Here I am… working in the office with 2 senior accountants… And it’s a damn bright & sunny day out there! I have turned down Carol’s offer for Townsquare’s Starbuck coffee (hey, I don’t drink coffee, anyway) cause I'm gonna have to work until 3pm... but Tari called & said that she got the Finding Forrester VCD for me (though I have no idea when can I see it), but darn… the Neon Genesis Evangelion’s price’s still the same! But guess what? I have another appointment with my beloved cousin this evening (before youth service) to discuss something about…. Tax! What else? Isn’t it great… I dreamed of the tax report, I’m working on it right now, and he wants to discuss THAT again? Geeezh, are these people very understanding or what? Can’t they just offer something like.. uumm, a free ticket to Dufan? (^_^) Dufan? Yeah.. I missed Dufan, I missed the Merry Go Round, I missed Kora-kora, I missed Istana Boneka, I missed Ontang-anting, I missed Undur-undur….*sigh*….. And I missed someone.
Day after Day
Just bits and pieces of whatever cross my mind...
Friday, February 28, 2003
Thursday, February 27, 2003
Tiba-tiba gue harus buat Surat Peringatan Pertama untuk ES… Gimana yah kata-katanya yang cocok & sounds formal (sesuai permintaan AH)? Bingung… bener2 bingung…. Dan sekarang gue sudah tidak konsentrasi lagi untuk meneruskan pekerjaan pajak itu.. Sudah tidak sanggup!! Rasanya jenuh sekali… I guess I’m going home early from work today, kan besok masuk lagi jam 9! And I just called home a few minutes ago, mom picked up the phone & I jokingly yelled: “Selamat sore… ada yang bisa dibanting?”. Kayaknya doi sempet kaget dan terdiam… kemudian: “APAAN? Sore-sore udah gangguin orang! Pulang jam berapa?” He he he… Emang gue udah stress kali ya sampe bisa gangguin emak sendiri aja kok seneng! (^_^) Dan seperti biasa kalo gue pulang cepet dari kantor: “Beliin roti ya buat dirumah… jangan lupa sekalian beli kado ulang tahun buat Imot ‘kan kamu yang ngurusin ultahnya hari Minggu nanti!" Lagi-lagi... Aaaah... senangnya bisa pulang dengan melihat sinar matahari!! v(^0^)v
I dreamed of the tax report last night! Nuts!! This is insane, this annual tax report is driving me mad. Can you imagine having to make 3 kinds of bookkeeping for 7 companies? OK, stop discussing it any further… I’m tired… (@_@) I kept imagining numbers & figures in my head everytime I tried to “relax” and sleep early. But this Saturday Pak Wahono asked me to come in to work with the tax papers… We have to finish it before IK returns from his holiday.
And I start having headaches more often. This is not good… I’m so sick and tired of taking painkillers & such again. No folks, it’s not migraines. Doctors diagnosed me with “tension headache” since I was in college. It was so bad back then that it could make me vomit everytime I couldn’t stand the pain. I’m reading a book about it now but haven’t finished, maybe when I have I could explain what’s the difference between migraines & tension headache. If I’m not mistaken there are 2 more kinds of headache besides those two. But really, the pain is killing me…
And as a very good big sister, I ‘m going to host my little cousin’s 4th birthday party in his Sunday School next Sunday… Actually I’ve planned to go to the evening service but now I have to change the whole plan. Means, go with mom & dad in the morning, wait until the Sunday School’s over then have this little birthday party… After that I guess I’ll go to BP and have some lunch and try to find anything interesting to do until 4.30 before the choir practice at 4.30.. I’ll be damn tired on Sunday! I know it… Not to mention the counseling seminar on Monday morning (>_<).
Gosh, I really feel like crying over everything now!! ..*sigh*.. this is not a cheery one, eh? OK everybody… pretend you never read this!
Monday, February 24, 2003
So I went to bed last night with Sarah Brightman’s EDEN. And I woke up this morning with Josh Groban’s To Where You Are in my head…. Over and over and over again… Trying to remember its lyrics and sing it in my head. Can’t help it… Maybe because of the rain.. (again!)…
To Where You Are
-Josh Groban-
Who can say for certain, maybe you’re stil here
I feel you all around me, your memories so clear
Deep in the stillness I can hear you speak
You’re still an inspiration, can it be…
That you are mine, forever love
And you watching over me from up above
Fly me up to where you are beyond the distant star
I wish upon tonight to see you smile
If only for awhile to know you’re there
A breath’s away not far to where you are
Are you gently sleeping here inside my dream?
And isn’t faith believing all power can’t be seen?
As my heart hold you just one beat away
I cherish all you gave me everyday
Cause you are mine, forever love
Watching me from up above
And I believe that angels breathe
And that love will live on and never leave
Maybe it’s the rain, maybe it’s not… But my mind wanders as I hear this song again here in the office… It suddenly bring back memories that I thought I’ve forgotten (or tried to forget!) long ago. No, I don’t wanna be sentimental today!! Forget it!! Get over it, will you Tre! (Funny how sometimes I have to remind myself to stay focus on whatever I’m doing..) But really… isn’t it strange that sometimes you hear a song and feel that it’s so… you? I mean, you really feel that the song was made for you… like your heart being opened up and somebody turned it into lyrics & melody.. and when you hear it and sing it, it feels like you’re screaming: “This is what I feel now, can’t any of you understand?” And that’s good music! Good music takes you everywhere… anywhere…. And yet you’re still being yourself! Confuse? Just forget to read it here! Ciao!!
Experience is a wonderful thing. It enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again.
Thursday, February 20, 2003
My colleague's comment on my way of dressing today: "Mau naik gunung Tres?" And my answer was: "Yap! Tuh gunungnya keliatan diujung." Well, if you're wondering what I'm wearing.. I'm tellin' you: blue sneakers, black pants, blue shirt in the inside and a blue-orange jacket in the outside... oh, and plus a brown Nike cap before I entered the office. Still wondering why I dressed up that way? OK... first because it's Friday, a"dress up the way you like it" day for everybody, exceptional for those who has important meetings outside (sorry guys...). Second because it's raining when I went out the house this morning... gerimis doang sih bukan gerimis mengundang... and I didn't wanna take a risk berbecek2 ria dengan blazer dan baju kerja yang agak2 menyulitkan gerak, belon lagi kalo pake baju kerja yang formal itu gue musti pake tas yang 'wanita' pula bukan? Bukaaannn.... (^_^) So comfortably put my stuff into my black backpack which suit my overall appearance (I think! Tapi lagi2... biasanya ada yang komen: "Tas loe gede amat! Mau terjun payung Tres?" Nah lho...) then I set off to the office lagi2 dengan langganan ojek yang berbeda! FYI, gue punya beberapa langganan ojek di Kampung Melayu, so kalo salah satu sudah beberapa hari berturut2 mengantar gue ke kantor biasanya trus gue switch ke ojeker yang laen. Adil dong, adil.... En toh sampai saat ini belon ada ojeker yang complain kok mengenai ketidak adilan gue walaupun waktu Lebaran kemaren cuma atu yang beruntung dapet THR dari gue on my last day to work (^_^) Die juga gak bernai cerita2 ke temen-temennya kali yeee... takut dimintain kali!
