Tuesday, October 29, 2002

Aaahhh... tadi malem lagi-lagi another family gathering!

I thought we're just going to have a usual dinner with some realtives & dad's friends and turned out to be a big gathering with Scripture reading & all to celebrate both my dad's b'day & my parents anniversary. Of course I spent most of my time in the bedroom watching Itazura or Long Vacation with Sarah.. and Krissy, the girl wouldn't stop laughing seeing Kotoko's expression. First there's so much food and cakes & Ice creams, but after everybody left only a bit of this and that left, pada bawa pulang deh! Oma came too with Oom Agung, Tante Koes & Cilla... Jadi rame!!

Yesterday morning Pak Andre's wife gave birth (by Caesar) to a baby boy, Matthew Silvano Halim, we congratulate him by sms and sent him a bouquette of flowers. We're going to see them at RS PI at lunch time. Nggak cuma nengok sih, but he has to sign our paycheck!!! He..he... It's already the 30th, man!

Sudahlah, kerjaan banyak dan musti keluar agak lama, jadi lebih baik kembali kerja sekarang!


Sunday, October 27, 2002

Blog yang terakhir ke post 2x.. my error...

I think I'll collect more Japanese dorama now than Taiwanese. Korean's my mom's part (^_^) Last Friday, to pay off the disappointment of not going to Bandung, mom took me to Kota with Oma & Tante Koes, senangnya! I also found a better place to buy CD, same price, better quality, and with A/C..he..he... jadi kita nggak perlu gerah2an lagi. I bought Itazura Na Kiss & Farewell Fireflies... INK, Kamisama& Gen Y Cops for Ette (finally.....). I watch INK through the 7th CD and continue in the morning until the 9th. Ahhh, lucu banget itu film. One thing I like about dorama, nggak terlalu bertele-tele kayak Taiwanese, apalagi Korean movies yang harus berurai air mata dan darah dulu, udah gitu belum tentu happy ending pula! Kalo nggak mati, celaka, sakit parah... yah, gitu2 deh, kadang2 agak capek nontonnya. Biasanya sih kalo udah nggak sabar langsung tancep ke Disc yang terakhir cuma liat endingnya aja! O iya, tempat yang baru itu kekurangannya cuma satu, nggak punya CD musik, tapi anyway, belum adayang dicari juga sih, jadi nggak problem buat gue. Yang penting film2 yang gue mau ada...

Kemarin juga kesana cuma sebentar, mendadak (Sorry Te, nggak ngasih tahu).. Gue pikir mau makan kemana sama Abang & Kakak after kebaktian, gue sebenernya udah mau pulang karena ngantuk sekale tapi dipaksa ikut, ternyata makan disana lagi! Yah, akhirnya gue beli Long Vacation & Friends (titipan Sarah). Gue nonton itu LV cuma 3 CD tadi malam, karena dia panjang perCDnya, sampe 70 menitan.. Besides, I was very sleepy.. But if return next month, I'd like to buy Love Generation or Love 2001 (Takeshi Kaneshiro's movie). Ada juga filmya Hideaki Takizawa yang kayaknya lucu, GTO juga pengen... Aaahh banyak banget yang dipengenin!!! Jadi musti bener2 ngirit sengirit2nya untuk hal yang lain nih. Musti minta referensi juga nih dari Sarah kayaknya. Tapi sebel, sampe sekarang gue belum nemu Kimi No Tega Sasayaite Iru (Your Hands Are Whispering), padahal gue penasaran banget karena komiknya bagus sekali. Walaupun drama tapi nggak ngebosenin dan ceritanya juga nggak kacangan lah.

Dan setelah melihat LV dengan seksama kemarin, nggak salah kalo Won Bin dibilang Korean's Takuya Kimura. They really lookalike sometime. But Takuya's a bit short I think. Ah, sudahlah, kalo dibahas terus pengennya beli melulu!

Mmmmm, on Saturday I planned to go to the office to do the bookkeeping but actually mom asked me to drive her to Nina Salon.. Gue udah tau deh, nggak mungkin ke kantor kalo musti jemput lagi... So I finally went to Ette's house to see some MTV Mandarin and the 1st INK. Pulangnya capek, pengen tidur tapi nggak sempet, akhirnya cuma makan t'rus mandi & langsung ke gereja. Ternyata Auntie Hanna bawain makanan banyaaaak banget. Beruntunglah mereka yang dapet hadiah tempat roti, karena mereka bawa pulang dengan isi yang penuh..he..he.. Akhirnya, Komsel gue tersayang IMMANUEL berjaya dalam Bible Quiz kali ini... Maklum, isinya anak pendeta semua!! Sementara Komsel The Light yang isinya pemusik semua (Harvi, Tono & Mas Andy) keok di babak Berpacu Dalam Melody, malu-maluin! Dan banyak hal kocak terjadi dalam babak Body Languange, bayangin aja perkataan "Musa Membelah Laut Teberau" kok bisa menjadi "10 Perintah Tuhan"? "Daud mengalahkan Goliat" bisa jadi "Daud dilemparin batu"? Pokoknya jawabannya aneh-aneh banget deh, gerakannya juga aneh-aneh, nggak nyambung! Tapi herannya ada aja yang ngerti! Ajaib...

