisi pertanyaan-pertanyaan tentang accounting, harus membuat summary untuk PT Momentum, harus acc kartu nama momentum, harus bikin slide untuk anak2 yang mau ke Malang, arrrrrgggghhhh pokoknya banyak!!!!! Dan itu semua harus selesai hari ini! Gak belajar buat les dulu deh... kerja, kerja, kerja dan kerja..... Yikes!! G juga harus bikin jadwal untuk bulan depan!!! Gemana neeeehhhhh.....

Good day, everyone!!!

First of all, happy birthday to my dear mom & only brother!!! Mom, though I have no idea what to to give you on your birthday, I just wanna say I love you more than ever. And Bro, I know exactly what you want but please wait until I got my paycheck next week!! (^_^) I used to envy my bro so much for having the same birthdate with my mom, cause back then my mom's friends and family are coming up and of course, he'll get so many presents from them too. On my birthday?? It's always on school holiday, so only a couple of friends would remember (and gave me presents!) and some phone calls from my relatives. That was why my dad always gave me something special/different on my birthday. So, it's ok I guess....

Dan gue lagi kesel berat hari ini.... yesterday I went to the EAR NOSE & THROAT specialist to check up on my 'sinusitis' (apa nih Englishnya??) cause since Monday morning my left ear sometimes went deaf... well, not really deaf, 'budi' lah alias budek dikit... Doctor said it's probably my sinusitis that blocked my eardrum or something like that so he suggested to have a CT Scan soon and returned to him with the result to know whether I'll need an operation or not. *sigh*... And I'm trying hard now to convince my mom not to have the CT scan cause my ear is allright now. The worst part is that I SHOULDN'T GO SWIMMING until the doctor says that I'm allright. Yikes!!! f('_') Gue jadi bingung, kalo gitu gue musti tetep CT Scan dong yah?? Hiks... ogah, gue kan alergi rumah sakit.. mending gue suntik tiap hari kayak dulu deh daripada harus nginep dirumah sakit, yang ada gue tambah sakit karena depresi ngeliat itu dinding putih dan suster berkeliaran!!! Belum lagi nggak bisa denger CD kenceng2, gak bisa nonton film yang gue mau... TIDAAAAAKKKK!!!! Haduh, haduh... gue tuh paling stress berada di tempat yang namanya RS, nengok orang & or-tu gue aja gue selalu buru2, untung pada ngerti... Please God, heal me, and keep me away from the hospital!!!!

Dan hari ini gue declare bahwa gue officialy bankrupt!!! Kenapa? Karena seperti udah gue ceritain gue beli LOVE, LI WEI itu, trus 'menabung' di Mrs. Tao untuk Lee Hom Accidental Biography... And last nigh dari dokter gue tergoda untuk jalan-jalan ke Plaza Senayan dan akhirnya terjebak dengan membeli CD disebelah ini! Yup... it's Shinhwa's last album with SM Entertainment, WEDDING. And the songs are even more 'haoting' than Perfect Man. Apalagi yang judulnya 'My Own Secret' and 'Without You'. Tapi sebel banget, semua CDnya ada tulisan BONUS POSTER tapi ternyata gak ada!!! Tipu!!! Udah gitu entah mengapa Ryuichi Kawamura yang kudambakan itu turun harga jadi 90ribu saja!!! Huah.. tapi gue gak beli karena nyokap udah melotot ngeliatin gue megang2 itu Ryuichi (soalnya beli Shinhwanya ngutang ke doi! he he he...) Yah, paling nggak ini hint lah for those who doesn't know what to give on my birthday in a few more weeks.. (^_^) Inget-inget yah, barang itu masih ada di Duta Suara - Plaza Senayan! Waaa... gotta make my wish list so I won't miss anything nih... Apa aja yah... yang pasti CD ori 5566 (basi banget deh gue!) udah di tangan.. demikian pula dengan VCD F4-Fantasy HK (ini juga basi, tapi mupeng, bodo deh!)... asik, asik, asik....