Speaking of big bags... (kayaknya gue sering memulai cerita gue dengan cara ini ya? Ngasih kesan nggak sengaja gitu...padahal sih emang udah tau mo ngomong apa.. sometimes!) Yah, emang gue dari dulu pake tas gede-gede banget. Kalo nggak percaya ente boleh tanya sama ibu Irini (*_^)! Tapi ada satu hal yang gue nggak bisa lupa.. Selama di SD nyokap gue nggak pernah ngebolehin gue pake tas ransel! Sampe sekarang gue ngak tau alesannya dan kalo gue tanya nyokap juga sepertinya nggak ngeh: "Masa sih waktu SD kamu nggak pernah pake tas ransel? Mami udah lupa tuh." Tapi trus sewaktu masuk SMP dan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler gue merajalela yang berarti gue harus bawa ganti hampir setiap hari, gue baru dibolehin punya tas ransel. Yang gue inget waktu itu lagi hot2nya tas ransel ALPINA. Wah, kayaknya kalo nggak pake nggak keren! Tapi anehnya , gue baru beli tas ALPINA itu waktu gue udah kelas 2 SMP, waktu kelas 1 gue nggak akan pernah lupa itu tas ransel merah yang bergambar TRANSFORMER (robot kesayangan gue yang filmnya diputer di TV saat itu).. hologram pula! Waduh, bener-bener nggak ada malunya deh gue pake tas itu, malah bangga! Untungnya nggak pernah ada yang ngeledekin gue soal itu... (nggak berani kali, soalnya waktu itu gue galak banget, maklum lah, teman SD gue nggak banyak yang masuk SMP itu). Dan sampe lulus SMP emang tas gue kebanyakan Alpina... norak banget ya gue! Namanya juga anak SMP coy....
Memasuki masa SMA -- eh SMU ya sekarang nyebutnya -- gue memasuki SMU favorit pula... Gaya gue sih nggak banyak berubah, masih begitu2 aja, nggak tertarik ngikutin tren anak2 laennya. Tapi yang pasti selain tas gede, dalem tas gue juga pasti ada tempat pensil yang gede banget untuk menampung spidol, ilustrator, kuas & cat air yang gue perlukan untuk menyalurkan keisengan gue saat itu. Apalagi waktu masuk kelas 2 di kelas Bahasa (Informasi tambahan: gue masuk A4 bukan karena nggak naek kelas ya! Tapi emang niat, karena tadinya gue mau kuliah jurusan sastra... ) dari 40 murid, cowoknya cuma 12 (dan sedikit tertindas dengan perlakuan 28 cewek yang gila semua!).. jadilah perempuan2 itu semua berhobi mencorat-coret buku dan menghias buku catatan dan diary milik bersama (Ette... gue juga masih punya lho diary bareng kita itu... Malu deh *^_^*). Tapi yang agak2 berotak bisnis tuh emang gue... berhubung gue bukan orang kaya dan uang jajan gue nggak banyak, gue nabung beli spidol dan aksesoris laennya untuk kemudian gue terima order membuat nama yang dihias! Gue buat berdasarkan orderan ("Pake warna pink ya, ukurannya segini ya, trus hurufnya begini ya, trus dilaminating ya...") dan kalo udah selesai & terima pembayaran ya gue pake lagi untuk beli spidol ato ilustrator sehingga gue menjadi pelanggan setia Gramedia Blok M untuk mencari-cari adakah media lain yang murah dan bisa ku karyakan? (Dan ini terbawa sampe sekarang.... Di kantor gue terkenal punya pulpen 'normal' tapi ilang melulu, kalo yang warna ijo, pink, biru muda atau bahkan yang glittery selalu tersedia!) Gue inget banget waktu lagi musim2nya pesta Sweet 17.. ceileeh... Trus temen sekelas gue yang namanya Hamidah mengorder 100 undangan sweet 17 itu. Jadilah gue berkarya sementara yang laen mencatat pelajaran... tapi mereka dengan baik hatinya minjemin catetan buat gue, dan bahkan membantu gue bikin undangan itu lo bo! Gilee deh... dipikir2 gue nih ngeracunin temen2 gue juga ye? Dan gue masih inget juga perasaan bangga itu waktu undangan diedarin dan dalam hati berkata: "Bikinan gue tuh undangan yang loe pegang!" (^_^) Senangnya... Lanjut soal tas... trus waktu kelas SMU juga gue ikut pencinta alam.. dan mulai bergaya dengan pake gelang prusik yang berwarna-warni di tangan dan menggantungkan carabiner di ransel gue yang super gede (isinya mulai dari buku tulis, buku gambar, baju ganti, komik, novel, dll)... Cuih, pokoknya anak gunung deh gayanya! Tapi tidak berlangsung lama sekale.. At least waktu kelas 3 gue udah nggak terlalu banyak bergaul dengan anak2 gunung itu karena gue sudah mulai menemukan dunia baru gue... dunia fotografi!