And I, I really want to know YOU
I want to make each day
A different way that I can show YOU how
I really want love YOU
Be patient with my doubt
I'm just trying o figure out YOUR will
And I really want to know YOU still
(To Know U, Nicole Nordeman)

Friday, October 25, 2002

Nggak jadi ke Bandung!

Aduuuh... BT skale... padahal udah niat seniat-niatnya untuk bersenang-senang dan capek sedikit weekend ini. What can I say? K' El has to return early on Saturday to prepare for the Bible Quiz.. Kata Abang daripada buru2 malah nggak enjoy jalan-jalannya.. Bener juga sih, tapi malem ini jadi bingung mau ngapain, yang pasti sih lagi maleeees banget ke Mal/Plaza.

Ette, about that cousin of mine. Her father & step mom finally came to pick her up last Monday night and can you imagine how good my night sleep was? (^_^) I told my mom that it's OK if she wants to sleep over again once in a while, as long as not more than 1 night! Because then I'm the one who wants to sleep over somebody else's house!! And the Kamisama VCD udah jelek banget ya? Sorry deh... itu banyak banget yang pinjem dan semua yang pinjem senantiasa mengulang bagian2 yang mengharukan maupun dimana si Takeshi keliatan ganteng s'kale. Biarin aja deh... lagian gue nggak terlalu niat untuk mengulang-ulang film itu kok. Pengen banget nyari Itazura Na Kis. Mudah-mudahan nanti mami & Echa mau ke Kota malem2..he..he... Tenang aja Te, kalau gue jadi pergi ntar gue telp kalau ada yang bagus & layak dibeli. And yes, "The Island of Fire" emang norak banget... tapi murah jadi nggak rugi lah. Tapi Lavendernya lucu yaaa.... Apalagi waktu liat The Making Of, aduh, si Ambrose emang agak2 tua but Rainie's very childish, jadinya kayak siblings. Nyokap gue aja ketawa melulu waktu nonton, apalagi waktu mereka kerokan itu, waduh gue terbahak2 deh. Eh, kalo ada Lemon, film barunya Li Wei mau beli nggak? Kalo gambarnya bagus sih boleh juga, tapi kalo jelek rugi, ntar kayak Kamisama pula, pinjem2 & akhirnya nggak beres.

Gue juga agak2 lelah (ceile... lelah ni yeee!) karena akhir-akhir semakin susah untuk tidur cepat dan bangun pagi. It's a battle to get up in the morning.. like I said over and over again. Anyway, I don't feel like having a set of vitamin again like a few months ago after I recovered from my brochitis.. Malah tambah nggak enak body aja! Pinginnya sih besok tidur2an aja di rumah but looks like I have to go to the office to start the 2002 bookkeeping.

Lucu deh... besok di kebaktian pemuda Erina mau ada makan2 after the Bible Quiz to celebrate her birthday! Padahal dia masih kecil, belum cukup umur pula.. Auntie Hanna called and asked me to help her preparing the kitchenettes. Biarin aja deh kalo emang dia seneng. But I'm glad that she realy liked what I gave her for her birthday present. And Ernest too! Though at first I really had no idea what games to give him, thank God I made the call to Mike to find out what kind of game that he wants. Aren't you happy if people are happy with what you give them? And don't you think it's the same with God? He has grant us with life and what else can we give him in return but ourselves. And isn't He going to give you more when you out your best to HIM? OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD!!!! Ciao!!

Nggak jadi ke Bandung!

Aduuuh... BT skale... padahal udah niat seniat-niatnya untuk bersenang-senang dan capek sedikit weekend ini. What can I say? K' El has to return early on Saturday to prepare for the Bible Quiz.. Kata Abang daripada buru2 malah nggak enjoy jalan-jalannya.. Bener juga sih, tapi malem ini jadi bingung mau ngapain, yang pasti sih lagi maleeees banget ke Mal/Plaza.

Ette, about that cousin of mine. Her father & step mom finally came to pick her up last Monday night and can you imagine how good my night sleep was? (^_^) I told my mom that it's OK if she wants to sleep over again once in a while, as long as not more than 1 night! Because then I'm the one who wants to sleep over somebody else's house!! And the Kamisama VCD udah jelek banget ya? Sorry deh... itu banyak banget yang pinjem dan semua yang pinjem senantiasa mengulang bagian2 yang mengharukan maupun dimana si Takeshi keliatan ganteng s'kale. Biarin aja deh... lagian gue nggak terlalu niat untuk mengulang-ulang film itu kok. Pengen banget nyari Itazura Na Kis. Mudah-mudahan nanti mami & Echa mau ke Kota malem2..he..he... Tenang aja Te, kalau gue jadi pergi ntar gue telp kalau ada yang bagus & layak dibeli. And yes, "The Island of Fire" emang norak banget... tapi murah jadi nggak rugi lah. Tapi Lavendernya lucu yaaa.... Apalagi waktu liat The Making Of, aduh, si Ambrose emang agak2 tua but Rainie's very childish, jadinya kayak siblings. Nyokap gue aja ketawa melulu waktu nonton, apalagi waktu mereka kerokan itu, waduh gue terbahak2 deh. Eh, kalo ada Lemon, film barunya Li Wei mau beli nggak? Kalo gambarnya bagus sih boleh juga, tapi kalo jelek rugi, ntar kayak Kamisama pula, pinjem2 & akhirnya nggak beres.

