Sunday, November 30, 2003


Waaaaaaa, gak berasa tau2 udah bulan Desember lageee... And what did I do during my one week Lebaran holiday? Lots! Really, in the previous past years I always had nothing to do on Lebaran holiday -- esp because most places are closed for a few days -- but this year is different... Most malls were open & I had planned every single day with many things so I won't bored myself to death at home like last year ^_^ Woohoo... tapi even sebelon libur Lebaran pun gue udah banyak rencana & macem2 untuk mengantisipasi perubahan rencana dihari liburan itu.. hehehe..

Sooooo, before the holiday... I bought a new mobile & sold the old one to NR. Went to MI a couple of times for "groupies gathering" or just to get some new CD's or VCD's (this, continue during the holiday). Finished watching The Rose (finally bought the original vcd's the day it was out on the store), finished watching Agito (cukup ngebut... gak sampe seminggu), finally see Peter Ho's 2 movies that I've been searching for... Yang pasti selama liburan ini juga makin cinta ma Peter Ho... Let's see day by day of what I did...

Sun, 112303 -- After noon service went bowling at Pasaraya with JC, Tono, K' El & Debby. Mom picked me up after 2 games. When I got home, I thought I'd go to RaPlaz to find Ekin Cheng's Young & Dangerous for Abang's b'day present. Sold out. And it was still 6.30. So I went to MI to get my Jay's Hidden Track & Peter Ho's Deja Vu... I thought they close at 8pm, boy I was wrong! It was already dark but hey, Kuuga & Hentai-kun were still there!! Hohoho... so I took my stuff (surprisingly they got "The truth about Jane & Sam" also) and had a chat with them until 8 then I went home.

Mon, 112403 -- Since my laptop hasn't finished being repaired I had to stop by the office to check my mail. Thought I wanna get a shirt at M2 so I went by bus... ternyata toko2 sebagian udah pada tutup tuh, hiks T___T Akhirnya cuma mondar-mandir dan makan doang.. mau ke tempat dvd penuh banget, gak napsu deh liat orang segitu banyak... Kuuga called, nitip floppy 1 box. Yah... ended up with another trip to MI!! Eheks! Nongkrong dari jam 3 dan sore2 decided to go to Kino PI with Kuuga... and what did I get at Kino? Newtype The Live featuring Agito. And of course I bought the mag just for Gills/Ashihara Ryo's pic, not for Shoichi!! Lihat, cakep kan dia... hehehe... gak secakep baka Shinji seh, tapi keliatan lebih cowok lah orang ini.

Tue, 112503 -- First Day of Lebaran... planning to stay home all day. Plan changed cause Erina called and asked me to see a movie with her at Chitos. Left home with mom at 5pm. Dinner at Chitos, Tante Koes & Kids nyusul tuh... pada akhirnya Erina gak nongol karena mertuanya Auntie was dying (eheks!) dan mereka musti kesana.. Auntie called my mobile and asked me to say something to the children cause they were all crying in the car (Erin, Vina & Vira).. ^_^ janjian lah untuk nonton besok2nya... Akhirnya cuma main di Time Zone ama Tiko, Ina & Cila.. Jam 9 dah pulang juga.

Wed, 112603 -- As planned a few weeks b4... hehehe.. kita nongkrong di MI dari jam 12.30 sampe jam 6.30pm!!! Man... that was long!! Dari nonton2, cela2an, sampe bagi2 cemilan (Da Jie nih bagi2 Astor), makan2 di Glosis (yang ternyata lumayan enak!). Dan ternyata, jangankan gue yang udah gak berani bawa pulang plastik MI keliatan nyokap, Kuuga & Hentai-kun juga kalo beli2 barang2 toku gak berani bawa pulang!! Huahahaha musti diem2 tuh ^o^ After that Gale, Ira & I went to MM to play bowling!! Hoho... mall nya ternyata rame banget... pas kita pulang ternyata xiao chipi menyusul... akhirnya jadilah bertemu didepan carrefour bentar, baru deh kita pulang... Capeeeekkkk!!!

Thu, 112703 -- I planned to stay home all day too... then my cousin called, said that he'll come with some church friends. Karena ini akhirnya nyokap masak!! Horeeee!! But I went to RaPlaz to search for movies again... sebentar doang sih, abis panas banget gue males lama2 diluar. Dan ternyata those people didn't come until 7pm!! Rese banget... gue udah sampe ketiduran & bolak-balik sms si Abang.. BT, gue kan paling gak suka disuruh nunggu biar dirumah sendiri!