Ceritanya gini... oh iya, soal tas itu udah selesai dibahas ya, ini udah laen lagi topiknya... Waktu gue kelas 2 kelas gue juga terkenal sebagai tampungan anak2 'veteran' alias yang naek kelas. Dan gue bergaul akrab dengan 4 orang laki-laki di kelas gue yang namanya Rendra, Kiki Bule, Adi & Ian (If any of you reading…. Hi!). Ternyata Rendra ini sedang belajar jadi fotografer bo... dan akhirnya sering mengajak kita nongkrong di Rapico Melawai setiap pulang sekolah. Suatu hari gue teringat ('ting!) bahwa babe gue punya kamera manual kebanggaannya yang dia beli di Jepang sebelon gue lahir.... merek Canon yang udah tua (seri FtB) dan gue nggak boleh pake, takut rusak. Yah, namanya juga anak perempuan cuma satu, gue bujuk 2 aja dengan rayuan maut gue: "Pap, teman aku ada yang mau ngajarin fotografi nih, aku pinjem ya kameranya, biar aku juga bisa makenya, sayang kan cuma papi aja yang bisa make. Aku kan penasaran... sesusah apa sih make ginian?" Dan akhirnya keluarlah ijin untuk memakai kamera itu. Dengan bangga gue tunjukkin ke Rendra dan komentarnya: “Kamera taun brapa nih? Berat amat!” (Dzzig! Gue tampol deh tuh anak…). Tapi akhirnya kita semua (kecuali Ian deh seinget gue) mulai ikut2an motret. Berhubung -- sekali gue tekankan-- uang jajan gue nggak cukup buat beli film, gue karyakanlah wanita2 di kelas gue yang punya duit untuk dijadikan bahan “latihan”. Mereka yang modalin film & cuci-cetaknya, gue yang motret mereka dengan berbagai macam gaya & busana, kadang-kadang di rumah mereka, kadang2 di PI (seringnya sih disini) yang ada tanah & rumah kosong & ‘hutan terlarang’ (sekarang udah nggak ada, udah jadi rumah semua…). Setelah beberapa bulan dan mulai bisa dikatakan layak untuk dijual, mulailah gue menarik bayaran dari mereka (belagu banget ya? Padahal waktu gue belum bisa kan mereka juga yang modalin gue!), 35ribu perak per-roll film. Dan mulailah hari hura-hura gue setiap malem minggu. Pokoknya asal udah hari Jumat sore/Sabtu pagi mulai sibuk deh cari orderan motret untuk Sabtu siang (pulang sekolah) dan malemnya duitnya dipake deh untuk gaul… Oh iya, dulu tuh gaul versi gue cuma nonton di Empire (sekarang Wijaya 21) dan jalan-jalan ke PI Mall (yang waktu itu juga baru jadi). Setelah itu duitnya diabisin buat beli kaset (kaset pertama yang gue beli pake duit sendiri kaset Tommy Page lho… *^_^*), komik dan buku2 bahasa Inggris di Rubino Melawai. Kadang2 beli majalah2 kayak Tiger Beat, 16, dll yang isinya nggak jauh2 dari NKOTB dan sebangsanya itulah… Atau kadang-kadang juga buat beli & cuci-cetak film kalau lagi pengen nyoba.niru gaya motret yang baru (tergantung gaya apa yang lagi dipotret Rendra biasanya..). Akhirnya kegiatan motret-memotret berlangsung cukup serius juga sampe gue kuliah. Dulu sempet minder ngeliat orang lain pake kamera yang canggih-canggih dengan berbagai macam lensanya, sementara gue pake kamera tua yang cuma punya lensa standard 50mm dan long lens 125mm (nggak bisa zoom pula!), tapi gue makin encouraged waktu dinasehatin sama Hendra (nah, orang ini dulu fotografer majalan Anita Cemerlang – pasti pernah baca kan loe! – dan juga mentor Rendra & gue (ikut2an!) dalam hal potret meomotret): “Percuma juga punya alat lengkap tapi nggak bisa makenya. Belajar dong untuk bikin hasil yang maximal dengan alat yang minimal!” Apalagi trus si Hendra ini juga yang mulai memperkenalkan gue dengan film hitam putih yang menurut gue amazing banget… Foto yang cukup berkesan buat gue (karena menurut orang lain bagus sekali…) adalah fotonya Kris, si orang Kanada yang gue paksa untuk dipotret bareng Carlos -- anak pertukaran pelajar dari Spanyol di sekolah gue -- sampe jemput2 ke Bintaro dan naek2 taxi segala ke PI… Eh, itu sama eloe kan Te! Hi hi hi… masih inget kan loe… Kata orang-orang sih selain modelnya OK (emang cakeb, pake “b” bukan “p”) angle yang gue ambil itu agak tidak biasa.. Ehem! Jadi GR neh… Tapi emang iya, foto2 mereka yang gue ambil itu sampe sekarang gue masih suka liat, karena gue puas sama hasilnya… Singkat kata, gue aktif memotret cuma sampe sekitar semester 2 (karena saat itu gue satu kampus dan sekelas juga dengan Rendra & Ian) dan setelah itu… vacuum! Sibuk dengan kuliah... Gue sekarang jarang banget motret, paling motret temen-temen gue aja… Itu juga belon tentu setaun 2 kali! Kadang pengen juga nyoba2 lagi, just to find out “if I still have the touch” gitu… Dan kamera gue masih belon bertambah, masih yang itu juga dengan lensa yang sama.. Pinginnya sih hunting aja ke jalan cari-cari obyek yang bagus, ntar kali ya kalo udah lewat musim ujan.
Akhir kata…. Looks like this is gonna be the longest blog I’d ever write! Dan gue sudah mulai pegel mengetik, walaupun di musim hujan ini tiba-tiba gue jadi sentimental dan teringat lagi akan banyak hal yang pingin gue curahkan… (Deu…) So…gotta get back later on… Monday probably and until then… stop being sentimental like me!! Ciao!!
It's damn cold in the office!!
And this is not the 1st time I'm complaining about this! The neighbours are freezing too so we met lotsa time in the ladies room, warming our hands with the hand dryer!! (^_^) What I hate most when it's raining at lunchtime is that we can not eat outside. Not in the mall, not at XL. And our building has no foodcourt but a tiny cafetaria which is packed with hundreds of people at lunchtime... we never get a seat until 1pm. And when we do get a seat, they run out of food! Ironic... So we just have to wait until the rain is over or, worse come to worst, we skipped lunch!
