Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Oooooh, daku berduka cita karena ibu w4rnaw4arni menghilangkan wajah cintaku Zhou Jie Lun dari blog ini.... coba kita tampilkan lagi, apakah berhasil?

Yang pasti, gue lagi BT banget sama yang namanya Kuuga karena diam2 dia menyembunyikan foto2 EG yang sudah dittd (kecuali Niu Nai) dan buku Generate Power milikku! Kebayang gak sih tololnya gue menelpon KK:

Me: "Halo KK, Tresia nih."
KK: "Oh, iya, ada apa?"
Me: "Gak, mau tanya aja itu foto2 & buku titipan gue bisa diambil gak?"
KK: "Ha? Yang mana tuh?"
Me: (mulai panik) "Itu loh, yang satu2 musti di ttd sama buku Generate Power!"
KK: "Oh, yang warna emas ya? Kan udah di David!"
Me: (bingung) "Oh, David My Idol? Yang bener?"
KK: "Iya, soalnya banyak titipan, jadi punya Ira sama punya eloe gue titip ke dia."
Me: "Oh OK, thank you ya."

Lalu gue sms lah anak itu dan bertanya apakah benar benda2 itu ada sama dia. Jawabannya? "Yup. Tapi tanpa Niu Nai." Oh Kuugaaaaaaaaaa.... lalu ngapain loe Sabtu siang itu masih nanya ama gue apakah benda2 itu milik gue??? Gue kira dia nanya doang tapi bendanya ada di KK!! Oh, gue BT se BT2nya! Lalu sore hari Mrs. Tao mampir ke kantor dan menelpon Kuuga dari sini, dia cuma ketawa doang! Oh, rese sekali dikau Kuuga!! Sedikit pudarlah excitement gue untuk minta kloning-an FAIZ versi movie yang ada Peter Ho nya sebagai Kamen Rider SAIGA!!! Coba tengok gambar disamping..... wah, gue sampe ternganga2, bagaimana mungkin ada Kamen Rider yang bukan orang Jepang?? Memang posturnya Peter ini sangat menunjang, dengan tinggi yang lebih dari 180... cocok!! Anyway, gue tetep minta gambar lainnya sebagai penebus dosa... minimal foto A Di waktu konser kemaren lah, kalau tidak... bakal awet ke BT an gue ini!!

Concert, anyone?

Aiyah... seems like everybody's writing about ENERGY's concert and expecting my to do so. So... here it is, though it's not as interesting as the others' cause I didn't stay in the same hotel, didn't go to the meet n' greet, didn't chase them around in the airport... practically nothing else but the concert. So where am I gonna start... Ah, better the day of the MNG. In the office I was so pissed off cause my laptop broke again & my legal docs weren't finished as promised before, so I skipped my Mandarin course (again!) and went to meet Ming2 & Kuuga (to get the promised CDs) at SarPac. In nutshell, we finally met at room 1230 where Mrs. Tao & Totoro stayed. Kuuga was there too and he had Mrs. Tao's Kunda pic signed!! Mmmh, I was wondering where mine was. We left the room at about 9 and I walked downstairs with Kuuga & Ming2. Ming2 got her own car, Kuuga got his "belalang tempur" and I took a taxi.

Saturday... I went to Harco M2 hesitantly, cause mom hit the car the other day I couldn't use it, had to take a taxi instead. But the traffic wasn't so bad so I sms Kuuga, asked if he'd still be around until the next hour. He would so I dropped by and bought E3 2nd Edition. Then he casually asked me:
"What time do you wanna go to the concert?"
"Ha? Me? I'm not going!"
"What do you mean you're not going? You're not going to see EG's concert?"
"No, I'd love to but my parents & my doctor prohibited me."
"But I thought you would!! They didn't allow you to go to the MNG too?"
"Umh, no, that's because I couldn't leave the office earlier."
"Oh, OK. So, since you're not going to the concert, wanna see the MNG record that I made last night?"
"Ha? Sure!! Love to... "

So there I was with another 2 guys watching & discussing the MNG at My Idol while Kuuga had his lunch at 2pm! After that I left & went home. Managed to watch the 2nd edition bonus a little, a short nap then prepared myself for youth service.