Fri, 112803 -- Now this was a veeeerrryyy tiring day!! Went to the office to meet IK, checking my mails, downloading stuff, left for lunch with mom at Super Kitchen Ambasador at 12.30pm. Oh ya, ditengah2 makan siang ini ada sms masuk dari Ko Ngadiman bahwa dia sudah pulang dan membawa Men's Uno HK edisi Jay yang ada Jaynya!!! Hoho langsung gue telp balik & berjanji akan mengambilnya hari Sabtu... Auntie called, said that the kids were waiting for me at TA. After lunch mom dropped me off at TA and went B'M with kk. Played at Time Zone from 2pm until 6pm!! Percaya gak sih loe kalo anak2 itu gak ada capeknya... dan tiket2 itu dituker apakah?? Coca cola & susu!!! Mak... mendingan gue beliin aja deh di Hero, maen sampe ratusan ribu cuma buat gituan doang... *sigh* jadi bingung... I thought they were already tired after that.. and I was wrong!! Mereka masih minta main mandi bola pula di bawah... Wakwaw!! Maen sampe jam 7, mereka masih seger gue udah gempor, kaki gue serasa mau patah2!!! Baru deh mereka terkapar di mobil... sementara gue musi latian Choir dulu sampe jam 9.30pm.. Dan ternyata Tante Lia ngambek karena banyak yang sering dateng telat, latian pun digeber sampe jam 10 malem!! As if it wasn't torturing enough for me, mom picked me up and said we're going to kk's place to get her some cakes that she just bought!!! Dengan sukses sampe rumah jam 11 lewat, mandi, makan sambil nonton disc 3nya LOTR (saking bingung, takut ketiduran sambil makan), trus terkapar sampe jam 8.30 hari Sabtu!!! Eh, lupa... di TA juga keliling2 cari Josh Groban's Closer (new album) tapi katanya kosong, dah abis... eh, nanya di Disc Tarra katanya malah belum masuk! Mana yang bener neh??

Sat, 112903 -- Hari terakhir liburan neh... rasanya gak rela! ^_^ Seperti hari2 Sabtu sebelumnya, janjian ke MI ma Gale, Ira, Chica & Ming2. Ternyata semua orang dateng telat!! Padahal karena gue dah telap waktu hari Jumat gue kira gue bakalan dateng paling siang.. wakwaw! Dan akhirnya gue pun mendapatkan Men's Unonya dari Ko Ngadiman , oh indahnyaaaaaa.. walopun dah pernah liat gambar2nya dipost ma orang laen, tetep aja kayaknya lebih enak liat langsung.. hihi.. dan ternyata kaleng & botol pepsinya pun dikirim belakangan barengan sama barang2 jualan toko tuh... eh, sama sarung bantal Jay juga! Ha ha ha... gue ntar betah tidur kali ya jadinya! O iya, sama Men's Uno TW cover Lee Hom, trus katanya ada picto book Jepang-nya Lee Hom juga (so far belom minat sih)... Duuuuh, harta2 & pengocoran semakin bertambah.... alert!!

Haaaahhh, kayaknya acara liburan berakhir disitu karena udah pasti hari Minggu gue gak kemana2, sepulang gereja langsung istirahat & nonton2 aja di rumah karena hari ini udah ngantor... And I'm coming alone this morning with the 2 bosses cause the others are still on leave until next week!! T___T kayaknya liburnya masih kurang neh....


Monday, November 10, 2003


Really, setiap orang yang ngeliat dompet gue pasti bilang: “Ganti dompet kek loe, dompet udah jelek begitu! Gak mampu beli dompet baru apa?” Dan mengapakah dompet tua itu belum gue ganti2? I have one good reason, because this is the only wallet that I never lost -- not even once -- in 3 years! That’s a special record for me. Why? What’s with me and wallet.

I don’t know. Ever since I have my own wallet, most of them never last more than 6 months. Can you believe that once I lost 3 wallets in 6 months!! My mom was so mad because I had to kept making new ID card (bukan gue yang ngurus sih, selalu bayar orang RT gue tinggal ttd, kasih foto, dan dicap… selesai!). Thank God at that I time I haven’t got my credit cards, driving license, etc…. can you imagine if I have to report missing them and ask for a replacement every 2 months?? Yikes!! During college times and the first years of working I kept losing wallets, but in a longer period… 7 or 8 months. But usually I put my money & the other stuff in a small agenda. Sampe Pak RT dateng ke rumah dan gak percaya kalo gue keilangan dompet melulu!! Saking keselnya sempet gue gak pegang KTP asli kecuali fotocopy sampe sekitar 1,5 tahun deh, aslinya dipegang nyokap (saat itu gue kos).

And yet I don’t understand why people like to give me wallet as a birthday present (because I kept losing one?) Until 3 years ago I got this black leather Cerruti wallet from my aunt as a birthday present. It’s a guy’s wallet but I love it… small & I can put it in my pants’ back pocket. Miraculously, I NEVER LOST IT UNTIL NOW!! Cool…. I call it my lucky wallet.

2 years ago I bought a sporty grey Nike wallet, sometimes I use it to go swimming, or doing some sport. One day on my way to the office I suddenly realized that I lost it. When I got to the office I called my mom, asked her to drop by in the afternoon to lend me some money. The next day someone called & told me he found my wallet. The money’s gone of course, but the others were still there… how lucky! So now I only have 2 wallets… the black leather Cerruti & the grey Nike (which I only use a few times in a year). Dan si Cerruti hitam ini bener2 udah lusuh… that’s why I need a new wallet. But if I buy a new one, WHAT IF I LOOSE IT AGAIN???


Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Christmas is around the corner...