Udah gitu tadi siang, dari money changer iseng-iseng makan siang di Plaza Indonesia, karena harus ke Dephub... karena tadi malem mampir di QB & Kinokuniya PS gak ada Herpot 5 kecuali yang pesenan orang, gue nggak ngarep dapet juga disana... Tapi ternyata waktu lewat TIMES, gue terhenyak!! Ada setumpuk Herpot 5 sedang dikerubungi orang-orang!!! Langsung gue samber dan nambah utang 225ribu sama nyokap!!! HUAAAA... berarti nanti gajian gue langsung miskin deh!! (T_T) Mudah2an nanti pas ultah ada yang 'kesadaran' mentransfer hadiahnya ke rekening gue (^_^). Ah, sudah 2 hari saya tidak mengerjakan My Wei Ye Project.... udah gitu ada Herpot 5 pula!! Adduuuhhhh, when am I going to finish it???? Ya sudahlah.... berusaha aja, mudah2an selesai sebelum Wei Ye promo tour kesini...

Another sad thing... yesterday I bought Asian Beat mag (special edition of KawanKu).. there's a special story of Energy.. hu hu hu, gue langsung berduka cita karena gue sepertinya tidak cocok dengan gambaran wanita idaman Ah Di ku tersayang dan tercinta itu!!! Dan setelah dilihat-lihat dan dibaca-baca dan direnungkan.. kok gue cocok sama kriterianya Niu Nai!!! Aaaarrrgghhh!!! Baru kesenggol pahanya aja udah begitu!!! *sigh*... tambah sedih aja deh... Kok cocoknya malah sama si Bugs Bunny face itu, nggak papa2lah.. gue agak terhibur karena setelah itu wo shi qing ai de, Jie Lun ge, dibahas ampe 7 halaman!!! Walopun ceritanya kebanyakan udah basi, ang penting menjadi hiburan buat gue. Sekian, terima kasih untuk hari ini!!!!

Monday, June 23, 2003

Look!!! Wei Ye lucu banget.... akhirnya bukunya nyampe dan pas gue buka ternyata itu buku adalah agenda!!! (@_@) He he he... ketipu gua!! Gue kira picto book beneran!! Ternyata agenda tapi setiap lembar ada gambarnya si Wei Ye. Akhirnya gue jadi napsu beli yang Man & Boy, tapi MIP gak jual! Hu hu hu.... Mau Wei Ye yang sexy dongggg...!!!! *sigh* Generate Powernya juga ternyata masih belon ada.... Kasian amat sih gue.....

Sunday, June 22, 2003

Gak jadi berenang!!!

Asli gue sebel banget, tapi kalo dipaksain juga gue sekarang gak kerja kali!! Ceritanya sepanjang hari Sabtu itu gue lelah sekali, karena keluar rumah jam 10 dan baru balik ke rumah lagi udah jam setengah 11 malem!!! (@_@) Capeeekkkkknya tidak terkatakan, apalagi di gereja tuh acaranya diskusi dan simulasi, banyak ngoceh dan harus promosi pemutaran film akhir bulan depan... Malem itu juga gak bisa langsung tidur karena saya mulai mengerjakan "My Wei Ye Project" he he he... apakah itu? Yah pokoknya let's say gue lagi error dan mengerjakan sesuatu yang bikin temen-temen gue terbengong-bengong melihat kegiatan gue yang sangat kewanitaan ini! (o^_^o) Sabtu sore itu juga bela-belain ke Panglima Polim dengan membawa pola dan daftar benang yang musti gue beli... kayaknya sih gak mahal tapi begitu ngeliat bonnya gue langsung tercengang, 153 ribu perak!!! Wekwew!! Ternyata yang bikin mahal bahannya.... 50 x 75cm doang 65ribu coy! Tapi gak papa.... kan bisa dipake untuk beberapa pola... benangnya juga kan gak langsung abis.... Pokoknya kalo Wei Ye project ini selesai, gue harus melanjutkan ke "Ah Di honey bunny sugar baby project" deh.. hue he he he.... Mrs. Tao pasti shock deh!