Gue juga agak2 lelah (ceile... lelah ni yeee!) karena akhir-akhir semakin susah untuk tidur cepat dan bangun pagi. It's a battle to get up in the morning.. like I said over and over again. Anyway, I don't feel like having a set of vitamin again like a few months ago after I recovered from my brochitis.. Malah tambah nggak enak body aja! Pinginnya sih besok tidur2an aja di rumah but looks like I have to go to the office to start the 2002 bookkeeping.

Lucu deh... besok di kebaktian pemuda Erina mau ada makan2 after the Bible Quiz to celebrate her birthday! Padahal dia masih kecil, belum cukup umur pula.. Auntie Hanna called and asked me to help her preparing the kitchenettes. Biarin aja deh kalo emang dia seneng. But I'm glad that she realy liked what I gave her for her birthday present. And Ernest too! Though at first I really had no idea what games to give him, thank God I made the call to Mike to find out what kind of game that he wants. Aren't you happy if people are happy with what you give them? And don't you think it's the same with God? He has grant us with life and what else can we give him in return but ourselves. And isn't He going to give you more when you out your best to HIM? OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD!!!! Ciao!!

Thursday, October 24, 2002

Two nights ago I watch a special news following up on the Legian attack (I forgot from what TV station). I couldn't hold my tears seeing what was left of the tragedy, but yet I couldn't keep my eyes away from the screen. And today I felt so much to speak to Dave. I wish I have his phone numbers, but I don't, so I just wrote him a mail.

I kept thinking of the victims. Both who are dead and those who are still lying helplessly in the hospital. Many of them still haven't found their loved ones. I imagine what their lives were about just a second before the bombing. Were they thinking of their families? Were they thinking of God at all? Did they even had a chance to see their life flashing through their mind in a split second just like everybody who has the near death experience said? How much pain did they even feel before they die?

I remembered the words of 2 expats in Bali interviewed in the news. One of them was just a tourist, arriving 2 days after the bombing. She said: "Life doesn't have to change because of the bombing. It is important to us to return to Bali. It is important for us to show the Balinese that we are coming back. They have to know that this is not their fault. That they didn't make the tragedy." Another one was already married to a Balinese and an English, saying: "All of my friends told me to return to England. But I won't. I'ts not safe everywhere anyway." Now that's correct! You are not safe anywhere unless you are with God. And this is just another reason for me to build a more intimate relationship with HIM. At least if I have to die now I know I will be by HIS side. AMIN.

A little knowledge for us all... I got his through e-mail :

2002-10-23 09:21:15 WIB
Bom Nuklir (mini) kah yang meledak di Bali ?
Reporter : Guz - Indocenter

Menurut Z.A. Maulani, Kepala Badan Koordinasi Intelijen Negara semasa pemerintahan B.J. Habibie, seperti yang diutarakan dalam situs gatra dan dalam wawancaranya di Metro TV, menyatakan setuju pada pernyataan Joe Vialls, pakar bahan ledak, yang meyakini bom di Legian termasuk jenis nonkonvensional yang dikenal dengan sebutan SADM --Special Atomic Demolition Munition.

Berdasar analisis foto satelit atas dampak demolisi bom, Joe Vialls menolak kemungkinan peledak yang dipakai berbasis TNT. Menurut Joe Vialls, bom mobil terbesar yang pernah diledakkan di Irlandia Utara berbobot 500 kilogram TNT. Itu pun tak sampai membuat lubang kawah di jalan. Dalam hitungan Vialls, jumlah korban jiwa dan kerusakan yang ditinggalkan bom Legian paling tidak
perlu 4 ton TNT. Maka, ada pertanyaan teknis yang muncul: bagaimana mengemas TNT sebanyak itu dalam sebuah mobil?

Bagaimana pula menjelaskan bahwa mereka yang berada di tepi radius demolisi sepanjang 200-an meter ditemukan tewas dengan tubuh utuh, tapi tulang-belulang di dalam remuk redam karena gelombang tekan (shock-wave) yang luar biasa? Joe Vialls cuma punya satu kesimpulan: senjata peledak Legian itu lain dari yang lain. Bagi Vialls, senjata berdiameter tak lebih dari 30 sentimeter tetapi mampu memproduksi ledakan setara dengan daya ledak 4.000 kilogram TNT hanya ada satu di dunia, yakni SADM --yang disebut juga micro nuke. Negara-negara yang punya micro nuke ini hanya Amerika Serikat, Inggris, Prancis, Israel, dan Rusia.
Untuk urusan siapa yang meledakkan bom di Bali biar saja pihak-pihak yang berwajib yang mengurusnya, disini kita lebih dalam mencari tahu apa SADM (Special Atomic Demolition Munition) itu.