*sigh* time flies, eh... feels like just a few weeks ago I have to drag my little cousins, nephew & nieces to see Harry Potter & went to Dufan & did all the things that I have been doing for a couple of years... Yes people, another Christmas holiday is coming up... sorry to my dear kiddos, this year I'm going for a long vacation!! No movies, no Dufan, no Pizza Hut! ^_^ There will be next time for fun though (though I know I could hardly find any spare time outside my end of year holiday... I'll try!) Ah, but then again, I might meet Erina, little Vina & Lala in Bali, right?? Ha ha ha... I guess no long holiday without kids for me!! *_^

Anyway... it's already early November and I kinda guessing that the Youth Choir is not performing in our church's Christmas celebration this year.. Boy, am I wrong!! As usual, our dear Shepard just informed us 2 weeks ago that we DO HAVE TO perform!! And no one told me that the first rehearsal took place last Wednesday!! Ayayay.... I have to start joining the rehearsal tonight or I'll miss some tunes! @_@ Let's see... I have to sing another duet with my faithfull partner Hendry on Dec. 5th (Abigail's Christmas), and lead the Praise & Worship with Ocha on d 6th (Youth Christmas celebration), then lead another Christmas Celebration at my uncle's church on d 14th (tentatively), and the last one is the 25th -- singing with the choir. 26 in the morning I'll be on my way to Surabaya, 29 to DenPasar, return on January, not sure of the date though, depends on my mood. That's my schedule for December!! Whoa, pretty full I guess ^_^

Hiks... T___T will I be able to spare some time to create my own christmas cards this year?? Dunno... though I have some nice & simple ideas on my head right now... hope I have the time to look out for some materials & do the designs. Ha ha... I love to send personal made cards. Almost every year I made my own cards, personalized for each person. I just think it's more special.

Well, ciao everyone!! Gotta go to my rehearsal now!


Monday, November 03, 2003


Suatu sore di hari Kamis minggu yang lalu, lagi kedinginan di kantor karena AC yang gak bisa dikecilin walopun satu lantai semua tenantnya mengeluh kedinginan, terutama karena diluar juga hujan... tiba2 HP berdering... "Heh? My Idol? Secepat itukah pesanan2 gue udah dateng lage??" Tanpa disangka & tanpa diduga... PETER HO RELEASED A PICTORIAL BOOK!!! WEKWEW!!! Ini pengocoran di luar schedule!! Dan tidak tahu pula dalam rangka apa dia keluarin picto book ini, mengingat akhir2 ini dia gak bikin album baru, cuma maen film silat doang, seriesnya yang terakhir cuma Starry2 Night, sekarang lagi shooting Love At Aegean Sea... Eh, ada bonus VCDnya pula!! Ayayay!!! Pingin kesana sore itu juga, apa daya hujan deras sederasnya, bahkan mau pulang cari taxipun susah... akhirnya gue berhasil menenangkan diri untuk menunggu esok harinya.

Hari Jumat, dengan semangat membaja & alesan mau makan siang sekaligus ke Chinatrust (emang bener sih!) gue ke MI... Dan gue langsung terhenyak melihat covernya yang ada muka dia gede banget itu... Dan begitu gue buka... OMG, the pictures ARE SO BEAUTIFUL!!!! What I mean with beautiful is truly BEAUTIFUL!!! It's not about his style or the way he pose in those pictures, but the pictures are REALLY REALLY artistic!! The angles, the view, the background... Trus langsung deh si Kuuga yang penasaran juga muter VCDnya... Sepertinya bikin di Tibet & ternyata dia hobby fotografi juga... semua foto2 itu sepertinya dia yg mengarahkan juga gayanya, dia motret juga. Yikes, I envy his camera bag!! and the cameras & lenses, of course! Man I never thought that he like photography... but then later on I remembered that he went to Ontario College of Art, no wonder... I wish I'll have a chance to make that kind of picture too someday *_^ Dan akhirnya sepanjang malam itu gue nonton bolak-balik VCD sepanjang 40 menit-an.. Coba lihat itu gambar2 diatas... itu sih sebenernya gak special, cuma Peternya cukup jelas lah disitu! ^_^ My fave picture is the one in the middle... sebenernya itu gambarnya 2 halaman, tapi gue gak tega melipat buku itu! The way he smile is soooo natural there & the folded collar on his back kind of saying that he's not that perfect!! Yikes... so hard to explain the specialty of the picture, I could only feel it! He he he... Ntar kalo sempet gue scan yang bener2 keren... tapi kayaknya filenya jadinya gede2 banget yah? Yah, we'll see lah... Anyway, gue puas banget ngeliat hasil foto2nya yang menurut gue gak cuma jual muka & gaya... tapi bener2 menampilkan keindahan dari segala sisi... Ada yang dia foto sama monk, ada yang dia cuma diujung tapi pake angle miring, ada yang dia lagi bengong di lorong sebuah kuil... aduh, bener2 T.O.B deh!!! AND HE'S SO DAMN SEXY IN ANY KIND OF WHITE SHIRT!!

So, gue dengan sukses mabok Peter selama weekend sampe tidak tergiur sama sekali ditawari WEI LAI maupun beli foto2 EG di DigiPro ^_^ Till later everyone!!