But on the whole... I love rain. Really. There's part of me who wants to get out and play in the rain when I see it starts pouring down on earth... I always feel something inside of me is being freed when the water touch my skin. Being sentimental? Maybe... I do really feel like it can wash away all the hurt and pain (as long as don’t bring along the flu & cold) (cieee…) Even sometimes I made myself an excuse to walk under the rain... like, mmmh... lemme think... oh yeah, like it's raining when I'm on my way home? When I got home soaking wet, I'd tell my mom: "Daripada kelamaan nungguin ujan Mam, mana nggak ada ojek payung pula, aku lari aja biar cepet sampe di rumah, kan bisa langsung keramas & ganti baju!" Padahal mah sengaja lari-larian trus cari tempat berteduh yang rame jadi sesungguhnya nggak ngaruh gue berteduh apa nggak! He he he... such a lame excuse, eh? But it works... And I'd feel very happy n' smile a lot after that (^_^)
And talking about the rain always makes me talking about Nelson & Beverley Craven. OK, now about Nelson.. maybe some of you know their hits years ago called “After The Rain”. It goes like: “After the rain washes away the tears and all the pain, only after the rain can you live again. After the rain, you’ll see the sun appear and light the way, only after the rain can you hope you find true love again.” This was the song that made me their fan for a few a years & 3 albums. After that, I forget to find out about their next album.. Their music didn’t improve & I didn’t listen to the radio much either. So that’s it. But really, I think the lyrics are good, kinda spirit lifting and bla bla bla…
And about Beverley Craven. First of all, I want to thank Ette/Irini for introducing me with this British singer which albums I couldn’t find in any record store in Jakarta now! When Ette played her 1st album “Beverley Craven” at her house in Pulo Raya, I became a very big fan of her though everytime I tried to talk about her to everyobody else -- but Ette -- the answer was always: “Bev what? Who? From where?” …*sigh*… I made a copy of the album then a friend borrowed and never returned it… (and I guess you lost it too, right Te?) But you know what, I still remember all the songs in the album. Not the lyrics (not that good memory), I mean, I found all the lyrics while surfing through the net and I still remember very well how the melody goes, I could sing them!! One of the songs, “I Listen To The Rain” (got it there?) goes:
I Listen To The Rain
I listen to rain, whispering your name
And hurricane cloud my life again
The memory will fade and time will turn the page
Our love was made, I dream of yesterday
The fantasy is mine, it’s you I long to find
I close my eyes
And dream that you are here tonight
Make believe you’re crazy for me
You turn your head to hide
I know the reason why
The moon we ride could drown the swelling tide
I call out from the shore, a siren from the sand
this lonely land I am forever more
The fantasy is mine, it's you I long to find
I close my eyes
and dream that you are here tonight
make believe you're crazy for me
And somehow I always remember this song whenever it’s raining & it will always turn on the sentimental side of me. No, no personal reason or experience. Just like it for no specific reason… Oh Ette, if you wnt the lurics just go to There. All the albums she ever made. Continue… After hearing the 1st album, I searched every record stores in Jakarta, (even to Duta Suara Sabang) for it but to no avail. Instead, I got the second record “Love Scenes”. The sound’s very bad now (tau kan kaset lama, suaranya jadi kaya orang kecapean nyanyi!) but I couldn’t find the CD too anywhere. And I found out from the net that she released her 3rd album “Mixed Emotions” in ’99, but (no surprise) it wasn’t realesed here too. So… anyone who might see the cassette or CD of Beverley Craven, no matter which album, could you let me know, please? Or buy it for me then I’ll pay you back for it and the delivery costs..(^_^)
That’s it for the rain… I might be talking about summer next time… Ciao!!
A conscience is what hurts when all your other parts feel so good
Monday, February 17, 2003
Ah yes, men must learn to serve
not for money, but for life.
Ah yes, men must learn to obey
not a boss, but the gleam of life on the face of a man
who has looked into the eyes of the gods.
Man is only perfectly human
when he looks beyond humanity
DH Lawrence
It's just one of DH Lawrence's short poems which I think isn't so 'dark' or gloomy as the others. I got hooked with this author when I first read his book "Sons & Lovers". It's a gift from my cousin & his girlfriend's holiday to Singapore (instead of anything else, I just asked for books, so they got me this & Looking Through A Pane of Glass). The story is quiet complicated in mixing emotions of the characters -- too 'dark' in my own way of saying it. Rumours are the story based on his own experience. having a strangely intimate relationship with his own mother... it's not just a simple oedipus complex, but more like an mental illnes. But the way he described the complexity of his emotion, his loneliness, his feelings towards the girl that he loves, is soooo.... heartbreaking. Yes, I felt it as heartbreaking. I've tried to read his other books, but haven't finished any of them yet. Why? Because I felt so lonely and as painful as the main character is. Yet, I never pass the half book until now. Well, maybe later on....
I don't feel like talking about what I've been doing today or the past few days. Instead, I'd really like to talk about friendship. Why friendship? Because lately I felt that finally your bestfriends are not the one whom you always be together with. I remember in High School some friends insisted me to fill a "what kind of person are you" quiz. The result was not a shock, I'm everybody's friend, everybody loves to hang out with me (really? I really don't feel so..) but I'm not keen on being bugged down in a close-clingy relationship. Now the last one I think is truest. I hate being tailed around, for me: being bestfriends doesn't mean that you have to be together and doing the same thing all the time. I need sometime on my own and yes, there are times that I just wanna do things by my self. I don't like tailing or being tailed at, indeed. Take my work mate Nina as an example. When we're going for lunch, she always want to have the same food with me, if if she doesn't like it! If I want pizza, she'll take pizza too though she eat it with a very funny face. So sometimes I'll choose food that I know exactly she doesn't like.... just to avoid having the same meals with her. Not that I don't like her, I just don't like being imitated in small things... You must have a mind of your own you know! If you can't make decisions in small things, you could never decide for the big stuff. That's what I know.
And then there's something about movies... I know one thing for sure: no one could ever make me see a horror movies in the cinema. Never. And if you don't like the movie I choose to see, then maybe we should go to a different studio at the same time. I don't mind mind watching in the cinema alone. And I prefer it that way instead of having someone complaining too much about the movie we're watching beside me. Don't need to take forever just to decide the right movie, right? That's why I always reads the previews before deciding to see anything.
OK, now let's talk about phone calls and private talks or 'curhat'. I'm not the kind of person who can talk much on the phone, unless I'm very very bored and very very happy. If I don't wanna call, I won't call and if I don't want to talk, I'll never sms you either. But when I feel that you really really need me, you can have my ears for hours. I don't mind hearing your problems & your thoughts as long as not self-pitying stuff. I like things straight, you make mistake, try to fix it, not finding another person to blame. I you want something, try to find a way to get it, don't expect other people to give it or do it for you. Bestfriends are not those who always be there for you and help you all the way no matter what. Bestfriends are those who let you grow, who let you have a mind of your own, who let you find your own way, but lend a hand when you stumble and shine a light when you're in darkness. And bestfriends aret those who inspire you in many ways. Maybe you think I'm strange but I don't mind, I don't expect everybody to understand this. But to me, I have many bestsfriends that I haven't seen face to face, or those who I sometimes meet once in two years, or even those whom I meet almost everyday... but they have inspired me in many many ways they never imagine they have.