Sejak Uni Sovyet berhasil meledakkan bom nuklir pertamanya tahun 1951 yang dikatakan jauh lebih dahsyat dibanding bom yang diledakkan di Hirosima dan Nagasaki, maka dua negara adikuasa tersebut berpacu dalam pembuatan bom Nuklir.
Kepala-kepala bom Nuklir yang semakin kecil dan memiliki daya hancur luar biasa yang mampu dibawa oleh rudal antar benua menjadi favorit AS dan Uni Soviet untuk dikembangkan lebih lanjut. Dengan demikian lahir pula pengembangan-pengembangan industri militer yang semakin canggih untuk menangkal rudal-rudal tersebut. Untuk menangkis serangan rudal nuklir Soviet lebih cenderung mengembangkan rudal Anti rudal Nuklir sedangkan Amerika cenderung mengembangkan sistem pertahanan yang masa itu lebih dikenal dengan `Star Wars`.

Tak pelak lagi pengembangan Satelit mata-mata menjadi aksesoris yang tak ketinggalan, sehingga semakin terbuka bagi kedua negara mengetahui siapa dahulu yang melepas peluru kendali Nuklir dan rudal dipastikan tidak akan pernah mencapai sasaran karena sudah dilumpuhkan dahulu oleh penangkal rudal. Padahal untuk melumpuhkan infrastruktur-infrastruktur yang kuat
seperti bunker pengendali komando tempur atau silo (tempat peluncuran roket bawah tanah) diperlukan bom dahsyat sekelas bom nuklir, sedangkan bom nuklir bukanlah bom biasa yang bisa dijinjing seperti seperti bom kecil umumnya.

Untuk itu perlu dikembangkan bom sejenis (memiliki daya melumpuhkan/rusak yang hebat) yang mampu dibawa oleh agen-agen rahasia menyusup ke negara sasaran dan menghancurkan target-target utama terlebih dahulu tanpa jejak (seperti jejak roket).

Tahun 1963 Amerika melakukan misi rahasia mengembangkan MEDIUM ATOMIC DEMOLITION MUNITION dan SPECIAL ATOMIC DEMOLITION MUNITION, yang nantinya akan disusupkan ke Uni Soviet untuk mendahului melumpuhkan infrastruktur vital Uni Soviet jika perang nuklir benar-benar terjadi. Tercatat (secara rahasia) ada 300 bom sejenis telah dihasilkan, entah sudah disusupkan ke Uni
Soviet atau belum ?

Atomic Demolition Munition (ADM), memiliki karakteristik berbeda dengan bom atom, ADM bukan berbahan baku yang mengandung radioaktif dan tidak meninggalkan radiasi nuklir tapi memiliki daya hancur sekelas nuklir (mini).
ADM seberat 74 Kg setara dengan bom TNT seberat 10 Ton. Dengan bom yang cuma sebesar koper tersebut, dipastikan melumpuhkan sasaran keras seperti gedung-gedung raksasa, bunker-bunker rahasia, gua-gua dalam bahkan kota kecil sekalipun.

Salah satu keistimewaan ADM yaitu memiliki daya kejut/tekan/gelombang perusak yang luar biasa. Kumpulan bangunan beton kualitas nomor satu bisa robek dan remuk kemudian hancur berkeping-keping jika terkena efeknya dan sumber ledakan menghasilkan lubang lebar dan dalam. ADM tidak menimbulkan kobaran api besar seperti bom biasa tapi menghasil efek mirip cendawan yang terjadi dalam ledakan bom Nuklir.

Berat ADM mulai dari 10 kg, 30 kg, hingga 200 kg, tergantung misi yang yang diemban, bisa dikemas sebesar termos, koper atau barang-barang yang tidak besar dan mudah dibawa, sehingga sangat mudah dibawa agen-agen rahasia berpindah-pindah dan picunya menggunakan timer.

ADM secara resmi dihentikan produksinya oleh Amerika Serikat tahun 1988, namun jejak penggunaan ADM yang lebih maju dapat terlihat dari sisa-sisa pertempuran di perang teluk, perang Balkan, perang Afganistan dan saat ini beberapa negara berkemampuan nuklir juga sudah memiliki teknologi ini, mungkin juga orang-orang berjanggut dan bersandal jepit memiliki teknologi ini, seperti yang selalu dituduhkan Amerika pada kaum ini ?


Be wise and don't make any judgment after reading...

Being crazy... last night the four of us cousins entertained Amang Tua & Inang Tua Palu, Inang Uda Un & K' Sondang, at Marinara Seafood - All you can eat at Sarinah Thamrin. The food was not that good, but I really love our conversation last night. We even exchanging HP numbers with Amang Tua! =p And.... we decided to go to Bandung tomorrow afterwork!! Woo hoo!!! Now this is what I call a real weekend! So I called Mbak Ita last night and asked if we could stay in her place for one night, and she said yes. Great... and Abang will pick me up again in the office today...

