Tuesday, August 26, 2003


Since the big boss returned from his business trip, I've been spending half my time out of the office everyday since Monday! First because of the banking transaction, second because he's setting up a new business with his colleagues which made me have to go around to get signatures, original ID, etc etc etc... and know what? I don't even have time to listen to any music in my desk! When I got to the office, I would sit down and do the report & updating stuff & calling people to find out where I can get them to sign the papers.. *sigh*... But yesterday a package landed in my desk and voila! It's Steven Curtis Chapman's All About Love CD from Valen!! Woohoo! This is what I've been waiting & looking for... couldn't even find in SG. Haven't got the time to listen to it carefully, but at least I've read the lyrics and yes, they're as beautiful as the previous albums!! I love this guy and his music... I'll post one of his lyrics next time.

Oh, and yesterday after transferring some money in the bank I checked out my wallet and found out that i only have Rp 20.000,- left!! ^^; and I still have to go to Mandiri and someone's office.. So I went looking for BCA ATM nearby, and surprised to find someone has trasferred an amount of money into my account. A few minutes later a sms came in, and finally I knew who did it. Thanks so much!! Langsung deh... mentang2 deket Ratu Plaza... bukankah di atas ada DVD Anime yang kucari-cari?? He he he... (^_^) So I went upstairs, couldn't find what I'm looking for but got this CLAMP DVD instead. Don't know when I'll be able to watch, but no harm in saving some movies for another holiday... O iya, also bought a Korean movies titled My Tutor Friend, kayaknya sih sejenis ama My Sassy Girl, tapi tau deh ya, ntar Sabtu pagi nonton ah!!

Arrrggghh.. baru juga nulis udah musti keluar kantor lagi!!! @_@ Well, till later!!

Friday, August 22, 2003


Say the word... and I will sing for YOU
Over oceans deep... I will follow
If each star was a song
And every breath of wind praise
It would still fail by far
To say all my heart contains

As the glory of YOUR presence now fills this place
In worship we will meet YOU face to face
There is nothing in this world
To which YOU can be compared
Glory on glory... praise upon praise
You bind the broken hearted and save all my tears
By YOUR word YOU set the captive free
There is nothing in this world that YOU can not do

Words & Music by Russel Fragar, Hillsong Music

When I heard this song again on my way to this office I felt ashamed of myself. How many times have I forgotten that HE is the only reason of my being in this world. No matter what happens to me, I have to stay faithfull. My life does not belong to me, my life belongs to HIM. And from now on, I will SIMPLY LIVE FOR HIM.

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Will things get better soon?

Aiyah, been more than a week after my last entry! Nothing much happened except that the boss kinda hate me for the whole week for booking him in the wrong hotel for his trip to KL... *sigh*... This, I think, shows that my life has been uninteresting lately. Do I need a holiday? Don't think so.. just had it last week. A higher salary? Perhaps, more new records are coming up and not to mention concerts. Do I need a new more interesting job with lower stress level?? EXACTLY!! I need THAT!! But I know I couldn't get one... not at least until mid next year...

Anyway, weekend was alright, rest at home most of them time, especially cause my period is coming up. But then on Monday, as reluctant as I could be, I have to go to Mal TA for ADFC meeting (I missed a couple of their meetings before) and to buy my brother's music books & VCD. I've planned before to go to church for our praying session after that but then slowly I felt my tummy is getting unfriendly again. I was afraid that it's gonna be as painfull as last month... so I went home intead after the meeting. And I was right. It was even more painful!!! I couldn't sleep until like 5.30am the next morning. Mau miring kira-kanan, nungging, nggak ngaruh & tidak mengurangi rasa sakit itu!! And I was supposed to work that day... then I decided to do something that I dreaded doing all these years.... I went to a gynecolog.