I don't want to mention my bestfriends names here... but you could understand those things above I bet you know who you are. A hint for one of my bestfriends whom I have known since highschool, and definitely is reading this one and have a smile on her face (^_^)... There were years that we didn't see each other but I'm grateful we finally met again. Friends come and go, but we finally reunited. Guess what? I found a letter that I intended to send to you in my college day, believe it or not, it was written in '96. Not much on it, but I see myself in a picture much younger and much more innocent than myself today. Finding the letter & reading it all over again has made me realize how much we have changed... You'll find it in your mail one of these days, and when you read it, don't forget our young & silly days in high school.... AND I'M STILL THE SAME!!! Ciao!!
Wa ha ha ha ha.... I really feel like laughing today!! Why? Let's see:
1. Because I finally finish the 'going to be' tax report. The meeting's gonna be held tomorrow after lunch with the accountant.
2. I finally had McDonald's cheeseburger last Saturday. Plus a big french fries and lemon tea with not so many ice.. (^_^)
3. I could spend Sunday afternoon peacefull without even thinking of going to the office! And also thanks to Tante Hanna's rambutan package which I swapped clean with dad at Sunday night after the service... What a life!
4. I finally got I LOVE YOU BABY's lyrics from SarDut & she lent me Love Notes CD too. Thanks lil' cousin!
5. Because I can answer all the questions that my boss asked regarding our dispute billing with CarrierNet.. which gave him a better mood through the day...
6. I finish reading & reviewing the new contracts with G2K. Only have to read it twice and settle whatever I think is not right with them... Gosh, how quick compared to Fastlink's contract which took almost 2 months just to get what we wanted!!
7. Because finally ITXC sent a letter to Panin about their mistake of sending the payment to the wrong beneficiary.. and the money has been credited to our accoutn this morning. Cool team that ITXC have!
8. And last... because I finally I'll be free from my boss's "siraman rohani" for 3 weeks!!! He's leaving to US next Thursday night.... Happy holiday!!!
Aaah... now my mind is already full with many plans to do for 3 weekends without him bugging me through phone calls. Well, of course he usually calls & emails once in a while (as always), but at least not on weekends at not at night! Yeah yeah... you'd probably thinking what kind of boss that I have... I could only say.. unique! No words could ever explain but just to give you a glimpse of his personality... He's the kind of person who'd call you the moment he had something in his mind that he doesn't understand of, no matter what day or time (unless Sunday... he knows I hate it if he called me on my "religious day" -- according to him). He even called meonce at 11.30 and asked casually "Sorry, am I interupt your sleeping? But I have something I wanna ask you..bla bla bla..." *sigh*.. would I even answer the phone if I'm sleeping? He could ask you anything from bank balance, financial report, to someone's address of phone number! i am so used to his habit that sometimes I brought home my office phone book on my leave. And I kept most of his friends' numbers in my mobile. The first year I worked with him it annoyed me, but now after almost 6 years, other people who's annoyed with this. For example, when I went with kakak to do some survey, he called a couple of times at 10.30pm and everybody else in the car was so pissed off because "Doesn't he know that it's Friday night and already past 10pm?" Of course he does, but he doesn't care! But sometimes he can be surprisingly generous if he thinks that you've worked hard enough and your work satisfy him. His bonus is sometimes unimaginable... (for example, a round trip ticket to Singapore, or money -- most of the time). And finally for the last few years he remembers my birthday & never forget to give me a birthday present.. So far I have received a birthday dinner with the whole office and his wife, $ (ha ha... the most preferable *_^), perfumes (must be his wife who got this idea!) and Rups (again!). No matter how annoying he can be, he had the time to comforted me in the office when I just received the news that my dad got cancer and crying like hell inthe bathroom. Well, I love this guy as much as I hate his guts! He he he... He even told me once that if I'm going to move I have to inform him at least 1 year ahead! Itu sih sama aja gue nggak boleh pindah!! Mana ada orang mau keluar ancang2nya sampe setaun!
Enough about the boss... Not let's move on to other topic. Ah, the gossip about Mas Andy's wedding is finally confirmed last Saturday when Ocha & Mas Andy sms me and asked if I could sing on their holy matrimony. And the song is... Be Strong and Take Courage! I told him: "Mas, baru kawin kok lagunya horor amat sih..!" Waduh, I'm not really keen on singing that song because of it's high tone & a bit complicated in dividing voices with Hendry and the choir. Kalo yang susah gini emang enaknya sih agak2 imrpovisasi tapi vocalnya Hendry agak tipis, kalo gue yang improve nanti ketutup suaranya dia, jadi gue yang musti ngalah. Rasanya nggak sabar to get back on the normal life again.. which means: less overtime, more singing & choir practice, more 'socialize' with friends, more 'fun'. Another thing that I have in mind is taking the fruitsellers' kids to Ragunan or Taman Mini. Fruitsellers? Iya, if some of you wondering, I live in Kali Malang and in front of my house there are fruitsellers along the street. They sometimes numpang ngejemur or asked for clean waters, basically my family got some free 'security officers' because they took care of our house and keep the house keys if we're out of town or got home late. They even remember very well which is our family who can get the key and which is not. Lumayan lah... Oh, I forgot to tell you, my dad gave up my 4 dogs to his friend 2 weeks ago... as much as I grieve over them, I couldn't complain because I wasn't home most of the time to take care of them. And my dad with his sight problem coulnd't take care of them as good as he used to. Thank God my parents did this when i wasn't home. So now without the dogs at home, the fruitsellers children are 'camping' under my mom's 'jemuran' every afternoon, or sometimes playing soccer in the front yard (FYI, my front yard is as big as a 10 car parking lot, not bad!). Now my dad's turn to lose his afternoon nap because they're so noisy when they're playing. Soooo, when I saw them playing last Sunday when I was home alone, I got this idea of taking them to some place (and Taman Mini & Ragunan are what came in mind, what else!).. tapi musti nunggu gajian dulu kali ya... Masa diajak jalan nggak dikasih makan, minum & jajan.. tega amat... Plus if I'm really going to do this I will have to borrow Abang's car nggak mungkin kan gue ngajan anak2 itu tapi nggak ngajak emaknya? Nggak sanggup deh... Jalan ama yang udah SMP-SMA aja nyusahin apalagi a pack of 3-6 year old??!!? You must be an angel to go along with them.... Yah sudahlah, mandadak gue jadi produktif gini nulisnya mentang2 kerjaan udah banyak yang selesai (tapi banyak juga yang belon!!!). Ette: This is I Love You Baby's lyrics dari Sarah, dan katanya kalu sempat dia juga akan buat Indonesian translationnya... Sekarang mah anggep aja lagunya bener2 romantis, judulnya aja I Love You Baby!! (I Love You Too!!)