Sunday, October 20, 2002

It's definitely not a good Monday morning for me! It's been too damn hot or teh last 3 days, I couldn't stand it so I drank my drinks with Ice which caused me a real sore thriat this morning! Plus, masuk angin gara2 pake kipas angin melulu... Pokoknya pagi ini I woke up with a dizzy head and a cold body.

When IK arrived in the office, mulai deh ngomel2 soal kerjaan gue yang belon selesai.. padahal emang masih input data terutama untuk 2002 Bookkeeping, jadi tambah nggak enak, plus males makan pula...

Last Friday night was OK though we finally didn't go to Mal TA because of the traffic jam. We went to PS instead, I bought a swimsuit, Lavender & Memphis Belle VCDs. Ette bought "Angel Hou". Oh, Abang Onky twisted his ankle so Echa had to take him to Haji Naim to be massaged. On Saturday I went swimming with the kiddies and Aci until 4.15. I went to church wearing the pink blouse Lila made for me and the white high heeled sandal I wore on.. I dare say that I did look prettyy good in it! (^_^) After the service we went to Pizza Hut Fatmawati (Me, Mom, Echa, K' Refny. Abang Onky & Bita). We made a lot of jokes on Bita while there. The funny thing is, she thought Abang Onky was blushing and pretending not to know her while she's in the youth service... GR banget deh tu anak!! Jelas aja malah bikin dia makin di ledekkin sama kita2 sepanjang makan malam....

And yesterday I stayed at home until 4pm. Then mom drove me to church, gue kan tugas singer tuh sekalian lat. choir. After the service I went by taxi to Duren Tiga, Oma just got there from Bali. Nggak lama disana, karena Oma juga udah tidur sih. Pulagnya langsung terkapar dan tidur sampe pagi!


Friday, October 18, 2002

Akhirnya kemaren cuma sempet post 1 blog doang...

I am very sleepy through the day... Last night there's another family gathering... Full of 'curhat' & crying but ended up with an argue between Bitha & his dad (>_<). Anyway, people are completely left my house at 11.45pm so I went to bed just a few minutes before 1am after shower, etc. I woke up late this morning and rushed to the office before IK sms me...

And then there's this profit sharing stuff with iBasis which made IK went over the roof... We had a discussion about this from 10 to 12pm.. So, I really want to have a good time tonight. Ette and I are planning to go Mal Taman Anggrek to find some fresh stuff...he... Okke: I really wish you were here... Tapi gue mau ke Bandung lho minggu depan, Ette, ikut yuk!! I'll be going with my cousins (which you already knew) and we're going to stay at my ex-PT Anak's friend...

Sudahlah... BT sekale karena sepertinya gue mau flu lagi, padahal cuma minum sirup dingin doang tadi malem... BTW, I have to get a nice swimsuit tonight cause I'm going swimming again tomorrow at Jati Bening and seems like there's gonna be more swimming ahead.. v(^_^)v Eh, but if I really caught cold, berarti gue bisa minum teh Cina yang (katanya) buat flu itu ya?? Praktek dooongg....



Wednesday, October 16, 2002

Karena satu dan lain hal, I forgot to post my blog yesterday... So I guess there'll be 2 blogs that I post today.. here goes the yesterday's...

Waaah… hari ini di kantor sepi sekali… Karena Nina & Emir ikut seminar Telkom di Bidakara sampe sore…. I supposed to go too but since there’s no one in the office and Pak Andre is in a bad mood due to his computer’s problem (again); I’m staying until lunch time then go after them just for the lunch… I can’t leave the office until evening man! Just in case Pak Inghie call….

And I’m having a major privacy problem with the staying of my cousin Tabitha in my room… Boy, it’s been a week and she doesn’t seem to have any intention to return to her home! Not that I don’t care about her or anything, but I don’t have a big room and she’s the kind of person who doesn’t seem to care if she’s in someone else’s house that she just keeps doing her stuff in my room! I can’t even watch or hear anything that I like without hearing her comments! And she’s one messy girl!! I already told my mom that if I still she her face in my room again after the family gathering on Thursday, like it or not, I’m the one who’s going to tell her to take a hike!!

Oh, there’s something funny last night… Abang Onky picked me up in the office with K’ Refny. Echa came along because he prefer to be in church than go home and see Bita again (^_^), though he has nothing to do in church. On our way to church we’re all feeling pretty hungry so after a bit discussion on where to eat, we finally decided to eat at Bakmi Permata (next to Aquarius). There, while dining, we’re all hoping that Bita won’t be in my house again when we got home. We had a little discussion about her and how she has to learn to accept her step mother sooner or later. She can’t keep avoiding her night and day, y’know... After Komsel and meeting, Abang Onky decided to drive Echa & I home. I laughed joyously when we entered my house’s gates & didn’t see the white car. Abang Onky got in the house first… To my horror, he got out laughing very hard saying that mom just told him that Bita just called a few minutes ago saying that she’s returning to our house again!!!! He couldn’t stop laughing seeing Echa and I frowned to mom and asked if she & my dad have talked to her to go home.