Lanjut ke hari minggu deh ya.... perasaan gue tuh tadi mau cerita kenapa gue nggak jadi berenang, tapi lagi-lagi berbelok kemana-mana.... OK, so hari Minggu itu gue ikut kebaktian siang dengan tidak terkantuk-kantuk, thanks to Oom Lewi yang khotbahnya semangat dan bikin kita ketawa, jadi ilang ngantuk gue. Gue pikir abis kebaktian gue bisa pulang sama bokap dan tidur sebelum berenang, trus abis berenang bisa ngerjain kerjaan kantor yang belon selesai. Apa yang terjadi sodara? Nyokap gue berinisiatif untuk cari baju ke Blok M sama tante-tante gue karena gue sekarang nggak pernah punya waktu untuk berbelanja dengan doi + gue juga musti cari seragam buat nyanyi hari Sabtu!! Dengan sedikit males (dan ngantuk!!) gue tungguin ibu-ibu itu latihan Paduan Suara setelah kebaktian, trus kita langsung ke Blok M. Keliliing, keliling, keliling dan keliling.... mulai dari pasar Blok M, Gramedia (ini gue mau cari kaca pembesar untuk belajar Hanzi), Melawai, Pasaraya, pokoknya hampir seluruh Blok M deh kita jelajahi dengan hasil gue dibeliin 1 buah atasan kebaya warna merah, 2 baju warna hitam pake bordir, 1 atasan batik panjang (batik bo, batik!) dan 1 kaos (lagi-lagi) warna hitam. v(^_^)v, 1 celana panjang hitam (lagi) dan 1 celana panjang creme... Gue sampe bingung ngeliat "semangat" nyokap gue yang menyuruh gue mencoba macem-macem sampe dia nggak sadar kalo gue belon makan siang!!! Waktu dia tahu gue belon makan siang, paniklah doi karena takut penyakit lambung gue kumat, akhirnya makan siang jam 3 sore!! Sambil makan kaki gue udah pegel dan mata gue udah setengah tertutup.. akhirnya kita meninggalkan Blok M jam 4 lewat, sampe rumah langsung buka sepatu, masuk kamar dan terkapar sampe jam setengah enam-an gitu... gue kebangun karena sadar kok rumah gue sepi banget... ternyata bokap-nyokap dan tante-tante itu sudah pergi semua ke Jati Bening dan tidak tega membangunkan gue! Bangun tidur gue mandi trus mulai kerja deh... Dan lagi-lagi gue lupa makan sampe or-tu pulang jam 9-an dan ternyata membawa bakmi goreng kesukaan gue... baru deh makan!

Jadi pagi ini gue ngantuk dan pegel... apalagi begitu sampe tadi musti langsung koreksi pembukuan sampe bulan May... Aiyah, capeknya bukan main. Tapi hari ini mustinya LOVE, LI WEI pesenan gue sampe loh!! He he he... Gak sabar rasanya pingin liat mukanya Wei Ye.... Tapi agak kecewa karena Generate Powernya gak sekalian, barangnya belum ada lagi.... DAN NGGAK JADI BERENANG!!!!

Thursday, June 19, 2003

I'm going swimming next Sunday!!!
Yippy!! Yuhuuu!!! Hooray!!! And why am I so thrilled about going swimming? Cause this bronchitis has kept me away from swimming pool for a few months!! So when mom told me that she's taking my nieces swimming next Sunday, I asked her if I could go too this time and she said yes!!! v(^0^)v Aaahhh, xie-xie ni, ma! And now she's trying to pick me up from work almost every day, thank God.

Me & mom could be bestfriends in some way, but biggest enemy in another way, especially in dressing up. She collects bags & shoes/sandals of all collors & patterns (even shocking pink & orange!!), she chose her outfit carefully before going out of the house and make sure that everything she wears are color coordinated. And she tried so hard to make me more like her. I don't like skirt, she bought me skirts. I don't like pastel colors, she bought me a pink blouse. I don't like high heels, she bought me a 10cm Mary Jane (though finally I wear it all the time for formal parties). Now most of the times whenever she wants to buy something other than my "style" she would call first and ask my preference. This way, there won't be much clothes hanging uselessly in my cupboard and she doesn't have to scream all the time of "how ungrateful I am for whatever she bought me." But really, lately she bought me too many 'brown' clothes instead of the usual dark blue. Black is definitely out of her dictionary, except for party dress. Besides, she thinks that I have too many black outfit.

