Wednesday, July 27, 2005

I'm feeling like writting in Indonesian... So here it goes...

Akhir2 ini agak2 sering merasa bosen ngerjain apapun... nonton? selain yang bener2 g suka & g udah tau bagus, g males... baca? bener2 tergantung mood.. hari ini baca komik, besok baca Dave Eggers, 15 menit kemudian baca Banana Yoshimoto, trus weekend baca tabloid gosip (^_^) ato fanfic... boring banget gak sih? Kerjaan kantor juga lagi idle.. bukannya gak ada kerjaan sama sekali, tapi karena kali ini bener2 belum jalan biz yang diminati, jadi banyak waktu luangnya. Trus masalahnya apa? Kalo di kantor mau ngerjain yang bukan urusan kantor rasanya gak enak... apalagi kalo ada bos dtempat. Tapi kalo ngerjain urusan kantor, sejam ada udah pada kelar semua... jadi sering tipu2an deh... di monitor pajang file excel tapi disamping printer baca fanfic he3x norak banget... berasa jadi anak SMU lagi, males belajar tapi diatas buku pelajaran ditaruh komik... seakan2 belajar, padahal..... (*_^) ketauan deh dulu model anak sekolahan yang kayak gimana...

Tapi hari Sabtu sekarang bener2 menjadi hari yang luar biasa sibuk... Musti ngajar jam 3, doa jam 5, kebaktian jam 6... paginya kalo ada les ya les, kalo gak les pasti sibuk dengan urusan Q Corner... jadi hari Minggu itu kadang2 gak rela bener2 bangun paginya untuk gereja walopun tau gak boleh begitu... jadinya pingin buru2 pulang aja untuk tidur ato nonton ato baca2... pokoknya total rest deh dirumah... duh, gimana nanti kalo QC udah jadi ya?? yah, harus punya pengorbanan emang kalo mau memulai sesuatu.

Jadi seneng lagi dengerin semua CD yang g punya... diputernya giliran tergantung mood juga.. musik mana yang cocok. Oh iya, jadi kembali menikmati Jay Chou karena kehebohan Initial D, walopun g belum nonton filmnya ampe sekarang he3x puter lagi cd2nya, diton2 mv nya... mungkin wiken ini mo nonton Initial D di rumah, mumpung udah beli remote baru yang katanya bisa dipake untuk semua jenis player. Setelah dicoba, memang bisa dipake tapi.... functionnya kebalik2!! (@_@) tombol open/close ternyata buat standby & vice versa, tombol fast forward ternyata buat pause, tombol skip buat play, dst dst... belum ketauan tombol2 yang lainnya, mungkin besok sebelum nonton Initial D musti dicoba dulu (^_^). Yah, pokoknya g sudah cukup puas lah bisa mengeluarkan subtitlenya, jadi gak bengong kalo nonton film jepang & bisa men-fast forward scene2 yang tidak menyenangkan! v(^0^).

O iya, sodara2, kalo mau beli buku bekas, coba lihat kesini, kasian pedagangnya kalo gak ada yang beli terpaksa cuma makan toge *ngakak*. Harga cukup masuk akal, tergantung kondisi buku.. cuma kalo nanya buku kadang2 malah diajak ngobrol... doh, kenapa juga g jadi promosiin dia, mending dapet diskon! (^_^) Tapi dari beberapa transaksi, g cukup puas kok, tapi sekarang g lg nyuruh dia belajar dari komik Daikichi's Salesmanship.. kayaknya tips2 dagangnya cukup bagus tuh! ha3x

Ya sudahlah... well, gak ada yang menarik kan di entry kali ini... till later ajalah... bye bye...

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Ok... so now I missed more than a week, almost a month!! And that my good friend here announce my big day in her blog, I guess why not post an entry. Besides, many interesting things happen lately.