Ette: Can you understand my feelings? I mean, I’m trying to accept her existence in my house (my room, more specifically) but her careless act really exaggerate me!! I guess being an only child could turn you into one spoiled bratt!! It's not that I don't love her, I do... but you know since High School and I'm the one who hates being tailed around for most of the time! She messes my magazines, my CDs, and almost everything in my small bedroom…. I MISS MY ROOM!!!! And I guess this is about time to stop talking about her or I’ll get more furious…

OK, the guys in church already arranged another “Great Adventure” rafting trip on Nov. 9. We plan to rent a 52 seat bus because those who already listed their names are doubled than we expected. My mom would probably go too if Tante Lani go… And…. Last night while dining at Bakmi Permata we also planned to go to Bandung together for one night! I’ll try to contact Ita, see if her house I available for us to stay. Ah, seems like there’s so many fun ahead….

Uuugghh, time to go to the Telkom seminar….. ‘Till later and Ciao!! (^_^)

If it weren't for STRESS I'd have no energy at all

Monday, October 14, 2002

Akhirnya kemaren gue lupa juga untuk nerusin blognya…. Anyway, better late than never! First, about the bombing… I’m kinda annoyed watching some Moslem groups made some statements about the possibility of the US have something to do about this to affirm of or country’s connection with the Al Qaeda. I mean, c’mon, this is not about religion or belief, this is about international terrorism! The United States learnt a lot from the WTC bombing and they’re not that idiot to have a revenge by attacking a public space which cost lives of hundreds of people (including theirs, I dare say)!! For you who are Moslems, sorry, once again : this one has nothing to do about religion or anykind, it’s a total terrorism! I’m just trying to pour out what’s on my mind… The only thing that the bomber want is a total devide et empera! (Masih inget: taktik adu domba jaman penjajahan Belanda) We used to think that Bali and Menado were the safest places and now the bombing in Bali took lives much more than we could ever imagine before. But no matter how hard we argue to each other about this, there is one thing for sure, GOD HAS A PLAN FOR OUR COUNTRY. And it’s our duty as believers to pray for the nations. I don’t bring my English Bible with me, but I have one in Indonesian and here’s what I’d like to share:

Yeremia 29 : 7 (Jeremiah 29 v. 7)>“Usahakanlah kesejahteraan kota ke mana kamu aku buang, dan berdoalah untuk kota itu kepada Tuhan, sebab kesejahteraannya adalah kesejahteraanmu.”

Yeremia 29 : 11-14 (Jeremiah 29 v. 11-14)
“Sebab Aku ini mengetahui rancangan-rancangan apa yang ada pada-Ku mengenai kamu, demikianlah firman Tuhan, yaitu rancangan damai sejahtera dan bukan rancangan kecelakaan, untuk memberikan kepadamu hari depan yang penuh harapan. Dan apabila kamu berseru dan datang untuk berdoa kepadaKu, maka Aku akan mendengarkan kamu; apabila kamu mencari Aku, kamu akan menemukan Aku; apabila kamu menanyakan Aku dengan segenap hati, aku akan memberi kamu menemukan Aku, demikianlah firman Tuhan, dan Aku akan memulihkan keadaanmu dan akan mengumpulkan kamu dari antara segala bangsa dan dari segala tempat ke mana kamu telah Kucerai-beraikan, demikianlah firman Tuhan, dan Aku akan mengembalikan kamu ke tempat yang dari mana Aku telah membuang kamu.”

I’m not playing Messiah here… just saying what’s across my mind. In fact, all this make me want to spend time more with God than being out there. The Scripture says that He will come like a thief in the night for those who doesn’t watch out and be prepared for His coming. And I want to be close to Him when He’s coming to get me. Like the Scripture that we read in our praying session last night :

I Timotius 4 : 8 & 13 (I Timothy 4 v. 8 & 13)
“Latihan badani terbatas gunanya, tetapi ibadah itu berguna dalam segala hal karena mengandung janji, baik untuk hidup ini maupun untuk hidup yang akan dating. Sementara itu, sampai aku datang bertekunlah dalam membaca Kitab-kitab Suci, dalam membangun dan mengajar.”

So… I guess there’s no reason why we shouldn’t be reading the Bible and pray to Him from time to time. Well, guess I said it…..

OK, now let’s move to the second topic…. About my relationship with my cousins… Don’t you find it strange sometimes that the people you thought would be there for you for the rest of your life just disappeared somewhere between the lines; and those you thought you’d never want to spend 2 hours with suddenly beside you when you need someone to talk to? This is what happens to me now…. Since I was in Elementary School until the first year of works, I’d always been tailing Pillon around. From going to his school’s fair, to hearing the same kind of music. He heard Kylie Minogue, I’d try to find the tape; he listened to Metallica, I’d play the “Kill ‘Em All” tape he gave me as a birthday present day and night (though I loathed the music) and many more funny stories I shared with him. Even when he first dated K’ Carol, he called me in the office and sometimes went out together with them. Then he worked for Lilo when everything’s changed… He’s so deep into this “recording” stuff and we lost track of what, when, where, and only said a short “hello” now when we meet in church. It’s so sad…. Despite that me and K’ Carol became good friends now, I lost the old “Abang Pillon” I used to know. The one who would never be ashamed carrying me around and introduced me as his little sister to his friends… Huh, I really miss those moments (T_T).