But speaking of movies and idols... we're buddies! Ever since I was in Elementary School mom took us to movies (without my dad, my dad hates cinema) regularly. Quit it when we moved to our current house (cause the nearest cinema was like an hour away from our home!). Another example is our habit of collecting Asian movies now. She's so into Koreans (like I always say, which is full of blood, tears and dying people) when I'm more into Taiwanese and Japanese. So whenever she goes to Kota to buy new movies, she would call me up and asks if there's any movies/CD that I want her to buy for me... Sometimes we exchange info of what should we get next time we go to Kota, thanks to those magazines such as B* Asia, Asianglitz & On.Com that she read too. She never complains about my collecting original CDs, though sometimes she would remind me to save money for our Bali trip next December. She listens to my CDs too sometime... so far, her fav is still F4 (moms!) and Park Yong Ha. Oh, when Energy's coming, she eagerly waited till I get home and asked me all about it, how were they, were they really good, did I get to meet them, etc, and she didn't call me the whole day!! Not once!! I've told her that I'd be busy trying to get their pics and all, so she didn't call.

Yesterday I called MIP to check if there's still Generate Power (Energy's pictorial book) available. There is!! And LOVE, LI WEI, too! I was so confused which one to order cause I wanted both but I'm broke already. Finally I ordered Love, Li Wei (thanks to Mrs. Tao's advise). But then I called her up and asked if she wanted to buy me Generate Power (well, I didn't tell her that it's the book, I just told her that it's something I really wanted by Energy), she said yes!!!! YES!!! (^_^) So I ordered it... And if you think she's funky enough, guess what, she bought Won Bin's pictorial book at Plaza Senayan last year!! We were in Duta Suara Plaza Senayan and I was about to pay for whatever I bought at that time when she saw it in the cashier's table. Apparently it's not so expensive, so she asked me to get one copy and paid for it. When we got home, she took a shower and sat silently in the living room, reading (there's some facts about him in the book and some short articles) the book and kept saying how handsome Won Bin was!! He he he... She really likes him & Jang Dong Gun (she collects all his movie too). My dad's reaction? He just laughed and went to bed shaking his head with a smile. *sigh* My funky mom (the way Mrs. Tao puts it....).

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

So..... what's my life like pasca Energy? Usual... works myself to the bone in the office, more service for the youth ministry, and some stuff for SFC (though not as much as Mrs. Tao). My house is very quiet lately cause my cousin has moved out since 2 weeks ago (and dog-less.... right, no dogs anymore) so it's just me, my mom & my dad. When I'm bored in my room (means: no mood to read anything, watch anything or hear any music) I just went out and chit chat with mom and dad though most of the time the conversation ended up with my dad kept talking and me and mom sighing, thinking when is he gonna stop (^_^) Old man, they always have endless stories to tell about almost everything...

Last Saturday I went to SFC with Mrs. Tao.. out of the blue I had to make an article about Jolin! Jolin? Yeah, Jolin! OK, now I'm trying to be professional here, I'm just doing my job though if I could choose I'd rather write about Elva (^_^) As much as I hate her messing up with my guy, and not being a good singer (I think), I guess I did the article all right. Though I could've finished it in 30 minutes if not for F4 Fantasy Concert in Hongkong playing in the huge TV screen in front of me and seeing Zai Zai dance and spread his boyish smile right through my heart, if not for Ibu making me call this guy they called 'monkey' and pretended that I was a big fan of his, if not for Yovie letting me copy her Comic Boyz MV VCD.... I guess it's official for me too now, handling the administration and following up on people for SFC. Now this is only the beginning of something much more interesting.... I hope! Mom said nothing about it, but I think it was okay with her as long as I don't spend too much time on it cause she thinks I'm already full with my own jobs & the youth ministry, and I don't get sick more often too!! This is one thing I have to be aware of... my health. Now mom makes me drink milk everyday (as the doctor suggested) and vitamins every night.. *sigh* thank God she bought me bottled Dutch Lady chocolate/strawberry milk or Candy Up instead of Milo or Ovaltine.