It was Praise & Worship night so the service ended at 8.30pm. When I turned on my phone, WAKWAK!!! There were 7 messages from Ming2 & Mrs. Tao asking me to go to the concert cause it was empty!!! And I was like, HUH?? REALLY? I sms-ed Kuuga and asked him shall I come, he said yes. So I hurriedly called my mom & asked her if I could go. SHE SAID NO!! But then I tried once again and persuaded Echa to get the car home (the parking lot must be full, not to mention the traffic @_@). This time she said yes (not in a good tone, but at least it's a yes ^_^) So I asked another friend to ride me to JCC with his motorcycle!! HAAAAAAA!!!! Niat banget!!! Got there at 9 and then there's a little drama outside the venue... while I was running to the gate...
Calo: "Mbak, mbak, tiket festival mbak!"
Me: (stop) "How much?"
Calo: "300.000!"
Me: (continue runnig & scream) "I'd buy if it's 20.000!"
And suddenly my way was blocked by about 5 calo offering the fest ticket for only 20 thou!! (about S$ 4!!!) The one who offered me first only got tribune actually but he said once I got inside I could choose any place I want to be. So I went in and tried to get into fest area. I was still a few metres from the doorkeeper who was sitting lazily, and as I waved my tribune ticket to ask if I could get in the fest area, he said: "It's free! Just get in! You can see it from anywhere you like it!" EH?? I couldn't find anyone I know in the fest's back area, but I found Mrs. Tao & Nere at the VIP area so I moved up. Well, I think everybody has described the concert in many good ways and I don't think I could do it better so I'll just skip it. Anyway, after the concert I met everyone but Kuuga. And as expected with my thin blouse & bronchitis in an Air Conditioned hall, I was sweating hard, I couldn't stop coughing and Ming2 had to take me to throw up at the toilet!! O Gosh! As if this wasn't enough, Onnie played a little trick on me that got me to SarPac instead of directly home!! Oh my.... got home at about 1.45am... I caught fever the whole night and was successfully stay in my bed (after church, of course) the whole Sunday!!! Mom didn't say anything, but from the way she looked at me I knew she's some kind of mad at me! He he... I didn't dare to complain or had a single word about my sikcness to mom...

Anyway... it's worth it. Seeing Energy on stage.... rasanya gue sudah cukup berkorban jiwa-raga deh.... tapi yang bikin BT orang2 adalah, THEY HAVE TO PAY 500.000 TO GET INSIDE WHILE I WAS ONLY PAYING 20.000!!! Hue he he... so, concert, anyone??

Friday, September 26, 2003

A night with a reporter, a Kamen Rider & a fan club chief.

Soooooo.... tadi malem ngobrol di loby Pan Pacific dengan seteko Earl Grey & kacang bogor dari jam 7.30pm sampe jam 10 kurang!! Couldn't be more fun cause I was in the company of a reporter (Onnie), a Kamen Rider (Kuuga) & a fan club chief (Mrs. Tao).

1. 2 CDs of super sentai & tokusatsu OST from Kuuga.
2. The fun of watching ms. reporter learn about tokusatsu from a Kamen Rider.
3. Found out that Kuuga has been Son Go Ku's Dragon Ball too in an event.
4. Bronchitis. Couldn't stop coughing the whole night and sweat so much.
5. Keep throwing up in the morning as soon as I get off the bed.

I think that's enough reason for me not to go to Energy's concert. How could I survive 3 hours in a concert hall, jumping & singing & God knows what else would I do with the other "tante2 girang" if sitting & chatting in a hotel lobby for a few hours made me have bronchitis & throwing up again? *sigh* so be it.....

Thursday, September 25, 2003


Whoa!! What's with this Kamen Rider stuff? Well, my trip to My Idol last Monday with Mrs. Tao & Ming2 ended with me ordering a set of Kamen Rider Faiz's series from David!! Dasar si Kuuga ini bener2 pinter nyetanin gua sampe muter2in LION MAN segala.... Ooooh, dompetku... and I finally completed my Weiz Kreuz collection cause he got the 7th and the 10th on sale too!!! Dunno why he's being such a good person sampe kita yang tadinya cuma mau ketemuan doang sampe nongkrong2 segala! ^_^ The truth is, I always thought Kamen Rider (or Satria Baja Hitam as we know it ^_^) was for children until I started reading Anima Genki which features Tokusatsu in every issue. Then I bought Kamen Rider Ryuki : 13 Riders at KENOP then I fell in love with Kamen Rider Raia, Tezuka Miyuki..... *sigh* gak sampe tergila-gila sih, tapi whew, those faces behind the mask is just soooooo kawaii... liat aja tuh digambar diatas... cakep kan! K, enough about Kamen Rider... dun wanna start something I might regret later.