And now with Abang Onky… Geesh… when we’re in high school, he wouldn’t even say hi to me when we met in school (we’re in the same high school though he’s a year above me). But now that we’re together in the youth ministry… He never stops calling just to check of my whereabouts. We could share stories and had a long talk when we’re together. And he likes to spend more time at my house now! Well, people do changed and I’m not saying that I don’t like the changes I’m going through right now, I just wish that we’re all could live happily ever after… He..he… (Ette, kok gue jadi curhat gini?) Ya sudahlah….. Works are waiting……

“Experience is a wonderful thing. It enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again.”

Sunday, October 13, 2002

OK, OK, before I say anything about the bombing and all, I want to write down everything that has happened to me since the time before the wedding… which I think pretty important for some people to know why I have a sore throat, flu and a bit of headache right now… (>_<)

Last Wednesday night we had a Gladi Resik for the Holy Matrimony until about 9pm. Unluckily, IK asked me to come in halfday in Thursday morning to talk about the accounting stuff, what’re going to do with the taxation. So I drove Kakak’s Kijang to office early in the morning, I had some of the format fixed then we had the meeting until 11.30am. But I couldn’t leave until I fix some stuff so I finally be able to leave the office at 12.30pm. I rushed to Krisna to get my hair set (beautifully!) and make-up (naturally! Thanks to Mbak Siti…) then went to Dharmawangsa for the Kebaya. Everybody’s already there actually, including the 2 girls from Pasar Rebo. We left Dharmawangsa at 3.30pm and really, I had a major problem driving the Kijang in Kebaya!!! Mau naik ke mobilnya aja susaaahh…..

Sampe’ di gereja, kembali terjadi kehebohan karena pengantinnya telat! Kena macet di Sudirman, plus sarung tangan ketinggalan dan yang lebih bikin BT, Alkitab buat kenang-kenangannya dibawa sama pengerjanya yang belum dateng juga!! So, akhirnya Echa & Bang Rudy rushed panicky to BP to buy the Wedding Bible! When the Holy Matrimony finally over, I have to rushed with the musicians too to get the piano to the Reception Hall in Patra Jasa. This time, I’m with Abang Onky and Hendry honey drove the Kijang. No surprise, the reception started late too. And when it’s finally over, it’s already 9.30pm. So we took a quick dinner and packed the piano and amplifiers back in the car. Then I have to drove them back to church, then to K’ El’s… I was the last one arrive at the apartment at 11.00pm (and still in Kebaya!!). After shower and all, I was so hungry so I cooked myself an Indomie pake kornet… And we decide to count the “angpao” tomorrow morning. At 12.30pm we all girls (Me, Ita, Sarah, Tabitha & K’ Refny – the Tobing girls) were chatting sleepily in front of the TV when the phone rang, and actually it’s from Ita’s boyfriend. Dan dengan manisnya anak itu ngorbrol sama cowoknya sampe jam 2 lewat sementara everybody sudah pergi tidur dari jam 1!!! Just in case you people are wondering why I patiently waited for her to finish talking with her bf… The phone was located beside the sofa… the place where I supposed to sleep!!!! And how on earth could I sleep beside a girl who’s talking so romantically with her bf like there’s no one else in the room! But she finally got the message when I turned off the TV and all the lights!!

Friday morning, everybody woke up early dan sepertinya tidak mengerti kalo gue baru tidur jam 2.30 pagi. I thought I could take nap in the afternoon or somethin’ tapi ternyata siang2 kita musti ngitung angpao b’3 (K’ Refny & Ita udah pergi kerja). Then my mom & Echa’s came. T’rus Abang Onky… Dan akhirnya kita janjian sama K’ El & K’ Car untuk berenang nanti siang sambil bawa Chloe… Akhirnya kita baru berenang sekitar jam 2.30pm, t’rus Chloe dateng sama her parents.. Mulai seru deh, kita main perosotan & makan sandwich, plus kita rekam norak2 nya kita pake handycam… Pokoknya kampungan banget deh! Kita berenang sampe sekitar jam 5 sore… I started to sneeze and cough by then. We left the apartment at 6.30pm and went straight to church (soalnya gue mau latian untuk kebaktian pemuda). Pulang gereja dah jam 9.30pm trus balikin mobil sambil nunggu Kakak pulang. Waktu kakak pulang ternyata katanya Abang mau dateng… ya udah sekalian nungguin abang deh, baru pulang, sampe rumah udah jam 11.30pm.
Saturday morning, I woke up a bit late, at about 8.30am but then I have to take Bita home because she didn’t want to be home when her dad come home with his new wife… (Ette, if you wanna know the truth, my uncle was marrying a girl that is 2 years younger that his daughter, which means that she’s younger than all of us the nieces! Can you imagine how weird it is that we should call her auntie? Finally, after hearing that even her younger siblings call her by name, we decided just to call her by name too!!)… Dan setelah segala kemacetan di Bekasi dan lain2nya, akhirnya sampe gereja jam 3.30. baru mau istirahat, Alfrits udah ngetok pintu to remind me of the bulletin meeting! So I gave up… I took a shower and got ready for the service in the 2nd floor. After the service I went straight home to sleep earlier because I’ll be on duty again in the next day for the 9.30am service.