As much as I hate to be in there, dan sudah harus berjalan dengan susah payah dan terbungkuk2 menahan rasa sakit... they kept asking me everytime they have to fill out my record, member cards, etc : "What's your husband name?" And I wrote in the registration form clearly : Status : Belum menikah. DIBACA GAK SEEEEHHH???? (>_<) I haven't even met the doctor but I already felt pissed off!! Belon lagi komennya: "Oh, abis jalannya gitu sih, saya kira abis operasi." Hah!! Gue udah BT banget disitu. Finally I met the doctor and after checking me for about 40 minutes or so, including USG, he finally told me the result. And... it was something that I always wish not to happen to me. *sigh* He gave a prescription and said I have to return after 2 weeks, just to see whether the medicine works or I have to go on a surgery. Yikes!! Sampe rumah makan, telpon2 dulu, minum obat (dan obat ini bikin sakitnya berkurang!) dan istirahat lah gue. O iya, ditengah-tengah kesengsaraan ini, I checked my mail and tarraaaa!!! There's a mail from that Korean guy that I met on my way to Batam!! Happy, happy, happy!! v(^o^)v yah, setidaknya penghibur lah ditengah2 kesakitan gue ini! He he he... Tapi gue jadi malu nih, padahal gue udah rencanya mau ngirim email dari minggu lalu, tapi karena kerjaan yang lagi nyaho banget akhirnya malah dia duluan yang kirim imel... Well, I think things are going to get better after all.... Ciao!!

Monday, August 11, 2003


Wow... been sometime & there are so many things that I wanna tell... But first, my deep condolences for the family of the JW Marriott bombing victims. I couldn't be more thankful to God to be where I am now. As some of you already know, I work in the 17th floor of Menara Rajawali building, next to JW Marriott. When the bombing took place at exactly 12.45pm, me and my colleagues were having lunch at Ambasador Mall, just accross the street. An hour earlier I was passing the spot to get to the bank (as I always did everyday, sometimes 4 times a day!) and smiling to the security guards & the Silver Bird drivers.... And half an hour before my friend Nina was waiting for the bank's branch manager to sign some reference paper when she decided that she'd just go after me & Emir for lunch instead of waiting... I was supposed to return to get my bank statement too after lunch. Who would've though that this tragedy would ever happen at all?? We all rushed back to the office just to find that our building is already closed and some people are carried with all these shatered glasses and blood all over their bodies. I guess I could spare you all the details as I am sure you get a better picture in the papers. The thing was... before this thing happened, I always hate being checked and having to open my car's trunk to enter any place. But now I'm thankful and complain no more. See, when things like this happen so close to you, then you realize that those rules are made for your safety anyway, you lost your interest to argue over it and complain. You are thankful instead. I am. There's a song that became popular in my church lately, after all this somehow I feel like sharing these words to you all... here's the English translation (excuse my translation though, as Mrs. Tao is much better in this):


There are many things that I can't understand
Why does it all has to happen in this life
One thing that I keep in my heart
There's nothing happen without God's cares
God understands, God cares
Everything that we're going through
He will never let us struggle along
Because God cares

You know, I still believe that God is watching and never even close HIS eyes for one single second. No matter how hard for us to accept the truth and the fact that this tragedy could happen again anytime anywhere, the only thing that could make us strong is our faith and belief in The One up above. AMIN.


Let's get on to this subject.... K, so I was a bit pissed off cause our flight was delayed for about half an hour. But my first step into a CD store at WTC (baru turun ferry nih, gue kan ketemuan ama or-tu dulu di Batam karena bokap ada pertandingan di sana) was greeted by Jay's new song, Qing Tian! ^_^ langsung hilang semua kesal dan mulai bersemangat.... Lalu masuk HMV, ha ha ha Jay is number in the chart with Energy in 2nd place!! To make a long story short, dengan waktu yang mepet, belon lagi musti ke rumah temen gua yang ternyata jauh banget dari pusat kota (tapi terbayar dengan 2 buah CD Peter Ho gratisan dari doi!!), gue berkeliling kota dengan membawa2 8 eksemplar Wo De Energy dan majalah2 yang bercover Jay or Energy!! Meskipun gue gak tau isinya mereka didalem banyak apa kagak, gue udah merem aja deh!! Sebenernya di Kino bisa liat dulu sih baru beli tapi yang mo ngliat banyak banget dan gue udah males ngantri, udah capek pingin balik ke hotel (kaki gue rasanya udah mau copot nemenin ibu2 itu belanja-belinji!!!) Walopun pesenan Vicky or Endah akhirnya gak kebeli, karena udah gak ada dan gak sempet nyari, grab aja apa yang ada deh! Beginilah derita pergi bersama ibu2 dan kakak2 yang hobi belanja semua!!! Pusing.... @_@ He he he... tapi lucu banget ngeliat itu muka orang2 dibelakang gue waktu ngeliat gue bawa setumpuk Wo De Energy & majalah itu ke kasir... disangka mau jualan kali ye!! Biarin deh...