From GMP we went to Kota by angkot, left the car at GMP parking lot.... I got LOVE STORM's full series!!! Yes! And also My Wife Is a Gangster 2... Then we returned to My Idol (again)... O iya, si Kuuga sampe ngasih gue gambar Kamen Rider Faiz yang dia gambar sendiri loh, gue suruh ttd aja sekalian buat gue koleksi.. he he... Kesambet apa tuh anak ya sampe baek bener... ntar2 deh gue post gambarnya disini... Tapi kalo gak ada mau liat mah buat apaan ya? ^_^

Oh Ming Jie... I really had a good time kemaren itu... bener loh... we should meet again next time. Sorry couldn't join you in Energy's concert, but at least Ah Di will get our card ^_^

Aduh sebenernya banyak banget yang mau diceritain tapi kok mendadak blank ya... Maybe because I just had my laptop returned after 2,5 half days being repaired so I had to catch up with my works... till later everyone and hav a blessed day!!!

Monday, September 15, 2003

Love at first song...

RYUICHI KAWAMURA. That name wasn't familiar when I heard it last year... then the next words "ex-vocal of Luna Sea" was kinda made me "Oh, it's him!" I fell in love with his voice the first time I heard Kamisama's theme song, I FOR YOU. Then I found out that he's going solo... then I searched every record store to find any of his CD to no avail... Until one day I went with Mrs. Tao to Kenop and got his Time Legend Concert VCD. Since that... after missing so many chances to get his Very Best of Songs CD, finally got it last Sunday at Duta Suara Plaza Senayan... And then I played his CD over and over and over again in my tape and my computer while at work. I just love this guy!!! Hue he he... sorry Jie Lun honey, a little distraction for a moment (^_^)

He's not good looking, malah kadang2 kayak banci... but I was hooked with his singing style when I watched his Concert VCD. Despite his strange costume, (sampe dibilang mr. kebaya sama Mrs. Tao! -- emang kayak kebaya sih bajunya ^_^) pokoknya I think the way he sings is so damn sexy!!! Ha ha ha... So, untuk sementara Mr. Kawamura bertengger di singgasana MAN OF THE WEEK gue... Dan KSW, Jie Lun & Ah Di jadi selingkuhan dulu ya (^_^)

Dan menjawab demo dari ibu ini, neng ini, dan mpok ini... nih gue update nih!! Jangan demo di tag board lagi yak! (^_^) Then should I tell you what I did on my weekend? Nah... dun think so. Besides, didn't do much on my weekend but more movie watching and Kawamura listening... Trus berita dari inbox.. pagi ini kembali menemukan kiriman lagu dari gebetan... kalo yang sebelumnya berjudul "If Our Love Is Over" (T__T) maka pagi ini judulnya "We Need to Talk More". Mmmmh, judulnya sedih2 amat ya? Ato apa emang pingin ngobrol? GR amat gua!! Yang pasti doi kembali laporan bahwa saking ketatnya jadwal dan deadline dia sampe ngerasa kayak artis aja. Yah, bagus lah dia masih sopan ngasih tau gue kalo dia nggak bales e-mail as soon as usual because of being busy with works. Cause some people just disappear without saying goodbye or saying anything at all!! (ada nada BT kah disini?..... ADA!!)

So, that's that.... I'll add up later if only I remember anything that I forget. Have a blessed day, everyone!!

Sunday, September 07, 2003


This is a beautiful Monday morning... First, I had a nice weekend after weeks of boring Saturdays & Sundays... Second, I got up very early and not feeling sleepy until now (^_^), and Third, Panin has returned to Plaza Mutiara!!! Hooray!! Phew.. surely had a lot to tell about my weekend...

