Friday, we had our 1st Komsel Gathering in church, not everyone could come but at least there were 7 of us which I think a good start for our group. Alfrits cancelled Foteinos meeting (again), huh, we missed another issue again this month (+_+)! We do need some more people to get this bulletin stuff going… I think I’ve been involved in too many kind of services and it’s about time to give the opportunity to the others. Mmmh, what would be the best subject to bring for next month’s issue?? Maybe priorities, as we are discussing much of it lately with the lack of commitment in the youth ministry’s servers… Yeah, I think it’ll be good to bring up the subject. So that’s that, “Priorities and Commitment”.
I still can’t sleep at night thinking about the HKM stuff that the notary was striving with. I can imagine how furious IK would be and no matter who made the mistake, the blame would still be on me!! I know it. I just wish I won’t be in the office when the letter come. God, help me, it’s not my mistake but why do I have to carry the burden in my shoulders?? Sediiih…. (T_T)
Abang & Kakak were staying at our place on Friday night and in Saturday morning we went to Wisma Pantekosta to help Uda Pendeta setting up administration & accounting procedure for the new Sekolah Tinggi Theologi Pantekosta Jakarta. Ternyata… disana juga lagi ada Rakorda Majelis Pusat... jadilah kita bertemu & berbasa-basi dengan Pendeta2 yang kita kenal itu. Luckily, I could confirmed Oom Lewi Sulu to speak at our service in August’s 3rd & 4th week (for a discussion). We went to home at around 2 something.. I just took a quick shower and when mom came kakak & I went to Krisna… Cuma cuci rambut aja, nggak sempet ngelurusin…. Dari sana langsung ke gereja deh, eh, ternyata lagi-lagi I have to operate the laptop & in-focus. Pokoknya malam itu gue capek banget dan sampe rumah nonton TV sebentar dan langsung tidur, mempersiapkan diri untuk kebaktian jam 10 dan jalan-jalan ke Kota hari Minggu!! (^_^)
Sunday morning, I woke up a bit reluctantly… But I had to go anyway. So after the service I met Ette at BP and we had lunch at Pizza Hut before “the gang” picked us up. Uh, we didn’t get the chance to take pictures together… Ette, we should do it next time we meet, I promise!
Pertama-tama yang pasti kita berdua ke My Idol Shop di Gajah Mada Plaza sementara yang lain nunggu di mobil aja. Aaahh, bener-bener BT deh ke tempat itu, karena barangnya bagus-bagus tapi uangnya nggak banyak! He..he.. Ette bought Ambrose Hui’s A1 album (finally) and I bought Z Chen ‘s May I love You? and also Lee Hom’s pictures! Aaah… gantengnya orang itu… Ada juga sih CDnya 4 In Love, tapi mahal sekitar 160 ribuan deh. They have mostly pictures, books & posters… Film-filmya juga banyak tapi kayaknya original semua, nggak ada English sub-title nya, nggak ngerti dong…. But it makes me desired to learn Mandarin even more!! Ette… kapan nih kita mau les???
Dari sana kita ke Kota, makan dulu… t’rus baru deh berburu film, dll… Ette & I bought Lilo & Stitch’s CD and movie, Ette also bought F4’s concert VCD.. Kita pulang udah sore dan capek banget… Kita nganterin Ette dulu sebelum pulang dan sampe rumah gue langsung mandi, nyalain computer dan puter CDnya Z Chen… Why did I turn on the computer on Sunday night? Karena gue dengan bodohnya mengira Ette ngasih lanjutan fanficnya di disket padahal yang dia mau tunjukkin ke gue itu gambar-gambarnya F4 lagi promosiin Lilo & Stitch! Akhirnya dengan putus asanya gue merangkai Puzzle Wiinie The Pooh yang baru gue beli hari Jumat siang sambil mengulang-ulang CDnya Z Chen yang ternyata lagunya bagus-bagus!! Udah agak maleman pingin nonton Secret Tears, tapi akhirnya Cuma ketonton 1 CD karena keburu ngantuk dan tertidur dengan (lagi-lagi) diiringi Z Chen!! (^_^)
Pagi ini gue bangun agak lebih cepat (surprise!!) dan orang pertama yang sampe kantor (sebelum Iwan tentunya)! Jarang-jarang nih… And until now I’m still doing reconciliation for the rest of 2001’s book. Lelah……. Untungnya ntar sore Si Jelek mau jemput, HORE!!!