The Gospellers
Aishiaeru, hitono meguri aeta
Baku to kimi ga ima meguri atta
Hoshii ga ochite moichi do umarekawarerunara
Boku wa kanara zu kimi wo era bu yo
I love you baby
De ai wa kazo eki renuhodo, ji nai no kusendemo
I love you baby
Kimi denakereba hirakanai tobira wo
Toki wo koete ima kokoro no noko so
Sobani itai hajimete soomoitta
eien sae ima wo shinjiteru
Mitsumeteiru hitoni no okuni afure dashita nani ga
kono te de tomete ageru yo
I love you baby
Hitori kiri omoi ega ita miraimo issyonara
I love you baby
Voku de nakereba hirakanai tobira ga
Soko ni aru nohara kon o kagi wo sasageyo
Hata wo nara dete aruite yuko itsumotonari ni boku ga iru
Saturday, February 15, 2003
Can you imagine that last night I spent my Valentine night working in the office untill a quarter to nine? He he he.. bener2 nggak ada kerjaan lain ya gue.. besides it was rainign last night so I dun feel like wanna do anything else. Daripada bengong mendingan kerja kan.. But I was craving for a chocolate cake last night, but when I called Marriott they dun have anything left but Valentine's cakes (yuck!!) and it's bigger than the usual, you know, because of the so called Valentine stuff on it. But this morning definitely OK... I could get up a bit late and watched he MTV AMA Red Carpet thing in Global at 8.30am.. thanks to Ette who left this message in my inbox last night about this stuff. Got a glimpse of Jay, he sure looked like hate to be interviewed. And David Tao? Ette... he seems quiet 'fashion aware' deh ya... and even using a designer's jacket, please! But that's okay, at least he doesn't have F4's stylist or his look would be ruined!! (Jahat ya gue??)
Really want to see some movies this afternoon but works actually took longer than I expected. Yap, I'm working again today, if you ask me. But I didn't go until ike 12 or something, still got the time to clean my bedroom and do the mopping and everything. And I have to help Alfrits at church to make the valentine decoration for our service tonight. Gosh, why do I really want Mc Donald's cheeseburger right now? Well, guess gotta take away at BP. No, I'm not driving, by the way... sleepy and tired, better take a taxi though you still can not sleep in there.
And yesterday I got a Valentine SMS from my brother (tumben banget! he even sms my mom to and wish her a happy valentine's day!) And some other from Julius (Hello, soulmate! Long time no see...), my aunt (?!?), Emir (he just pity me, I know.. he he...), Erina (never missed such thing), Pak Hendra (must be his wife who asked him to), and K Devy who also asked if I knew another Bae Yong Jun's movie. Well everybody... with so much time working there's not much that you can tell except this, right? Gotta get myself a McD's cheeseburger now.. Ciao!!!
Thursday, February 13, 2003
Horeee... pagi ini tidak hujan!
And Casablanca was clear the traffic jam happened to be in front of my house! Park Yong Ha's songs are very melancholic, perfect for a rainy and cold day like last night. Tapi tadi malem tidur gue kok nggak pules ya? Rasanya leher pegel banget... Pake bantal salah, nggak pake bantal lebih salah lagi... Akhirnya banyak bolak-balik lagi... Mana setiap kali 'sadar' yang gue inget kerjaan melulu lagi! Takut nggak bisa selesai tepat waktu.... *sigh*.. udah mulai nggak bener nih gue...
Sarah called yesterday... she asked about another Jay & Lee Hom. She said: "Jay tuh emang OK banget ya, itu kasetnya gue puter melulu ampe bosen. Lee Hom juga, walaupun yang gue tahu cuma Wei Yi & Ai apa tuh, gue lupa, tapi yang pasti dari kaset yang eloe punya itu Kak! Mau dong direkamin lagi kalo ada...." Aduh Ms. Davira, tui pu chi... Gue belum berniat untuk mengenalkan dia dengan Mas David deh! HA HA HA... (I know you must be shooting a horrible look at me right now (^_^)) Yeah, you two guys should meet next time then you can teach each other about J-pop and Mando-pop. But she thinks I was lying about Jay performing in MTV AMA because she saw it twice in global but no Jay.. I told her that the program was being cut off almost an hour and that Ette saw it in cables.
Gotta work again, again and again... Ciao!!
Wednesday, February 12, 2003
Thank God for the rain!!
And the rain made me get to the office at 9.15 with a wet pants and cold fingers for getting the ojek... Funny how I enjoyed the ride. Though at first I was pretty upset because there's no empty seat in the mikrolet & the bus and I started to wonder how on earth I would ever get to the office. A little advise for the ojek driver: "Mbak, beli jas hujan yang satu setel aja, tapi yang tipis kan enak tuh bisa dimasukkin tas jadi nggak berat dan ke kantor bisa naek ojek." Mmm, what a good advise, I'm gonna look it up today at lunch time.
And yesterday was kinda suck. I went to the office reaaaallyy late because of laziness & K' Refny kinda tailing me around since she got nothing to do and boyfriend's in Bandung. And I only last 1 hour in the office without finishing anything. Then we went to Pasar Festival to get mom IKEA's mag. But then I found last year's Premiere with Elijah Wood as the cover story and Singapore's Teenage with Shin & Energy in it. Oh, and also last month's Reader's Digest for only Rp 7.900,-.. how cheap! And finally a veeeeryyy nice and late lunch with Subway.. Yummy... Then mom called and asked us to get home. When we got home there'e already K' Esther & K' Butet with their children. At about 4 we left to Pasaraya cause I was gonig to have a reunion with my ex-accounting course fellow... Turned out that Pasaraya was closed & none of 'em show up but the teacher!! So I went with Ibu Tia to BP istead while mom & the rest were going to Plaza Senayan. After dinner & some es teler I went to PS to met mom. There I was succesfully persuade mom to pay half for PARK YONG HA's CD.. And Abang also kept his promise to buy me Perlini's bracelet... What a night, but I still consider the day suck! Because I wasn't being productive at anything at all and didn't enjoy most of it but the Subway lunch, the magazine, the CD & the bracelet. I'm happy on getting those stuff but not happy enough on spending the day.... (anyone understand what I mean??) BTW, Cornel called during the lunch that Syenni just gave birth to a baby girl.. Congratulations Oom!