We left SFC around 3 and headed to My Idol cause Mrs. Tao had to get her order of TAOISM. I got myself Energy's Come One for free (full stamps) and Elva's new album, Ai Shang Ai. I ordered Lee Hom Autobigraphy too and asked Mrs. Tao to keep the money otherwise I'll spend it for something else I don't really want. After a veeeerrryyyy late lunch in Sapo Oriental, I dropped this girl at BP (belon puas jg dia!! masih lanjut ke KENOP) cause I had to be in church at 4.30. I was late but then I found out that I should go to K' Ralda's wedding with K' El. So I went to the reception party at her house at around 7.00pm. K' Ralda married an Australian guy, his name's Ray. I think he's a nice guy, we talked a bit when the bride and groom had their dinner in our table (garden party, gak pake pelaminan segala). Then at 8.30 I drove K' El home and stopped by for a moment. I got home at about 10.15pm. On Sunday, besides church there's K' Aina birthday party at 5pm. I stayed until 7.30 and went home. So sleepy and tired. What else? Oh yeah, yesterday I buought a CD of OST Farewell Fireflies, really like that song Qing Ai De Ni Zai Na Li (My Love, Where Are You? or something like that...)

Aaaannd, the results of my mid-term Mandarin course... 98 out of 100!! Yippy!! Laoshi (teacher) just read out our scores so I didn't know what's my mistake. And my hanzi (chinese characters) score is not bad too, I think it's because I learn and practise more by myself at home. I try to memorize more hanzi by reading more text (songs, actually, he he he..). And guess what, 11 of us in the class and I'm the only one who already have dictionaries (and 2, not 1!!) and a book of how to write hanzi. Laoshi asked me to bring my dictionaries next Friday cause she wants to teach us how to recognize a character without having to know the pinyin (roman spelling) first. I tried to translate one of Li Wei's song and I was confused!!! He he he... one word could mean so many and all unrelated. The only phrase that I could translate clearly was: "You're leaving and left me the shadow of your back" Pokoknya lagunya tentang cowok yang mimpi menari sama ceweknya sepanjang malem, he thought it was for real but it's just an illusion. Kira-kira begitulah... g juga gak nyambung.... Jaka Sembung maen gitar alias Nggak nyambung, jreeenggg!!!! Till later..... v(^_^)v

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Jadi Idola

Kadang-kadang gue merasa beruntung bahwa mimpi masa kecil gue untuk menjadi idola tidak tercapai! He he he... melihat kegilaan-kegilaan fans sekarang yang hampir-hampir jadi seperti psikopat, gue jadi ngeri sendiri. Misalnya aja waktu mini concert Energy kemaren, gue baru tau kalo ternyata ada yang ngelempar Bra keatas panggung!! Bra loh!!! Sampe si Shu Wei terkejut setengah mati dan meringis geli.... Yang bikin gue nggak abis pikir, berarti tu anak yang ngelempar pulangnya gak pake Bra dong! He he he... Kok bisa ya? Gak cuma itu, bahkan di Taiwan juga ada yang saking gilanya waktu acara tanda tangan menyilet tangannya sendiri dengan nama Niu Nai dalam huruf kanji. Itu semua memang belum seberapa dibanding para fans berat yang akhirnya jadi gila dan membunuh idolanya sendiri... contohnya aja Selena & John Lenon. Tambah serem deh gue...