What's new in my life? I started to exercise at Fit By Beat since 3 weeks ago, and I started to REALLY watch when and what I ate and ta-da!! I lost some weight!! v(^_^)v Well, not that much, but it's a start since I never succeed with any kind of diet before.. At least I could start wearing some of my old clothes & pants again. I'm hoping to loose more in a few more weeks. The treadmill, the bike, the sauna, the salsa... they're all paid off... :)

I also have started the English class in church last week. Only 8 showed up from the 15 people registered. It was an interesting class... for the few first lessons, I plan to mix the basic & advance students. While the basics could learn from zero, the advances could refresh their memory & help the basics. I like my class. The students were active, they asked so many (unbelievable) questions! For example: "How do you ask a person if he's gay or not?" or "How do you congratulate a person after his circumcission?" I mean, what the.... f(^_^) Anyway, I can't wait till the next lesson this Saturday, I wanna know if there will be anymore weird or weirder questions...

And the plan for the library... or shall we call it a book club instead... Still so many things to do about it... the financial and promotion plan, human resources, the renovation... but at least we've sealed the deal with a ruko in Radio Dalam area and we're going to start the renovation next week and hopefully we could open the place by mid August, if not earlier. So we're going to call it QUALITY CORNER and we will provide 3 services. The 1st floor will be QC Book Club, the 2nd floor will be QC Relaxation Center -- jade matress theraphy & reflexology and the 3rd floor will be QC Movie -- for anime, K-Drama, Dorama and also related downloaded stuff (movie, clips, etc). Ade will have a room on the 3rd floor, too. Now I almost don't have a spare time anymore... What I hate is that I don't have much time to read a good book (please note: excluded comics). Still haven't finished You Shall Know Our Velocity, tried hard to read a couple of pages before I go to sleep or on my way to the office. I really really want to finish it by the end of this month (_ _)" .

And now my birthday... it was great!! I got so many sms, calls & e-mails since morning... thanks to everyone who still remember. But considering my age now, almost all of them gave almost the same message, something like: "Wish your dreams come true, and you will find the right person to marry." Why didn't they just say: "Okay, so you're 30 years old now, find a husband, get married, and stop worrying your parents!" Geez.. I am JUST 30!! I know so many older single women and I don't think they're desperate! Know what I mean? It's not that I ask God to keep me single for the rest of my life and God knows how many relationships I've been into and I don't think it's my fault that none of it worked out yet! (>_<) *sigh* I think it's enough about it... shall we move on?

So, since my grandmother is going to my uncle's place in Surabaya this morning, last night we had dinner at Pronto PIM with her, my uncle, aunts & 5 cousins. And guess what? Charlie Eagles & The Caranques were having a show again!! (^_^) Whoa... I was so excited! So what about this? Well, I watched the group's performance last month while I was taking a leave with Ade. They're native American music group from Ecuador, from The Caranques tribe. I like their music very much, Ade & I even bought the CDs. Had a little conversation with one of them and they all signed our CDs. My most favorite songs are Ananau and Tradicional. Since they were playing mostly mellow songs last night, I wanted to see them play Ananau again. So I requested the song but too bad they were going to rest for about half an hour. Sarah and I were bored & didn't want to wait for the next performance in Pronto, then we just hung around the stage and talked, boy did we missed a year's story or what?? He3x We were having a very nice conversation and I think we should spend some more time in the future, she's the only girl cousin that I could feel comfortable with in anyway though she's younger than me. We had many in common and we always had a good time together.

After waiting for more than half an hour, they finally played again. After a few songs I heard Charlie Eagles (the pan flute player) said: "Thank you for watching us and see you tomorrow." And I was like: "Oh no!! You have to play Ananau! Please, please..." And actually they had a little discussion for a moment and announced: "Ok, this is the last song for tonight, Ananau." I yelled: "THANK YOU!" and had this very silly grin on my face! (^o^). We all left the Mall after they played the song... I was so happy... I bought another bracelet too. I had a great time with my family, too bad my dad was in Lombok but he called twice yesterday. Once in the morning on my way to the office and later while we had dinner, he even spoke to my grandma. and said sorry he couldn't meet her before she leaves.

Well, that's that for now... maybe I'll post more interesting stuff later on, or maybe I won't post anything for the next month... but anyway, life goes on... till later everyone and have a blessed day! Ciao!!