Erina kept SMS-ing me not to foget my annual Velentine chocolate for her! Hey, she's only in 6th grade but knows about such stuff... Kayaknya kita kalah ya sama anak2 sekarang.. mereka lebih ngerti yang begituan daripada kita.... Well. works are waiting, till later! Ciao!!
Tuesday, February 11, 2003
Another holiday that I can not enjoy because there's too much stress in the office that keeps haunting me... Sigh.... I wanted to finish my job now but can not do anythign cause Emir lock the server, thus I can not print anything... That's stupid, I mean he can lock the NMS computer or his own but NOT the server that we're using for printer. Anyway.... wish I can do something else but I'm really not in the mood for writting. Ciao!!
Sunday, February 09, 2003
Cau An!! Happy Monday!!
As much as I hate this first day the week, I couldn't be more happier than knowing that the day after tomorrow is yet another holiday coming up, YIPPY!! v(^0^)v And most that I wanna say about my weekend is already told by Ette in her blog, so, whhy bother writing another one? We only read each other's blog, mind you... he he he.... Ah, but talking about photobooth session, like I told them both: "Cuma fotobox aja kok capek ya!" We laughed too much and the background color fell onto my head... Can you imagine that? But this is the first time that I felt I could freed my spirit in making my ugliest faces in the box. As like before, most of the time we possed nicely and never making faces... So guys, I must admit that I really enjoy the result though I's be gratefull if you don't put it in any of our blog! (*_^)
Aaaand on that very Friday night at Duta Suara Senayan too that I finally saw Park Yong Ha's record coming out! I was speechless... why? Because I got no money to buy it at all and my mom hasn't paid my cards that she used for her monthly shopping. It's not that I'm really broke, but I have to save a little money just in case anyone in the house need for me to buy something before the renovation finish. *sigh* I couldn't complain... I'll just be patient. Today I have heaps to do which one of them including paying the tax! And none of the boss show up to sign the check!! My goodness... what am I gonna do now? Perhaps I'll juat call my Abang again...
Mom & Abang went to Muara Karang yesterday evening. They met up with Tante Isye inchurch at 4pm and already returned home at 7.30. So my dinner was no rice but shrimp, shrimp and shrimp... How cool!! I just stayed home and watched a little telly but more reading. Catching up on the mags & papers that I already bought in the last 2 weeks (agak2 basi nggak siiiih...). Still haven't finished them tough. Hey, I guess I've skipped The Return of The King in almost a week now. I wonder when will I ever finish it? Gotta do more work and more work and more work..... Ciao!!
"Just because I cannot do everything does not give me the right to do nothing."
A new writting....
Here I am at 7.10pm and still in the office, can not reconcile the interco transaction for the 3rd time. And guess what? I have to finish this by Wednesday! Gosh... I wish it was much easier for me.... And IK went over the roof for the hundred time, still about CarrierNet. I was mad Emir after he left because he just couldn't admit that it was all our error, all of us! IK was right, it's not just about losing money, but it's about our integrity of doing what's we soppose to do. Pai tuo, he kept saying about the billing's mistake!! Didn't he realize that it's his respobsility?!? Is he just being ignorance or was he a real Da Bai Zhi? He could really get to my nerve sometime! Many times actually.... *sigh*.. I'll just next door to get Ina's birthday cake. Ja, ne!
Thursday, February 06, 2003
Nina & I were staying until about 8pm last night. However, we just found out yesterday afternoon that CarrierNet were putting in traffic that they shouldn't send and were short about $24K!!! Man, that's more than 200million rups!! Of course, IK went ballistic.. to make things worse, AH already left the office since 10.30 so there's no one who really understand the situation helping us here. And not to mention Emir who kept defending himself in the mess of our billing system, which -- to no surprise -- makes IK more furious. *sigh* and now all of my other works are abandoned because we have to make a profitability spreadsheep to prove him that we're not short in December and all previous months.... And I definitely will have to go to the office tomorrow morning to finish my job...
Wednesday, February 05, 2003
Entah kenapa pagi2 tadi sudah rindu sekali mendengar suaranya Vic... So now I'm listening to Fantasy 4ever while doing my accounting & legal stuff (^_^)
My parents were having a picnic at the living room last night!! Sebenernya lebih tepat dibilang mengungsi.. FYI, my house has been under renovation for 3 weeks now. Not a big renovation, but it's a very old house thus need some repair with the water pipe, the walls & the floors. Basically we're changing the floor with a better tile (white, mind you, which makes my mom screams when somebody entered the house without putting off their shoes!) and fix the walls, etc. Since we're not moving out while under renovation, we have to move things here and there every time the 'tukang' is starting with another area. But I have to tell that my house looks brighter though. So, since they're starting with my parent's bedroom this morning, they moved everything out from their room last night (including the bed). And they wouldn't sleep in my room or Echa's... they prefer the living room because then "they don't have to bother any of us by getting up very early in the morning".. Apa coba...
And last night I already gave Sarah the Lee Hom & Jay records I made for her through her mom who's at my house when I returned last night. Haven't heard her respond, but when I sms her about this she just asked "Ada Ke Ai Nu Ren-nya kan?" He he he I think she really really likes that song.
And there'll also be some wedding to this year I guess. First, Mas Anton & Michelle... Gotta come though I know I wouldn't be involved in anything. Family relation though... Second, Tio & Alina's next May. Tio already told me to sing (again?? Why can't I just be anything else, say.. like terima tamu gitu?). Third, still not sure when but everybody says that Mas Andy & Ocha are getting married before 2003 ends.. Mmmmh, am I going to sing again this time?? Definitely!! He's been a mentor, singing & music teacher, and especially a shoulder to cry on since I was in High School, I wouldn't miss his wedding for anything. I still remember those days when I used to sleep over at his house and then we would go to such odd places like Bogor... did nothing but walk walk and walk around... just the two of us. Huh, sometimes I'm still amazed now that we're like good friends but I used to call him "Oom" when I was little (^_^)*sigh* it's always good remembering the old times but it's more important to figure out how are we going to do with the future. OK, and there's Abang Pilon & K' Carol's wedding too.... Though I'm not so sure cause she's gonna quit her job in a couple of months. This is the wedding that I'm definitely going to be highly involved! He was my closest cousin & buddy, she's my singing partner & we're in the youth ministry together. There's a special request of singing "The Prayer", but no thanks! First, my voice is not that high, and second there's no guy in church with such a capable voice. I'll just look up for a good song that we never sang in any wedding in our church before. (We? Me & Hendry of course... I never have the guts to sing solo in a wedding, just doesn't seem right for me).