K, on Friday night mom & my cousin picked me up in the office to go to K' Nia's wedding reception. This Nia guy was my Sunday School teacher and his parents are my dad's guardian in his younger days so you could say that we're very close. When I entered the reception hall there weren't many people (actually people were coming late because of the traffic jam along Rasuna Said) so naiklah gue untuk bersalaman dengan mereka (padahal biasanya makan dulu baru salaman!). Dari jauh gue perhatiin kok ini laki2 yang mewakili ortu cewek agak2 familiar mukanya kayaknya temen gue jaman dulu... tapi kok dia pake blangkon, bukannya dia Batak?? So, salaman lah seperti layaknya tamu sambil liat2an tolol gitu ama tu orang. Nah begitu turun panggung, gue samperin Mbak Indah deh (the groom's sister) dan gue tanya: "Itu sapa yang mewakili ayahnya si cewek?" Katanya: "Oooh, itu kakaknya." Gue makin penasaran dong... "Namanya sapa?"... "Namanya Ichon." Gue langsung... : "HAH?? SAPA?? ICHON??" Oh la la... ternyata emang temen gembel gue dulu!!! Ho hoho... langsung lah gue samperin lagi dan kita berteriak2 heboh getu setelah menyadari kebodohan masing2!!
Ichon: "Kok loe gak ngenalin gue sih?"
Me: "Nah eloe belangkonan gitu gimana gue bisa kenal? Eloe juga kenapa gak ngenalin gue?"
Ichon: "Loe pake baju gitu gimana gue bisa kenal!" (Note: dulu kita jalan bareng emang kayak gembel!)
Me: "Gila loe gue nyalamin eloe sopan banget kayak tamu geto!"
Ichon: "Makanya loe jangan pulang dulu ya, tungguin gue ya, gue ja'im dulu disini..."
He he heh... (^o^) Who would've thought that my friend's younger sister would marry my ex Sunday School teacher?? He he he... sementara sang pengantin terbengong2 ngeliat gue bercela2an ama dia sambil ngakak2 kenceng banget!!

He asked me to stay until the reception is over...sampe nyanyi2 bareng segala (dengan background anggota keluarga lainnya yang terbengong2 melihat kegilaan kita berdua)... said hi to my mom (they haven't met for a couple of years I guess) and told her that he's going to drive me home later on. Annnnddd... we talked in the apt until 1am!! Yikes! Gue udah ngantuk, dia udah nguap2 juga tapi masih ngotot belon ngantuk! Akhirnya dianterin pulang juga setelah gue berdiri2 dan bilang mau pulang naek taxi (ngancem doang sebtulnya, padahal emang ngarep dianter!)... sampe rumah mandi, ganti2, dan laper... so gue makan roti (bread before bed?? Gue emang udah error kayaknya...) I woke up at 9am on Saturday morning and found out that my mom & my cousin are going to Tanah Abang with my aunt. No Thanks! So I went swimming at the apt with Mbak Indah's children... ketemu lagi ama Ichon tapi udah gak ngobrol la ya... gue capek & dia juga mukanya udak gak layak diajak ngobrol getu! Abis berenang buru2 pulang, trus mandi, ke gereja sampe malem.. Sunday morning was tough... I haven't gone swimming for a few months and actually I broke the docor's rule of not swimming until he said OK... As the result, a wrecked body & runny nose!

And this morning, arb3i kindly told me where I could see Kwon Sang Woo's pics... just look at the pic in the left, isn't he gorgeous?? *sigh*... biarlah nere dengan KYON-nya dan gue dengan KWON !!! Hue he he he... garing banget gak sih... OOOOHHHH YANG INI GAK BOLEH LUPA!! Kira2 minggu lalu Mr. Korea janji mau ngirim lagu tapi bounce karena filenya kegedean. Akhirnya gue usaha minta ke Indonet untuk gedein inbox gue ke 10Mb (he he he... namanya partner, boleh dong dimanfaatkan..), Dapetlah kenaikan kapasitas itu hari Jumat kemaren & gue bilang sama mr. korea untuk kirim ulang... dia bener2 kirim bo dan pas gue denger... YA AMPUN, RINTO BANGET NIH LAGU!!! Hua ha haa ha... Aduh, asli itu lagu mellow banget dan ternyata itu lagu pernah ngetop di tahun '87! Setelah gue pikir2, itu tahun gue baru lulus SD, apakah saat itu dia sudah SMU? Berarti beda berapa tahun gue sama dia?? He he he.... Gue nggak berenti ngakak tiap kali denger lagu itu... But I really appreciate his effort to send me the song, he even told me that he's going to translate it into English so that I'd understand the song (cause I told him before how frustrating it is to like songs you don't understand the meaning of) (^_^) What a nice guy... bahkan sampai bersusah payah mencarikan pelajaran bahasa korea lewat internet pula... jadi terharu neh!! He he he...