Seinget gue nih, gue ngejar-ngejar idola seumur hidup gue cuma 3 kali. Pertama kali NKOTB, waktu SMU kelas 2. Tadinya sih gak niat-niat amat, tapi ternyata mendapat dukungan dan teman bolos (dan itulah sekali-kalinya gue bolos sekolah dengan sengaja!!!) akhirnya ngejar juga sampe Hotel Hilton. Yang kedua adalah Billy Sheehan. Waktu itu gue udah kerja dan gue suka banget sama Mr. Big. Berhubung nggak nonton konsernya waktu di Jakarta, waktu si Billy Sheehan itu manggung bareng Niacin di Jakarta gue ngotot nonton di Jamz 2 malem berturut-turut. Diakhir performance hari pertama gue deketin si Billy minta foto bareng... ternyata dia minta ditemuin pas check sound hari kedua. Kyaaaa!!!! Gue pun cuti dadakan sehari dan foto-foto dengan puas sama Billy, Dennis Chambers & John Novello, dan gue sampe liat-liat mereka latihan & check sound segala. Trus pas performance malem itu, gue duduk paling depan dan Billy menyanyikan lagu Niacin fav gue "Alone In My Own Little Island" cuma 2 meter didepan gue! v(^o^)v Yang ketiga? Ya Energy itulah... dibilang ngejar juga nggak ngejar sih, kan udah direncanakan dan koordinasinya, jadi gue nggak ngerasa parah-parah amat lah. Tapi sebenernya gue cenderung orang yang suka cuekin idola yang lalu lalang di depan gue walopun suka setengah mati sama dia. Karena terus terang aja, gue kasian kalo gue heboh dan teriak-teriak didepan mereka. I mean, mereka juga kan perlu privasi, ya nggak? Gue rasa mereka akan lebih menghargai kita kalo kitanya juga nggak rese, gitu. So seperti waktu dengan Billy, gue deketin baik-baik dan minta ijin sama dia. Padahal waktu itu nggak ngarep bisa diijinin, ternyata malah lebih dari itu.

Kalo soal idolanya sendiri, gue nggak tau deh siapa aja yang cukup ramah terhadap penggemarnya. Berhubung gue lagi suka yang berbau Mandarin, gue ambil contoh si mas disamping ini aja yah. Namanya Li Wei. Gue suka setelah nonton dia di Kiss of The Toast dan sekarang setelah dia mengeluarkan album dan ternyata ok juga, gue tambah suka. Di Taiwan sana, orang ini terkenal ramah dan baik sama fansnya. Bahkan dia berusaha menghafalkan fans-fans setianya yang sering ngirim barang, surat, dll. Konon, dia hafal lebih dari 60 fansnya!! Yang lebih hebat lagi, dia selalu berusaha membaca semua surat penggemarnya dan membalas kalau memang memungkinkan. Tapi mungkin kalo buat artis yang sudah mendunia susah kali ya? Gue aja yang cuma kerja, kegereja, jalan-jalan, gak tiap hari bisa bales email temen-temen gue!! (o_ _)o

Jadi idola emang nggak gampang, banyak tuntutannya. Gue juga pernah ngalamin walaupun masih dalam skala keluarga (^_^) Iya, gue pernah jadi idola adik gue satu-satunya. Gue sendiri karena pernah misah sama dia dari SMP sampe kelas 2 SMA awalnya gak sadar, nggak ngerasa deket gitu loh. Sampe sewaktu-waktu gue pulang sekolah dan nguping pembicaraan dia dan temen-temennya: "Kakak gue bisa motret loh, dia dapet duit dari motret." dan "Kakak gue bisa maen gitar loh, diajarin temen-temennya. Udah gitu dia juga bisa nyanyi." (Padahal gue baru bisa beberapa kunci, emang saat itu dia belon bisa maen gitar. Jadi belajar deh gue siang-malem!) Trus waktu gue kuliah, meningkat lagi puji-pujiannya : "Kakak gue pinter gambar loh, dia kuliahnya disain." Nah loh! Ini yang repot.. padahal gue kuliahnya Disain Interior, kebanyakan gambar teknik, tapi disangkain pinter gambar kartun! Yah, ngopi-ngopi lah dari komik.. he he he.... Jadinya setiap kali gue pulang dari kos seminggu sekali, kalo pas ada teman-temannya ngumpul dirumah mereka jadi memandang gue dengan kagum! (o^_^o) he he he... untungnya sekarang dia udah nggak begitu lagi... soalnya sekarang dia maen musik lebih jago dari gue (kuliahnya jurusan musik), malah dia yang jadi idola cewek-cewek kampusnya di Jogja!