Sunday…. To make thing short…. Abis kebaktian gue langsung terkapar dengan flu dan demam sampe malem! Dan seharian gue akhirnya gue nonton TV dengan mata perih dan kepala pusing karena flu, and I kept sneezing all day… and Ette, truthfully saat itu gue langsung inget mama & papa waktu nonton Metro TV, tapi nggak sanggup untuk ngangkat telpon!! Bener2 tumbang…. And when my mom got home, gue disuruh makan yang banyak dan minum obat, trus tidur lagi dan baru bangun tadi pagi jam 8, feeling much better than yesterday but still with a bit headache and flu…

Yah… kayaknya gue musti lajnutin blognya nanti siang lagi neeeh…... Soalnya mustiu ngerjain yang lain lagi…..

To be continued…..

Wednesday, October 09, 2002

Horeeee!!!! Finally Okke managed to fix my blog… Thanks Ke!!
Ok, so I guess I’ve missed a few months behind and truthfully I don’t have any intention to go back to those grueling moments of work.. (Ette, you know exactly what I mean, right??).. Not that I don’t have that much work anymore right now, but really I’m beginning to feel like I need more than 24 hours a day! (@_@)
First of all, I finally found out that accounting is not just about numbers. It is about understanding the process. As long as you understand the process and what belongs to which, there is nothing you cannot reconcile. It’s all based on logic. And the more IK yells on me about it, the more I learn about it from him. Not that I like being told an idiot, it’s just that I really really learn a lot from his “speech” and “experience” as a consultant. He..he.. Enough about accounting, I’m still stranded somewhere in middle of it.. Not fun, really!

Oh, I don’t have much time to watch VCDs either lately!! I went to bed late and I woke up hesitantly every morning… Agak2 susah tidur deh sekarang… Kebayang aja ada kerjaan yang numpuk dan belum selesai, takut dapet “siraman rohani” dari babe... Uhuk..uhuk… padahal lagi pengen nonton MG lagi… pokoknya nggak bosen deh sama serial itu! Waktu itu sih sempet dipinjemin “Kiss of The Toast” sama Ette, and I think that movie’s kinda fun too… Yah, lebih lucu dan tidak terlalu “grown-up story” kayak MG, ada juga sih sad partsnya, even sadder than MG, but the rest is okay, jadi pengen beli juga.. Eh, I’ve bought the 2nd KoTT infact! Tapi sebel… karena ternyata belon abiiissss…. Jadi nyangkut di tengah2!

Last week I got SHINWA’s PERFECT MAN from Donny (thanks Don!). And after I listened to it a couple of time, I think they’re okay though I’m not familiar with the language… Ciee… Sok familiar sekale sama bhs Mandarin!! Tapi bener deh… Gw niat banget belajar bhs Mandarin… Pokoknya gw harus bisa!!! Wo chue ting! Ette… when’s your friend available to teach us?? I’m excited already.. And I’m still crazy about Jay Chou! Masih belon bosen denger FANTASY PLUSnya.. Especially Ke Ai Nu Ren (trans: That Loveable Woman) and Long Cuen Fung (trans: Tornado).. Ahh, bener2 OK! Sorry Te, I’ve heard that David Tao tapi belon tergerak untuk mencintainya! (^_^) Wo cen te siwan Chou Jie Lun!!

Entah kenapa, tapi hari ini gw teringat akan lagunya The Moffatts yang satu ini:


Isn't it funny
How time seems to slip away so fast
One minute you’re happy, the other you’re sad
But if you give me one more chance
To show my love for you is true
I'll stand by your side, your whole life through

If life is so short, why won't you let me love you
Before we run out of time
If love is so strong, why won't you take the chance
Before our time has gone
If life is so short, if life is so short

Love is a word that explains
How I feel for you
And when your in my arms
All my dreams come true
And when your not around
You can't hardly see
These tears that I'm crying out
Now, are for you to be with me

Mmmh… maybe because I’m kinda running out of time & really feel that Life Is Too Short.. So… Marilah kita manfaatkan waktu hidup kita yang singkat ini sebaik-baiknya!! (^_^)
Anyway… I supposed to take 2 days leave starting tomoroow (for my uncle’s wedding), but actually Pak Wahono can not make it for the meeting with IK today so tomorrow I have to come to have the meeting then I can go. Huh… I still have to finish the “Buku Acara” for the Holy Matrimony & tonight we’re have a GR… God helps, I’m starting to have sore throat & a bit flu! Another thing that worries me is that since last month I’ve been getting 2 periods in amonth! Well, the later one ya cuma begitu aja, tapi kok sekarang begitu juga… Kayaknya kalo gue agak2 stress or tired sekarang begitu deh…

Sudahlah, I still have heaps to do… Catcha’ all later!!! Ciao…….