Well... that's that for today... going home early to write something at home... Ciao!!

Monday, September 01, 2003

PANIN, kembalilah ke Plaza Mutiara!!!

Pertama, gua suka sekali film MY TUTOR FRIEND!!! Asli kocak banget dan lucuuuuuu...... Itu si Kwon Sang Woo juga keren banget, gue suka sejak dia maen di Volcano High trus di Make It Big (walopun perannya ngeres banget disini!). Adddduuuhhhh, sexy sekali laki-laki itu sih!!! Tapi kayaknya dia nggak main drama seri deh ya... T___T Jadi tambah suka sama film ini karena based on true story, huah!! Mau dong punya pengalaman kaya gitu... he he he...

OK, sebelum gue berkeluh-kesah mengenai kepindahan bank tersebut diatas, cerita dulu ah tentang Sabtu gue bersama Mrs. Tao! Hue he he... ^_^ Dengan semanget di hari Sabtu pagi gue bangun dengan tekat untuk pergi ke kota mencari celengan! Celengan?? Iya, celengan!! Dalam rangka menggalang dana untuk kegiatan pemuda di gereja nih, kita bikin program celengan... So, gue sms lah Mrs. Tao, nggak dijawab. Gue telp ke rumah, masih tidur. Dengan niat gue telp ke HP, pokoknya sampe dia bangun!! Memang dia bangun dengan tidak rela sepertinya.. tapi kayaknya mulai kembali ke alam nyata waktu gue bilang mau ke Kota... Walopun gue masih ngantuk juga, gue tau kalo kesiangan gak bakal dapet tempat parkir yang enak deh. So, kira-kira jam 10.30 kita udah nyampe deh disana... Celengennya gak ada yang murah, akhirnya gak jadi beli. Malah beli bantal mobil sepasang ama boneka Nemo... he he... Trus beli buku pelajaran Hanzi juga, dan kipas2 F4 untuk bonus Bulletin FC! Ha ha ha... norak banget, kita milih gambarnya sampe semangat gitu. Dan kalo sudah ke kota, tidak ketinggalan dong kita musti dan wajib absen di tempat film!!! Gue sebel, TOMATO gak ada, Love Storm belon ada juga, dan yang laen gue gak tertarik. Akhirnya cuma beli 1 seri pesenan nyokap. Pas gue ngeliat itu belanjaan filmnya Mrs. Tao, 3 set bo!!! Buset, perasaan gue baru sekali ini dia menyaingi gue deh! Ujung2nya daripada nggak ada yang dibeli, gue beli Saint Seiya yang Poseidon deh! ^_^ Lumayan lah... walopun itu CLAMP belon selesai gue tonton, tapi ada tabungan film untuk 2 bulan ke depan lah!

Now... tentang kepindahan Bank Panin ke Senayan... sebenernya sih gue seneng2 aja, jadi agak2 seger gitu bisa jalan2 dikit... masalahnya ternyata di Ratu Plaza yang bersebelahan dengan Panin. Setiap kali mampir situ gue bocor beli DVD!!!! Tolong! Hari ini gue sampe beli 7 biji... mulai dari The Returner (basi, tapi sampe sekarang belon liat), SEOUL (karena ada Tomoya Nagasenya), My Wife Is A Gangster (referensi dari arb3i), Spirited Away (pernah pinjem temen dan gue suka), Heroic Duo (buat sepupu gue yang seneng banget Ekin Cheng), The Storm Riders (Wind & Cloud versi movie - Ekin Cheng & Aaron Kwok) & Legally Blonde 2 (gue suka banget yang pertama!). Makanya tadi gue seneng banget waktu dibilang minggu depan Panin sudah kembali beroperasi di Plaza Mutiara karena sudah selesai di perbaiki, sudah tidak ada bekas2 bom sama sekali.... Senangnya! ^_^

Hari minggu sepulang dari gereja nonton Romance ampe malem! Hari ini pun berasa indah... setelah beberapa hari no imel dari gebetan yang sedang sibuk.. pagi ini dia kembali hadir untuk absen di inbox gue, panjang pula isinya... dan sudah mencarikan lagu pula untuk dikirim ke gue... dan sudah tidak sibuk lagi... aaaaahhhhh, indahnya!!!!!