Ternyata emang susah jadi idola... sebetulnya mereka itu kasian sekali loh, hidup nggak bebas, nggak punya privasi, pacaran aja nggak bisa sembarangan, nggak bisa ngumpul-ngumpul dan gila-gilaan sama temen-temen lainnya... Praktis sama kayak terisolasi deh! Makanya, kalo ketemu idola jangan heboh dan njerit-njerit, kalem aja dan berlaku sopan supaya mereka tahu kita menghargai dia. Tapi kalo sekeliling kita udah heboh, ya njerit juga!!! Kalo nggak begitu nggak bisa dapet tandatangan duong!!

Sunday, June 01, 2003

As much as I want to write about my weekend experience and this whole Energy stuff, I think this girl has wrapped it all up in her blog. What I wasn't aware of was that all this has awakened the other side of me that I thought I have forgotten like, well, almost 6 years ago?

When I knew that I would be taking ENERGY's picture in the airport and (wasn't really sure then) the press conference, I had made up my mind that I'd take their pictures in Black & White. I hunted for ILFORD HP5+ the night before to no avail, so I finally use the Neopan that Ette bought me. I used a manual camera for the BW (Black & White) and a digital camera for the colored. It was chaos when they arrived I didn't manage to get much pictures. Then at the press conference I got this luck to get inside and took more stuff up-close. Ette & I went to Rapico after the press conference to develop the pictures. Unexpectedly, the BW won't finish until at least 2 days!! This was frightening, cause I was really curious to see what the result was. I mean, I haven't used the camera for more than 5 years, and this was not a modeling pictures! I ran around with those high school girls just to get a glimpse of them. I forgot about technique, I forgot about the angle, I forgot everything!!! I pushed the button by instinct. The digital camera only managed 2 pics of them, but the manual got at least 6 or 7. So I thought : "OK, I guess I have lost my touch. This is it, I shouldn't be taking pictures again or I will embarrass myself."

After the Pentacostal service before the concert, I finally got the BW film that I wanted. The concert was worse, I couldn't get into the press place so I have to take the pictures from in front of the stage, my head got hit with some stuff those kids were throwing to Energy a couple of times. I couldn't even see anything (the stage was pretty high) so I just held up my camera and press the button when I thought I got them all and the moment was good. I managed to record some stuff in the digital camera too.

On Saturday I went to get the first film I developed. I was so surprised that the result wasn't that bad! I got the focus, I got the angle!! Well, dontt expect it to be a standard picture with them in the middle of the frame or such, but I got some interesting angle. Of course, the concert pictures didn't turn out as good as the press con (as I have expected) but when I brought it to Adi (one of my good friends in high school who's going pro in photography now and owned a studio at home) he picked some pictures that he thought were fine and again I surprise myself when I saw the result after I enlarged it!! And you know what, he said that I haven't lost my touch, I just have to get used to it again and take more pictures. He said he'll take me with him next time he got a job so I can get used to it again. And again he reminded me that this was something that I always wanted to do since I was in High School. I don't belong to accounting, I dontt belong to any 'behind-the-desk' job. His words made me realize how unhappy I have been for the last 4 years with my job. And before it's too late, I have to remember all my dreams again and do it all before I get old and regret everything I haven't done in my life.

I am planning to take a side job (if God permits) in a media or event organizer. There's a few opportunity opens right now and I want to risk every minute of my spare time to chase after it. Truthfully, I have set up a goal to get another job by next year (again, if God permits). See... a simple thing can open your mind and suddenly make you realize how important it is to dream and more importantly, to make the dream comes true. Ciao!!!

BTW, that Kun Da picture above is my fav. You can see the colour pictures in here, but I haven't uploaded the BW yet, must scan it first.