Pokoknya gue gak shopping2 deh, duit gue abis buat beli Discman & tape recorder buat ADFC yang ternyata disana bisa dapet lebih murah. I got Mrs. Tao MACHII's CD with a bonus vcd inside (biasa, 3 MV doang). Lalu hari terakhir, we left the hotel at 8 am and when we got to WTC we knew that we picked the wrong day to return... it was National Day and actually people were going accross for golfing, etc, etc!!! It was chaos!! Pas udah duduk2 di ferry, gue sebelah kiri gue K' El dan pas gue nengok ke kanan.... EEEEEHHHH, ada barang bagus nan mengkilat lagi senyum2 ama gue!!! Hue he he... berhubung gue masih kesel karena antri2 & delay2 lagi, gue langsung ngeluarin discman dan cowok itu melirik2 waktu gue keluarin CD Peter dari discman baru itu dan memasukkan CD Jay. Lalu tiba2 gue ngerasa ni cowok ngelirik2 jam 2 gue dengan heran (karena masih waktu Jkt, gue nggak ganti) lalu tiba2 dia mengeluarkan HP dari kantongnya dan mau ganti waktu yang di HPnya itu. Sebenernya gue udah mau ketawa, tapi berhubung dia gak nanya gue diem aja. Tapi lama2 kok ni cowok mukanya makin deket ama jam gue, gak yakin kali ya kalo jam gue bener apa nggak... gue gak tahan juga, akhirnya gue ketawa dan bilang sama dia sambil nunjuk jam gue "It's Jakarta time".... from then on, the 30 minutes or so in the ferry feels too short for us!! He he he... actually he's a Korean working in Singapore as a computer programmer. He's there for only 2 months... jadilah kita mengobrol ngalor ngidul mulai dari masalah pemboman, sampe soal Kang Ta & BoA, trus TV Drama, Won Bin, Military Service, economic situation, education... sampai tiba2 gue bertanya: "You know, from what I saw in Korean movies, seems like the oldest son takes a great resposibility for the family."Lalu dia menjawab sambil tertawa: "Like me!! My parents are worried about me especially because I'm not married yet! I have one younger brother but he got married 2 years ago!" ^_^ Hua ha aha ha... langsung deh I went : "REALLY??" He he he.. ujung2nya tuker2an no hp & e-mail. He said he wants to visit Jakarta when he has longer holiday.. BTW, his name is KIM TAE HUN. Well, he's quiet good looking, tall, wear glasses (my type of guy... tapi Ah Di & Jay kok nggak ya??). Yah, mudah2an aja dia inget gue kalo mo ke Jakarta...

Pulangnya... lagi2 delay for 45 minutes!! It's already 4pm when we got all of our baggage so K' El and I took the Damri straight to Blok M then to church to set up the movie playing. Got home at about 10pm. But I was happy cause the the seats were full and we even manage to sell more tickets then we expected. Tired, but satisfied & happy. Went to bed at about 12 (and I haven't even finished unpakcing my luggage!). Woke up Sunday morning very hesitantly and went to church... tugas singer bo!! I chose to sit in the music room during the sermon, didn't want to embarrase myself by falling asleep in the middle of the sermon!! ^_^ Abis kebaktian creambath dulu trus pulang... sampe rumah mandi, makan dan tidur sampe jam 7!! Bangun tidur trus baru deh unpacking semuanya dan malemnya tidur jam 11.30 pm!!! Dan pagi ini... gue kesel banget... apparently after the bombing semua mobil diperiksa di depan pintu masuk dan itu dipinggir jalan antriiiii mobil2 yang mau masuk gedung... It took me 2 hours to get to the office from the usual 45 minutes!! And also with a double fare because of the traffic jam!!! Rese!!! *sigh*.... ya sudahlah... gue mau pulang cepet, masih ngantuk berat neh... Ciao!!! O iya... Thanks to Okke for changing this blog's lay-out, like it!! God Bless You All!!!