And about holiday... This Feb 12 holiday the girls from my accounting class in LM Patra is planning to hve a reunion at that time. Mmm, gonna be great.. Who knows that I'm finally using the MYOB now. Then a bowling game or two after that would be perfect I think.. he he he... bowling mulu!! Gotta go now.. everybody's coming now.. Many telephone calls & things to be done. Ciao!!
"Start each day with a fresh beginning as if this whole world was made anew"
Tuesday, February 04, 2003
So sleepy... (-_-)ZZZzzz
I couldn't sleep well last night, plus have to get up early because dad was so noisy working with the living room.. Aduh, gue juga bingung banget ngatur cash flow nih, uang nggak ada tapi Bapak maen minta dikeluarin cek untuk bayar lukisan pula! Man, I have to play a little trick here to get the money right on time... Not to mention to pay the taxes... *sigh*...
~ Let us pray not for lighter burdens, but for stronger backs ~
Sunday, February 02, 2003
Waaah, I completely forgot to tell something... After the service last Saturday I went to Video Ezy actually to search for any interesting movie that might be good for that night. I picked The Signs for a start then I changed my mind after seeing "To Love You Secretly" (Tou tou Ai Shang ni) or in Indonesian "Cinta Terpendam" (terpendam ni yeee....). It's another Tae - Jimmy Lin movie. I've been seeing the movie's box everytime I went there and also read the review in some mags, and since I thought I'd have a lot of time on Sunday, I gave it a go... And it's really not disappointing, y'know. It's kind funny actually, beacuse it's kinda trying to get the Japanese manga feeling with such "toeengg!" sound and all.. almost like "Poor Prince" but not that comical. At least the scenes still make sense. It's about a girl who fell in love with a pianist in a music school. To get close to him, she pretended to be a boy, enrolled in the school and guess what... became a roommate with the boy!! Pokoknya begitu lah... Lucu banget sih menurut gue karena banyak kejadian2 yang aneh (tapi masih masuk akal) seperti misalnya, ada cewek yang naksir dia, tapi ada juga cowok yang naksir dia sampe merasa bahwa dirinya homo (^_^).. But the boy finally fell in love with her too when he discovered that this childish & girlie roommate of him is actually a girl who sacrificed many to be with him all the time. I just watched through the 10th episodes and still have... 20 more to go!! (Yup, it's a long one.. 30CDs, so glad that we could rent by 5). Maybe next time I'll buy it at Kota. Eh, the stars are so familiar lho! The pianist boy is TAE, then the teacher is the one who plays Sue Yi in Proud Twins, the boy's mother is one of the teacher on Happy Campus, the boy's bestfriend is the guy who worked with San Chai in the beach resto in MG 1 (itu lho, yang ditinggal ceweknya dan suka diving) and boy's girlfriend (or so she thought) is the one who played Maggie in Lavender, the girl's housekeeper is Mimura's grandfather in Poor Prince. And many more familiar faces but I couldn't remember what movie are they in exactly. Until the 10th episodes Jimmy Lin hasn't showed up but in the cover picture he looked so nice with long hair.. at least doesn't look like very Chinese! Ah, pokoknya itu film lucu deh....
O iya, last Sunday before the evening service I went to Kenop to get Sarah birthday gift... An Utada Hikaru MTV Unplugged & Waterboys. The later one wasn't available so I bought The Eye for myself instead. The Eye? Yes, The Eye! Though I always said I didn't like horor movie, this one is different though, the storyline is okay (so far I only read some reviews in the mags) and I just want to see the irony of the story and how she finally let herself free from the spirit of the eye's owner. Yah... mungkin nanti nontonnya siang2 aja kali ya... (^_^) Oh, and I finally bought Il Mare at Disc Tarra... The story line was really attracted me. Mmmh, I always wanted to experience such sci-fi thing.. y'know, being thrown to another time and era and find the love of your life... He he he guess that'll never happen right??!? (*^_^*) Aaah, and last Saturday, I saw Lee Hom's Two people Don't Equal to Us (??!?) on TV. I forgot what station but Sarah kinda called me and asked to turn on the TV to ... RCTI (I suddenly remember) and there I saw him... *sigh*.. he's so good looking with his long hair and playing the piano in such a way that I made me goes daydreaming (@_@) Dan tiba2 aja Sarah minta direkamin lagu2nya Lee Hom setelah menyaksikan hal itu and lucky I have prepared some balnk tape to record Lee Hom & Jay for her.
Guess what? I bought yet another Angin Musim Gugur Comic!! I think this is my third... I couldn't find it anywhere in the rack and it was sold for 10%off in Office 1, so I bought it again. I guess I really love the story, don't you think? Yeah.... And I spent the whole Friday night cleaning up my room & fixed what my mom had done to my bookcases & stuff. I went to bed at 1.30am. Really wanted to read some LOTR but my eyes gave up (@_@). Well, can't wait for the next weekend to rent the next To Love You Secretly (TLYS).. Ciao!!
"Remember when you talk you only repeat what you already know, but if you listen you may learn something"
Waduh, gue jadi bingung nih kenapa blog gue yang terakhir semuanya italic & bold ya? Padahal gue udah edit dan gue ilang2in kemungkinan jadi begitu tapi nggak berubah? Biarin deh... yang penting kebaca dan bisa dimengerti. Anyway gue senang sekali Sabtu kemaren... I really had a good time at Waterboom Cikarang. The place now much better, more trees and they really wanted to have a feel of Bali in the area (mind you, the resto in the area is Bebek Bali..) And the kids were not a such a bug too, so I could spare some time to swim in the deep pool bymyself. *sigh*... banyak cowok keren juga, tapi kok ya rame2 dengan keluarga & handai taulannya!
Okke, apakah dirimu benar2 akan datang this Friday? Let's hang out and have a bowling game.. Ette, you should learn to bowl to, it's fun! O iya, waktu Jumat kemaren akhirnya gue nggak kemana2 & langsung pulang because it was raining so hard (and so long!), so I asked mom to pick me up. We stopped by at Tebet to buy some food. Huh.... this tax bookkeeping really taking up my time... Ciao!!